How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

Recently, more and more young men and women stand on roller skates and famously cut through the streets and parks of the city. This is primarily due to the fact that the availability of this type of sports training is high and cash costs are minimal. In addition, the current government of most major cities and not trying to build a specialized track for the possibility of riding on roller skates. According to health workers, the movement on the rollers in their load on the muscle corset is roughly comparable to a run. Moreover, when making cross-country movements of the risk and the possibility of some joint injuries are relatively longer than when riding on roller skates. In the latter case, the movements are soft and smooth, the pressure on the joints and ligaments with virtually no turns. There is, of course, the danger of a serious fall at high speed, but in order to prevent this kind of trouble you need to properly and safely learn to ride and mandatory use of protective equipment. To understand how to learn how to roller skate, you must have some knowledge and explore some of the specialized literature.

Preparation for the first skiing

Before you put on the rollers, it is necessary to do a little warm-up of the lower extremities. This will speed up blood flow to the feet and thus will warm up the muscles.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

As an exercise for the purpose well suited squats. He sat down about ten times, it is possible to put on the rollers on the legs. It should be remembered that skating should sit tight on the leg, the free movement of the foot inside the roller unacceptable. Once you have safely zastegnete rollers can get on their feet and some time just to stand up. This must be done in order to make you a little insight into how to keep the balance. By learning exactly stand on two feet, you can try to lift one leg and hold the balance, to stand in this position for a while, then change legs.

The first steps on roller skates

In order to make it clear to how to roller skate, you need to initially develop a convenient stand for themselves while driving. To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend at the knees, and the body's center of gravity has shifted forward. After that you can try to make a start.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

If you are thinking how to learn to roller skate for a couple of days, it is almost impossible. This issue must be taken seriously, and at the initial stage skating, always wear a safety helmet on his head, and knee and elbow pads. The use of such protective measures not only save you from injury, but also give your unfettered movement, and fear of a new kind of movement falling by the wayside. At first walk on roller skates must be at a low speed, the main goal is for you to be the value of distance traveled.

good place to start skating

Most novice skaters are wondering about where to roller skate. For these purposes, it is best to fit a small flat area with a smooth surface. The presence of any slopes unacceptable. You should begin with the straight-line riding at low speed.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

The town square or a small street with a smooth asphalt surface is ideal for such activities. On how you will pick the right place to learn how to roller skate, may depend on how quickly you can master the basics of skating technique.

Proper braking - basic riding a roller

The most important thing when driving on roller skates for beginners and for experienced athletes - it's timely and quality execution of deceleration. For the novice and inexperienced scooter is important to calculate in advance the approximate trajectory and plan routes so that at the end of the journey was the opportunity for something to hold on and not fall. It is also the end point of your first route can be any obstacle, such as a wall or stair railings. If it is possible and necessary, in the first day of training is necessary to attract an experienced professional who knows how to teach rollerblading novice. With it will be easier to stop, and his support will help mentally prepare.

The nuances of girls learning to ride on roller skates

It is believed that the girl roller-skating is not very good. This is wrong on all counts. Any new scooter, regardless of gender, are equally awkward when riding on roller skates.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

further training success will depend only on the aspirations and efforts of the student. But in the period of the very first studies, many women can not relax properly and without fear to perform the necessary movements on roller skates. It is important to help the girl to gain confidence, and at the first training show how to roller skate.

Learning to ride a roller-child

The best option for the teaching skating on roller skates child is a special school, where experienced trainers work. From the very beginning of training precisely follow-established procedures and quickly develop a child the necessary skills and skates management agility.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

But if you want to do to teach your child to ride on rollers, it can also be done. When buying children's roller skates is necessary precisely to ensure that the child they are at the time, never too tight and not pushing. If a child is uncomfortable in them, then it can quickly dropped the idea. At first let your child get used to the rollers. Let him make the first steps on the grass or dirt road, it is not suitable for fast skating and abrasions if possible drop will be minimal. In the children's rack on roller skates little different from an adult is not present. Also, the knees should be bent and the body tilted slightly forward. The heels should be together, and rollers socks always be pointing in different directions, wide-leg should not be set. When you see that your child moves in roller skates on the grass become confident, you can move on to training on hard surfaces.

Exercise "Ridge course"

After some time a novice skater learned to stand and walk with confidence on the rollers, and also acquired some skills of emergency braking, you can proceed to more serious training and to increase the speed of movement. We get up on a solid asphalt or concrete surface and learn to roller skate ridge course. To do this, place the feet shoulder-width apart, toes and skates a little push.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

After repulsion right leg should go ahead and to the right and left back. Then vice versa. It is important to remember that contact with the surface should take place at all wheels when driving foot forward separate clip is not necessary from the ground. This type of movement on roller skates is the most popular, and it will help the beginner to feel the balance when driving on one leg. For the first time, you will be a little hard to understand, how to learn to roller skate ridge course, but later you need more to get an idea of ​​the skills of driving.

Roller Riding backwards

After vychetko and confidently began to move forward on the rollers, you can start learning to ride in reverse. To do this, you first need to remember that in any driving need to look at the direction in which we are moving. At the same time learn to roller skate backwards, and constantly looking over his shoulder, where we're going. This rule helps you to avoid the absurd collision and protect against fall, not only you but also others.

How to learn to roller skate right. How to teach your child to ride on rollers

For the stable and confident riding with one foot always keep a little ahead of the other and your knees bent. Wear protective ammunition, do not neglect it, and the number of injuries will be minimal. To train ride back on the rollers would be nice to be in front of a building or structure, which can initially push to get the pulse of the movement. Until you come to a certain skill drive in reverse, do not try to turn sharply when driving forward for the ride back. At first, it is fraught with falls.

The ride on rollers on wet or sandy surface

Beginner skater in any case it is impossible to learn to ride on roller skates on the wet asphalt. Wet the surface adequately has no need for sustainable engagement with the roller wheels. Therefore, training should begin in good weather on a flat, dry surface. Riding on the sand or stones are not only dangerous for the beginner skater, and can also lead to a fall and injury, even an experienced rider. In addition, when traveling on sandy surfaces in the roller bearing assemblies fall fine particles of sand, and this leads to the destruction and the failure of the wheelbase. It is not necessary to ride where there is this kind of interference.

Use of personal protective equipment when riding on roller

Even any experienced skater when moving on roller skates must be equipped with a protective ammunition. And how to learn how to roller skate without protection and not get serious injuries, and can be no question. So before you get up on roller skates, you must get a reliable and convenient helmet and elbow pads and knee pads. Means of protection of the knees and elbows are mostly made of plastic, and is inserted into the damper gasket foam rubber and polyethylene. Such protection is, of course, does not fully ensure a painless drop, but pretty good cushioning impact on the ground.

For the convenience of driving at high speeds and in windy weather, it would be nice to put on goggles to counter the flow of air does not prevent you to make decisions in the management of roller skates.