Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews

Today, injectable anti-aging treatments are increasingly gaining popularity. Special demand bioreparatsiya. What is it - is described in detail in this article. Of course, there are many ways to rejuvenate, which knows almost every woman. But the most secure, quick-impact and innovation is considered bioreparatsiya. Comments left on the procedure on the Internet, confirmed this fact. So, get acquainted with the method.

Bioreparatsiya: what is it?

This procedure is also called bioremediation skin. It is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis and is produced by injection. Formulations for bioreparatsii administered under the skin (the upper layer), comprise hyaluronic acid necessary to maintain and return of youth, vitamins A, C, E, peptides and amino acids. Why do it? The thing is that with age, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the body is reduced, and it is necessary to fill the space between the fibers on the carcass of our skin, which consist of collagen and elastin. If hyaluronic acid is not sufficient, the skin becomes loose, dry and thin wrinkles begin to appear. It is here that the aid comes bioreparatsiya. What is it, now you know.

bioreparatsii procedure involves not only the introduction of hyaluronic acid, but also the epidermis necessary trace elements and vitamins. Bioreparant located in the layers of the skin for about three weeks, and then begins to break down under the influence of hyaluronidase enzyme.

The advantage of the procedure is that once the substance introduced trigger self-healing processes of the skin. The result of the injection is already visible after the first treatment, getting better every day and lasts for a long time. You really younger eyes!

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews

What to choose - or bioreparatsiyu biorevitalisation?

Techniques focused on one thing - the rejuvenation of the epidermis, and are very similar. The difference is that biorevitalization provides an injection under the skin of hyaluronic acid without further additives. It is stored in layers no more than 72 hours, and then destroyed, and therefore the effect of the short-term, will not last more than three months. For a good result it is necessary to take a course consisting of three injections which are administered at an interval of three weeks. Skin moisturized and only gets a fresh new look.

Bioreparatsiya (before and after photos are available in the article) is really rejuvenate. The procedure helps to naturally synthesize collagen and elastin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and age-related pigmentation, tightens facial contours.

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews

The formulations, their use, advantages and disadvantages of

Bioreparatsiya cosmetic procedure established by Russian cosmetologists. The following drugs are used for injections: "Mezoksantin", "Gialripayer", "Mezovarton". They differ in content additional impurities in hyaluronic acid and applied for different age groups.

In the line of "Gialpripayera" means a great demand at numerals 02, 04, 08. All of them comprise, in addition to hyaluronic acid, proline, cysteine, glutathione, L-carnitine, glycine, lysine, vitamin C, B. These preparations are used for women after 30 years old, they are effective and safe, almost no side effects. They are aimed at whitening, moisturizing, smoothing skin texture and color. They also pull circuit, strengthen the receptacles.

In "Mezovartone" contains a unique peptide that helps to grow and share the stem cells in the skin, helps to restore the fibroblasts. After this preparation bioreparatsii updated and deep layers of epidermis are restored. "Mezovarton" applies to ladies age group 45-65 years. For young patients who are 25 years of age, and they want to slow down the aging, there is a "Mezoksantin". It comprises a plurality of additional components: fucoxanthin, peptides, antioxidants, amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins E, A and C. The drug is aimed at restoring and skin cell renewal, slows their aging.

Pros bioreparatsii:

  • painless;
  • efficiency;
  • lasting results;
  • a wide range of indications for use;
  • no recovery period;
  • the result is available after the first injection.

procedure Cons:

  • costly method;
  • variety of components can overload the body;
  • allergic manifestations.

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews


Before you sign up for the procedure, you must familiarize yourself with indications and contraindications. Let's start with the first:

  1. lowered corners of the mouth and eyelids - age ptosis.
  2. The rash acne.
  3. Couperose (vascular mesh).
  4. hyperkeratosis.
  5. recovery after skin resurfacing and exfoliation.
  6. Wrinkles.
  7. Dry skin and its tone lowered.
  8. Scars.
  9. Photo-aging and prevention.
  10. birthmarks and freckles.


For such a seemingly safe procedure, there are a number of contraindications. If one of them give up this method:

  1. cancer.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Herpes.
  4. The flu or a cold.
  5. Fever.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and others).
  8. Blood disease.

Even if you are not prone to ailments vyshepropisannym not are carrying a baby, it is still before the procedure, consult with a specialist. Better to be safe, but get the desired result without compromising health.

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews


Specific training is required in order to successfully took bioreparatsiya. What is it and what used drugs, can be read in this article. Before the client inspects beautician procedure and on the basis of the skin condition and age of the patient selects a preparation for injection, assigns the number of sessions.

Later anesthetic gel-treated areas of the skin, in order to avoid the slightest pain. The gel is used at least three times and held for half an hour, to the epidermis completely lost sensitivity. After that, the skin is rubbed "Hlorgiksedinom" - disinfectant solution.

Drug at a small angle with a syringe is inserted under the skin massage lines at intervals of 1 to 2 centimeters. The drug is administered as long as the injection site papule is formed small, not more than 2 millimeters in diameter. After injection treated skin soothing agent, which also accelerates the healing wounds. The whole session lasts about thirty minutes.

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews


Within days after bioreparatsii should not use any cleaning agents for the skin cosmetics. For two weeks, in any case do not go outside without sunscreen, refrain from visiting tanning and tanning under the sun. Nor can these two weeks to go in the sauna and bath, do fitness, which causes excessive sweating. Chlorinated pool water and alcohol in the first weeks also contraindicated. Other restrictions no, you can safely go about their business. Beauticians recommend to extend the results to use moisturizing creams and lymphatic drainage daily.

The number of sessions and the effect after the procedure

Depending on the age and condition of the skin, the first course may include three to five sessions, held three weeks. After it has passed the result will last about six months. In the future, beauticians recommend you produce supporting action injection, they will need no more than six per year. After the first session will be visible immediately following changes:

  • mimic wrinkles disappear completely;
  • dark spots become lighter, and some disappear altogether;
  • color and relief of the epidermis will improve;
  • "bags" and "bruising" under the eyes disappear;
  • the skin becomes more supple and healthy, its outline will be tightened considerably.

After two weeks, you will completely transform your skin and rejuvenate their appearance will please you, your friends, loved ones and relatives!

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews

Possible side effects of

If there are no contraindications and after the procedure in compliance with all recommendations for care specialist, the negative consequences will be. Bioreparatsiya - almost completely safe procedure, but like all cosmetics, drugs can cause the following complications:

  • in very rare cases, there may be pain;
  • a small swelling, which quickly descends;
  • are allergic to components of the drug;
  • redness, itching;
  • lung inflammation at the injection site;
  • small bruises, if your skin is too sensitive.

All prescribed effects if they occur, during the first two hours. They disappear after 2-3 days.

Bioreparatsiya: what it is, features, performance, and reviews

The average cost of the procedure

Bioreparatsii price depends on the region (for example, in Moscow one injection costs about 25 thousand. Rubles, and in other cities is much cheaper), and the drug manufacturer. Bioreparatsiya "Gialripayerom" will cost from 10, 5 to 12, 5 thousand. Rubles. "Mezovarton" worth 12, 0 to 13, 5 thousand rubles, and "Mezoksantin." - 9, 0-10, 0 thousand.

Bioreparatsiya: reviews of clients

Many women have experienced the effect of the procedure on himself. Write in their comments to the following comments:

  • good effect, the result can be seen at once, and every day more skin is transformed;
  • The procedure is painless, but too expensive (the price bioreparatsii listed above), not everyone can afford to take more than one course;
  • of the drawbacks noted dolgozazhivayuschie papules after injections;
  • basically at all cost without any side effects.