How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

Since the early 80's one of the top lines in the ranking of sports and entertainment elements takes skate. Today, riding on the board is engaged in every fifth Fans of extreme activities, and all thanks to the virtuosity and a large variation of tricks.

Skate and its origins

Before you learn to ride a skateboard, it is important to know the origins of this sport. Since it extreme, it is very travmoopasen. This sport is in its infancy in the West, even in the distant 1930, when at the peak of popularity was another favorite entertainment for extreme runners all over the world - surfing. The fact that skateboarding came up just "catchers big waves."

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

The original Skate was a long board, similar in size to the surfboard, except that attached to the bottom of the rollers. So ingenious surfers who have not had the opportunity to visit the beaches, replaced currently no waves. Soon, however, it has been observed that such a long board is inconvenient to perform a lot of stunts, and indeed the deck was very unmanageable. Therefore, the closer to the middle of the last century longboard was shortened to a modern skateboard. With it went all the problems of control.

Currently, skateboarding is an official sport, which has its own rules and even a full-fledged international association.

The styles of modern skateboarding

In order to understand how to learn to ride a skateboard, it is recommended to choose for themselves one of the riding style on the board. In fact, between each of them can be made invisible parallel, but over time and with experience it becomes clear that they are all significantly different from each other. Moreover, for each type of equipment must be selected correctly. Thus, the 5 major styles of skate sports:

Fleshlend. This is the perfect style for beginners, which involves riding a skateboard on a flat horizontal surface, such as asphalt. fleshlenda Tricks also performed on this plane. Freestyle. The peak of the popularity of this style was in the early 80s, however, and today, some followers of the "old school" are increasingly turning to him. Here all the tricks are performed both in fleshlende, but only on the same surface.

Park. Horse specially designed ramps. To do this, build entire skate parks. This kind is the most spectacular and difficult to study, because it includes dozens of the most complex elements which obey only after years of training.

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

Street. It is also one of the most popular types of skateboarding among extreme sports enthusiasts, because here all the tricks are performed on all surfaces. Street Boarding is the variational. For street skating and use the stairs, and all kinds of floors and railings, and every thing that only you can ride on a skateboard.

Vert. This style is today forgotten, but one can not forget about it. He invented his legendary team "Z-Boys", which during the drought effectively drove about on an empty pool.

The correct choice of skate

To get started on the path to employment skateboarding you need to think about the purchase of the board, but in this case should be approached very responsibly. Do not pay attention to the beauty, you need to think about how to choose a comfortable deck to subsequently have problems in learning how to ride a skateboard. What is important to pay attention to when buying a board?

Dimensions. According to the width you need to choose skate no more than 10 inches. As practice shows, the newcomers better to take a standard deck with an 8-inch wide. The wider the board, so it is more stable, but proportionally less maneuverability. Along the length of the difference in the difficulty of riding there.

Concave (bend). For novice skaters concave it does not matter. Today, only a few aces Street-boarding are bend the board, so that this element can be left unattended.

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

Suspension. This part has a direct effect on the stiffness control skateboard. An ideal variant is aluminum, on the other hand, steel - stronger but heavier.

wheels (rollers). This is the "exhaustible" resource, as they wear out very quickly. Better to take a hard wheel sizes up to 18 cm. For beginners will be optimal rollers with a diameter of 5, 4 cm.

bearings. is responsible for speed and safety when riding on a skateboard. Here it is necessary to avoid low-quality Chinese bearings.

After buying the board first thing is to think about the selection of shoes. It is not recommended to save. Acquire only in specialty stores, or the probability of injury.

The first riding experience on a skateboard

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

It is important to understand where to start and how to ride a skateboard beginners. Firstly, you must first think about their own protection, that is to buy such basic protective accessories such as elbow and knee pads, as well as protection for the hands. Secondly, before the first maneuvers need to get used to the board. Once the balance on a skateboard will hold more than 5 minutes, you can start first subway ride.

Depending on which leg will be "running", it is important to determine which leg is in front of the deck, and which - "support". It depends on the right-handed or left-handed novice skater. On the first day is not worth much to accelerate and drive through long distances. It is better to focus on achieving a perfect balancing of the board, to understand - what and how. Correctly skateboarding can be learned only after months of hard training.

Turn-riding instruction on a skateboard

Step 1: The first step is to find a flat surface for skating. It is desirable that this place was not crowded and it was away from the machines. Step 2 Finding the right place, you can begin the long-awaited training. Before you learn to ride a skateboard, it is important to achieve the ideal stand and balance on the board. Next, select "running" and "supporting" legs.

Step 3: take the first steps. Do not forget that the supporting foot is ahead of the board, and chassis leads skate in motion and is for reference. To begin to balance can help himself with his hands.

Step 4: skateboard is controlled with both feet, but for beginners is better to start from the front control only. For braking easier to use repellent foot, braked by it on the ground. More experienced skaters slow down the back of the board, but for beginners it is dangerous.

Step 5 To rotate your body to be turned on a skateboard in the right direction, and a little in the direction to push the legs. Important: the harder you press a foot in the direction of rotation, the steeper will be the maneuver. For beginners to start is better to use only case. To continue the movement you need to slightly shake the skate to the side.

Important tips for beginners

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

It is recommended to carefully distribute the load. If skate begins to be filled up in the way, then you need to create a counterbalance to it, body tilted in the opposite direction.

If you fall off the board must be grouped. Protective harness can save from minor injuries.

Before the first steps you need to know in theory how to ride a skateboard, otherwise avoid broken boards and abrasions.

The first impulse should not have been very strong since the board handling drops significantly.

Skating on a ramp in the first months of training to eliminate!

Where can I ride?

Where to learn to ride a skateboard, we have already learned in the subsections above. Now that the first experience is obtained, and the deck is no longer an unexplored area, you can start the first major maneuvers. It is better to go to where skateboarding, ie special areas or parks.

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

If fleshlendu training was successful and horizontal surfaces subdued, you can start skating on a ramp. On the first couple should not be much ekstremalnichat. All comes with experience. It was only after the conquest of the ramp can take the first steps in a straight style that is rolling on the stairs, beams, railings and so on. D.

Two-wheeled skate - a new generation of

2-wheeled board caster board has received the name and came to Europe from the United States. caster board unlike the classic skateboard is not only in the number of wheels, but also in design.

How to learn to ride a skateboard on their own?

caster board is a snowboard hybrid and 4-deck wheel. Therefore, before you ride a two-wheeled skateboard, you need to at least know a little theory of snowboarding. In general, the art of riding on the 2- and 4-wheel coincide boards.

Horse caster board

And now we learn to ride a two-wheeled skateboard. Firstly, it is important to learn how to balance on the bike. Turn desirable nose of the board, since the caster board maneuverability especially sensitive.

Movement of the skate is achieved by alternately changing the center of gravity from heel to toe and from one foot to another.