Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews

More than 35 years ago, well-known in the present lipolitik face was just beginning to be used in medicine. Currently, its main purpose is to get rid of localized fat deposits, but it was originally intended for the treatment of cholesterol plaques located on the eyelids.

It would seem that not too much time has passed after the medicine emerged lipolitiki (face before and after is shown below), but the professionals have made significant changes to the methodology and refine it. Precisely because of this the drug in the present helps to achieve better results.

Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews


Lipolitiki face, the price of which depends on the correction area are natural soy enzymes. They are more often referred to as food additive lecithin, which is present in certain foods. In humans, the substances of this type is capable of producing the liver, which is a necessary element in lipid metabolism and digestion of fat cells.

Lipolitik face not only gets rid of excess fat, but also improves the condition of the skin by the addition of special components. It's worth noting that after entering the human body, soy enzymes cleave only the damaged fat cells. That is why lecithin is added to the lipolitik deoxycholate, be capable of destroying membranes of adipocytes, and then convert the available fat in the emulsion.

Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews


As you know, one of the few reasons why obesity is a significant difference in the amount of lipid synthesis and processes of their own decay. Because of this excess fat is not only retained in the body, but also begins to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels or in the spaces between muscle fibers. It is to deal with such problems lipolitik used for the face. The drug acts in the following areas:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • metabolism improvement;
  • recovery of lipid metabolism;
  • conversion of excess fat into energy.

The main task of the means is the processing of fats in the emulsion, which later will be derived from the human body.

Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews

The course of the procedure in

It called lipolysis process itself, when introduced into the human body lipolitik face. The procedure consists of three basic steps:

  1. The conversation of the doctor and the patient, as well as the primary measurement volumes. The aim of the first phase is to provide the largest possible number of information on the state of health of the patient, contraindications definition and explanation of the essence of the procedure, as well as potential risks.
  2. The introduction of the drug into the subcutaneous fat the required zone to a depth of about 12 mm by means of a thin disposable needles.
  3. Application of the supply and soothing cream.

shortly after the treatment the patient must rest and consume more than 500 ml of water to help stimulate the fat excretion.

Despite the fact that the needle is used as thin as possible, but its introduction under the skin leads to a rather uncomfortable. If the patient insists on anesthesia, the doctor can apply to the areas to be treated anesthetic cream or added to the main drug lidocaine.

Time of the procedure, as a rule, is not more than 15-20 minutes. This depends on the surface to be treated and the desired result. Permission to use from 1 to 3 vials per session.

The spectrum of activity

Lipolitiki make it possible to get rid of excess fat in the following areas of the face:

  • for ever;
  • chin;
  • cheeks.

Often the drug is used to get rid of the second jaw, and in this case it manifests itself as the maximum effective drug.

Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews


As already mentioned above, lipolitiki face used in the event of excess fat, but there are a number of contraindications. If they hide, there may be complications after the procedure. Application lipolitikov prohibited if the patient has:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • bile disease;
  • fever;
  • epilepsy;
  • various types of mental disorders;
  • allergic reaction to any component of the drug;
  • malignant tumors;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes.
Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews

Differences lipolysis by mesotherapy

Lipolysis and mesotherapy are different processes for their own actions, but they are based on only one principle - the injection.

Mesotherapy called procedure, wherein the main objectives are: skin rejuvenation, color alignment, increased elasticity. The needle is inserted to a depth of about 6 mm, as this procedure is superficial.

Lipolytic same procedure is designed to fight cellulite and excess weight. Therefore, the injection depth of insertion of 12 mm (on average).

The leading products

In modern cosmetology, there are different lipolitiki, which differ in composition and performance. Among the most common drugs (price just for funds, corrective facial area):

  1. "Dermastabilon" (about 60 dollars). It consists of dizoksiholat and phosphatidylcholine. drug itself is available in 5 ml ampoules. The distance between the punctures should be more than 10 mm. In one injection will require 0, 2 ml of the preparation, and to perform the procedure must be not more than 1 time in 10 days.
  2. "Revital Tsellyuform" (from 40 to 60 dollars). Complex preparation consists of arnica extract, deoxycholate, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acid complex, phosphatidylcholine and nicotinic acid. Available means in ampoules of 10 ml, and the treatment lasts approximately 5-6 procedures to be carried out at weekly intervals. In most cases there is swelling on the face after lipolitikov. But worry about it not worth it, because it will pass in 3-4 days. Furthermore, mesotherapy lipolitikami face may also be formed by this means.
  3. MPX-lipolytic complex (about 50 dollars). The composition includes the following components: lidocaine, benzopyrone, carnitine, deoxycholate and extractor dandelion. Means produced only in 5 ml ampoules. Distance between injections must be approximately 2 cm, and the depth of penetration into the skin should not exceed 1 cm. In one procedure is required exactly 10 ml.
  4. "Akvaliks" (from 40 to 50 dollars). It consists of polymer, sodium dizoksiholata and galactose. Externally it presents a water-gel solution slightly pink color produced in 8 ml ampoules. Lipolitik very accurately distributed in the subcutaneous tissue, and for maximum effect will require only 2-3 injections. Most often it is used to solve a double chin.
Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews

Side Effects

In fact, he means the process of introducing under the skin malotravmatichen therefore lipolysis is transferred quite easily. But immediately after the procedure can easily be side effects. Among them:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • mild pain;
  • hematoma;
  • subcutaneous nodules.

to be afraid of them completely not worth it. All these problems are in the first days after the procedure is completed. In order to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, you can regularly apply cool compresses.

Occasionally you may experience more serious complications:

  • allergy;
  • rash;
  • ulcers;
  • fibrosis;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • thrombosis;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • skin necrosis;
  • post-injection bleeding.

It is worth noting that these problems arise only in cases where the patient had contraindications. To prevent these complications, should undergo a full examination and be sure to inform the beautician all existing diseases.

What procedures can be combined

Application lipolitikov can be combined with some other treatments, including:

  • LPG-massage - a method of dealing with fat;
  • pneumomassage - an innovative method of stimulating the improvement of blood circulation and get rid of body fat;
  • thermo - skin rejuvenation.


Undoubtedly, lipolitiki face have only good reviews. Any side effects go just 2-3 days.

Lipolitik face: especially impact, application, indications and reviews

The result of the procedure becomes very clearly visible in a couple of days, which is also like customers. In addition, very good reviews by those who have used complex lipolitiki face. The price of the procedure, oddly enough, happy with all patients, because the result is really corresponds to the cost. People also note the absence of infection that often occurs with other procedures.