The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

Hardware cosmetology developed to date rather quickly. Women fell in love with the technology of gas-liquid skin peeling, which has many advantages. What is the procedure to whom it is shown, and whether there are contraindications? All describe below.

The essence of the gas-liquid peeling

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

This process is universal, it can be attributed to the mechanical stress on the skin. During the exposure apparatus to the skin of dead and hardened cells are easily and painlessly removed, giving the opportunity to develop young and healthy. But that's not all. The procedure allows you to quickly and as productively as possible to enter into the skin so necessary for her youth, beauty and health agents. It:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • nutrients.

Reviews of the gas-liquid peeling confirm the effectiveness of the procedure, the effect of which can be seen after the first session.


The fact that the procedure is completely painless, specifically refers to the pluses. The device is the gas-liquid peeling - amazing device created by a group of Israeli scientists. Due to the equipment possible to do without a mechanical peeling device interaction with the patient. Not to be administered anesthesia after administration to the epidermis the special liquid is sprayed by means of nozzles, and not the method of administration of substances into the skin using a needle.

The device, spraying the gas-liquid mixture, gives the substances feature to move quickly, so that the skin cells are sloughed off, healthy moisturize and imbues useful components.

What is the liquid used?

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

The composition of the liquid used for gas-liquid peeling, can be absolutely anything. This can be a classical variant (oxygen + saline) and enhanced composition with addition of various kinds of vitamins, collagen and hyaluronic acid. The gas-liquid peeling, reviews of which are discussed at the end of the publication, and has a thermal exposure system. The temperature of the fine mixture low so marked and analgesic properties. With this nuance in the skin improves blood circulation, veins and arteries come in normal tone.

The advantages of the procedure in

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

The gas-liquid exfoliation of the face and scalp has several advantages over other procedures, similar in effectiveness.

  1. completely excluded from entering the skin of any infections, because the device is not in contact with the patient, but only sprays a special composition.
  2. The procedure is performed without physical intervention, so the skin is left after it burns, scars, scarring, which is typical for other similar operations.
  3. The gas-liquid peeling completely painless, so do not need to enter before a session of anesthesia.
  4. The skin surface is not necessary for the introduction of damaging the vitamins and minerals. Thanks to a special unit all necessary substances penetrate deep into the skin to the surface.
  5. procedures can be performed at any time of the year, from this efficiency will not decrease, and no danger is not healthy.
  6. The rehabilitation period does not exist here, so most people choose this technology.
  7. In their comments on the gas-liquid peeling face people claim that tanning after the procedure goes more smoothly. Contraindications to solarium and a natural tan after a session no.
  8. During the procedure, a small massage effect is achieved.
  9. Due to the natural composition (using the classical solution) exclude an allergic reaction.
  10. The gas-liquid peeling has no age restrictions. both women and men have resorted to the procedure.
  11. The gas-liquid peeling scalp helps get rid of many problems related to hair and skin.
  12. massage depth is adjusted depending on the needs. This may be a superficial influence, lymphatic drainage, middle and deep.

As can be seen from the procedure is really a lot of benefits. But who shows a gas-liquid peeling, and to whom - is contraindicated? Let's start with reading.


The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

If you check for yourself at least one item from the following list, the gas-liquid peeling procedure you recommended, and it will help:

  • premature aging and sagging skin;
  • appearance of wrinkles (shallow and deep enough);
  • stable emerging puffiness of the skin around the eyes;
  • and acne scars after acne;
  • pigmented spots;
  • complexion uneven;
  • seborrhea;
  • cellulite;
  • hair loss and brittle;
  • If there is that the skin is tired.
  • peeling.


Despite the fact that such a peeling a lot of benefits, and people leave good reviews, the procedure has a number of contraindications. From such manipulation is necessary to give up, if you have the following problems:

  • poor circulation in the vessels of the brain;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • infectious diseases of internal organs and skin;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • optic neuritis;
  • eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • herpes;
  • epilepsy;
  • cold intolerance and substances contained in the solution.

Before you enroll in a gas-liquid peeling facial or scalp, you must go through a consultation with a specialist. Can not be ignored contraindications, as even one session can make matters worse.

How is the procedure

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

If the procedure is directed to the skin, the hair is removed under a hat. Depending on the impact force close eye caps to in order to eliminate the possibility of getting into them, and the skin around the material flow.

