10 things for which you hate other girls

In our world, unfortunately, too many negative emotions, and one of them - hatred. It does not have to be overt aggression, but the people around you may perceive your persona unfriendly, and often it is not just a matter of taste, and the influence of certain factors. We decided to deal with the fact that it makes people hate, and for what services she can become an enemy to the other girls.

1. Beauty

10 things for which you hate other girls

Beauty - the main source of envy of others, as we are all dependent on other people's opinions, even if those around do not represent value for us. If you are beautiful, charming and know how to attract the attention of the male audience in the company, then be prepared for the fact that other women do not differ confidence and adequate representation of the relationship of people will hate you, even though, no matter how good, responsive and wonderful you may be. Of course, it is much smarter to learn from the good examples of others and absorb the objective merits, but envy and rivalry blind common sense. Therefore, if a team you do not like, you can be comforted by the fact that you're really good and makes others to doubt yourself.

2. Intelligence

Be smart - it's wonderful. Everyone likes to communicate with intelligent people, and guys like it or not, attract smart girls more stupid, though sometimes they say the opposite. But if you are so clever that people around you start to climb in Google to have at least some grasp of your story idea or begin to feel that your mind you're trying to crush all around, hatred or irritation - a natural reaction. It is worth to be careful, especially if you hang out in the women's team. It is not necessary to correct other people or give them advice if nobody asked for them you do not need in any way to focus on what you're smart. Make discontented face if you lack the intellectual depth of a company and should not be, because a lot of people just like to have fun. It is easier or better to choose a circle.

3. Diligence

Whether you're a mother of many children who have time to cook a delicious meal of organic products grown in their own garden or businesswoman who perform all tasks quickly and efficiently, people still find, for which you condemn. In the women's company is rare to find pride in the sisters, but the competition rife. Especially if you rotate in a circle of women who are content with a minimum of banal successes and joys of life, you will always be perceived as annoying figure, constantly reminding them of what they could not achieve.

4. Gossip

Despite the fact that most people are prone to scandal-mongering, gossips themselves nobody likes. This pattern of behavior - it is an opportunity to be realized at the expense of humiliation or denigration of others, and usually behind their backs. Try not to engage in such discussions, otherwise you risk to remain forever among the gossips who do not like because they do not represent anything of value, and only do what they talk about others. Appreciate your time and man have respect for themselves and others.

5. Confidence

10 things for which you hate other girls

Confidence - a quality that is very difficult to educate yourself, and even if they succeed, it could break the internal balance anything. That's why people are so acutely perceive the presence or absence of confidence in the other. If you wonder why other women perceive you as an enemy and not seek to be revealed in the conversation, fear or even shunned dialogue with you, then maybe the fact that you are sure of yourself and do not forget to show it to others.

6. The caller Clothing

For some women, high heels - it is almost the same as the mini skirt paired with tights in a grid, worn to show everyone how you're sexy and available. Especially when your surrounded by women do not wear high heels, but prefer a flat sole and sports shoes, such a garment you can cause resentment. It's simple: people have the impression that the appearance you want to impress others. The fact that someone can not wear high heels or dress defiant, talks about their insecurities and tunnel vision, but your common sense can not understand, as people sometimes aggressive mood towards those who are different from them.

7. Weight

No matter how much you weigh, more full of girls may look at you with envy, seeing your figure like something, then they never will. Instead of taking care of yourself, to improve and to love your body for what it is, they will secretly love you, because you are slimmer. In some cases, you can even watch the opposite effect: you are making fun of the fact that you are more beautiful or tightened.

8. A strong personality

Strong women always have their own opinions on everything that happens, they are easy to confuse, frighten or offend. They are confident and know exactly what to do. They do not depend on other people's opinions, do not pursue the universal adoration, do not compete with others in beauty, success and recognition.

They just do what they like, and always able to fend for themselves. However, they have all the good qualities, with them it is always interesting to spend time, and life around them - it's a real challenge. Well, as these do not hate?

9. The rivalry

You know this type of girls who always have to be right, eager to win in everything, to prove that they are worthy of recognition and attention? They always take the initiative, climb wherever possible, and thanks to his competitive spirit become the center of attention. This type of women are also very vulnerable, because they do not know how to lose and make mistakes. If you're one of them, then know this: maybe you cause more annoyance than respect, and you feel like saying: "Calm down."

10. The arrogance of

The higher your opinion about itself, the happier and richer you are, the further you are from the real world of real people. You may hate you for your arrogance, because no one likes to be with a man who thinks he is better than others. If arrogant people manage to hide the external manifestations of "a better life" like expensive things, the arrogance in behavior is very difficult to eliminate. Until then, until one day you do not break it on the opinion of someone who really will be better than you.