During the session, the women say only pleasant sensations. It's a cool flow of air that "walks" on the skin. nobody mentioned discomfort.

If the impact of the gas-liquid jet is directed on the scalp, it is felt only a slight chill. Typically, the procedure lasts about forty minutes. You must be at least five sessions, although after the first noticeable improvement in skin and hair.

How long should the procedures, session time

Typically, one session of 25 minutes. But it can vary depending on the problem to be addressed. Depth exposure selects only specialist, and for each individual it.

Already after the first session, if you believe the reviews, you can see a good result, but it has to be secured. The number of procedures is assigned a doctor who carries out peeling. It may be five or more sessions - up to ten. Between the procedures required break - a week.

Recovery procedure

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

The rehabilitation of the skin after peeling-liquid does not need, because on it there is no damage. Immediately after the session, you can go home and deal with the usual chores. Within five days after the procedure is not recommended to use aggressive cosmetic substances - scrub and scrub. However, they are not required, because the skin and so it will be perfectly cleaned and polished.

To fix the result, beauticians prescribe nutrients and moisturizers, which will need to use (optional).

The result of peeling

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

The result depends on the depth of exposure and the composition of the fluid used. Mainly women suffer from the following positive effects:

  • smoothing deep wrinkles, eliminate fine;
  • skin elasticity increases, it becomes more hydrated;
  • scars, scars and acne marks are eliminated;
  • inflammation of the skin heal quickly, there are not new;
  • dark spots visibly lighten;
  • face color is leveled;
  • is eliminated rosacea.

Side Effects

Since the gas-liquid stream stimulates circulation, it causes a surge of lymphatic fluid to the skin surface, then immediately after the treatment can be observed some slight swelling and redness. With this need not do anything, everything will be in one to two hours.

It is extremely rare in women observed side effects are:

  • blisters;
  • itching;
  • for a long time not coming down swelling.

If there was one of the above problems, it is necessary to turn to the beautician, who conducted the peeling session.

The nuances of the procedure

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

In this section, we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions relating to the gas-liquid peeling scalp and face.

  1. The age at which you can begin to make such a peeling - after coming of age. But there are exceptions. The gas-liquid peeling can be done teenagers suffering from acne.
  2. whether manipulation is combined with other cosmetic procedures? The gas-liquid peeling combined with many sessions of rejuvenation, including a superficial chemical peel, hardware and mechanical cleaning of the skin. You can perform the procedure even after the injection rejuvenation, but in this case it is recommended to carry out peeling after an interval of two weeks.
  3. How often can I go to the sessions? Is necessary to maintain a pause between procedures, the time varies from the effects of depth. Surface - in 3-7 days, the median - from a week to two deep - from two to three months between sessions. When the course is passed, the result is stored up to a year with proper skin care.
  4. Price of gas-liquid peeling. The cost of the service depends on the clinic where the session will be held. The average price in Moscow - 3600 rubles for one session.

What made the head peeling skin?

The gas-liquid peeling face: description of the procedure, features and reviews

As has been written before, the gas-liquid peeling can be carried out not only on the face, but also on the head. When is it needed?

  • If you do not grow your hair fall out and break, then the procedure will help to stimulate growth, stop hair loss.
  • Treatment of certain diseases and inflammation of the scalp.
  • Deep cleansing of the scalp at fast zasalivaemosti. If you hair is dirty quickly, it is already a procedure significantly will establish production of subcutaneous fat.
  • For the professional hair care a gas-liquid peeling heads chosen by many women.
  • Elimination of dandruff.


As promised at the end of the article we will publish reviews of women who already have experienced the effects of the gas-liquid peeling. What patients say beauticians? I am glad that the procedure is non-contact, there is no fear of entering a skin infection. In addition, peeling totally painless, it is very pleasant, there is a slight chill and noticeable effect of massage.

Result pleased resistance. Even after the first procedure the skin is "alive", much younger. If you pass all scheduled sessions, it can be a year to forget about the cosmetic (professional and expensive) procedures. We just need to use the tools that advise beauticians.

The procedure is not time consuming, suitable even the most busy people. No rehabilitation period, which is also very nice. No need to give up favorite activities (hiking in the pool, on the beach, in a solarium), limit yourself to food and cosmetics. Immediately after the session, you can continue to lead a normal life.

Bad reviews almost none. And some of the negative comments from the left, as a rule, those women who have been unlucky with the side effects. But they write that the blame only cosmetologist who performed the procedure.