Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

Every woman wants to look good and stay young. For this purpose has been developed a wide variety of cosmetic products and procedures. In the above article, consider what a professional acid peels for the face.

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

What it is

Probably many have heard praise of acid peels for the face. But not all interested in that for this procedure. What is it? Acid peeling is a cosmetic procedure, during which certain acid of different concentrations are used. Much depends on what the impact will be provided to the skin. It differs not only in strength but also in depth. After all, there are several types of acid peels.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts recommend to carry out the procedure under the strict supervision of professional beauticians. After all, if not handled with acids can be burned. It is for this reason that it is not necessary to carry out the acid peel facial at home without expert advice.

As the procedure affects the condition of the skin

How can acts acid peels for the face? Reviews, photos before and after the procedure, do not give an accurate explanation. Therefore, the question is considered in detail. The operating principle of the procedure is to traumatizing tissue by applying a certain burn skin layers. As a result, the body's regenerative processes are activated.

A similar method is at first glance may seem cruel. However, you can restore youth through the procedure. The acid peels can eliminate minor wrinkles, makes skin tones look healthier, and get rid of scars that have arisen as a result of the removal of blackheads or acne.

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

The structure of the skin

To understand how the acid peeling, it is necessary to consider the structure of the skin. What for? Because each substance has an effect on a particular layer of the skin. They affect the fabric with different force. So, the skin consists of three layers:

  1. The epidermis - the top layer. This is where the processes are carried out renovation and development of epithelial cells. In addition, it protects the fabric from the influence of external negative factors. In the epidermis of the active components of various creams and other cosmetic compositions intended for the care of the skin.
  2. The dermis - layer, located under the epidermis. Provided therebetween basal separation membrane. Dermis is composed of a papillary layer and reticular. The first of these is a large part of the collagen fibers. Namely the state of the reticular dermis depends on the condition of the skin.
  3. Hypodermis - fat, or subcutaneous tissue. It is located under the dermis. Hypodermis participates in the processes of thermoregulation of the whole organism. It is here that there is an accumulation of nutrients and water.

As mentioned above, acid peels have an impact on certain layers of the skin. Everything depends on the active components in this product. Therefore, to select drugs for the procedure must cosmetologist. In this case, much depends on the state of the patient's skin covers. Houses acid peels for the face can be carried out using only the funds that have an impact on the outer layer - the epidermis.

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

How profoundly affects

To assess the effect of not so difficult procedure. Just look at the photos before and after the acid peel facial. Reviews for many patients - a compelling argument. In these many indicate that this procedure can get rid of many problems. But again, a lot depends on the depth of the impact of the active ingredients. To get the desired result, it is necessary to calculate the concentration of the substances, as well as to decide on their type. The acid peels can be of several types:

  1. surface. Such acidic peeling face, on responses of patients, carried out using a weak acid. This is indicated by themselves beauticians. The different concentration of active ingredients may be used. Duration of treatment also depends on many factors. All this affects the final result: partially or completely be removed epidermis.
  2. For the middle layers of the skin. In carrying out this procedure is the effect on the epidermis and dermis. As a result, there is a marked rejuvenation. Often retinoic acid or TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is used for such acidic peeling.
  3. Deep. The same procedure should be carried out exclusively in a medical facility. Indeed, such an acid peel is considered surgery. Active ingredients can affect the hypodermis and remove scars formed after acne and acne. Main ingredient composition - phenol.

Now you know the main types of acid peels for the face.

Attention! Put on a highly concentrated acids are strictly prohibited in the home. Such a procedure should only be performed by qualified personnel. Otherwise, you can get a serious chemical burns.

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

Is there a difference?

Judging by the reviews of the acid peel for the face, not everyone understands what is the difference between the active components means. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what components are used for carrying out such a procedure:

  1. The acid fruit - the weakest acids. It is used with mild age-related changes. The component is suitable for use in the home. Most often used for acid peel sugar, cane, mangrove or tartaric acid. Such substances are capable of Back Skin Cover tone, elasticity and firmness.
  2. Almond - the acid used for antibacterial treatment of fabrics. She makes small scars from acne or acne scars virtually invisible.
  3. Salicylic - acid, which can be used by those who have dark skin. Also component suitable for patients suffering from seborrhea, acne and hyperpigmentation.
  4. Lactic - acid, promotes skin rejuvenation. It makes it soft and softer.
  5. Retinoic - Acid, has a pronounced effect and is used in cosmetic clinics. The concentration of the component and the degree of burn depends on the patient's age.
  6. Glycolic - Acid ideal for effects on the upper layer of the skin. Component cleans, removes sebaceous accumulations of mud and plugs, as well as eliminates the spots and rashes. After acid face peels using this substance appears more fresh, rejuvenated.

The type and concentration of the acid and the duration of its effects are selected for each patient individually.

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

Stages procedure

Judging by the reviews, acid peels for the face can get rid of many problems associated with the condition of the skin. It remains to consider the main stages of this procedure:

  1. Purification. On the surface of the skin must be removed remnants of cosmetics, as well as to remove the fat coating. To do this, use tonic without perfumes, dyes and fatty oils.
  2. means for applying. At this stage, the patient's skin is applied to the composition of the peeling, choose individual.
  3. Removal. Some time later (the duration of the procedure is determined by a beautician) to be rinsed peels water. This is not to allow ingress of the composition on the surface of the lips, eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and the mouth.
  4. Use of Nursing resources. After the procedure must be applied to the skin face a special cream designed to protect the tissues from drying out. This will speed the healing process.

Report sequence or neglect rules may cause chemical burn, or to a lack of results.

whether the recovery is required to

Even using acid peels for the face of Israel, it requires a long period of rehabilitation. Its duration depends on the degree of exposure to substances in the tissue. Recovery may take 7-14 days. Much depends on the physiological abilities. Indeed, some skin recovers faster and the regeneration process may take up to 7 days. And someone this period takes longer than two weeks. However, despite this, every patient should observe the following regulations:

  • Use of ointments and creams, capable to accelerate the healing process. This may be a "Solkoseril" or "Bepanten".
  • Complete abandonment of the sauna and bath.
  • tissue protection from accidental injury.
  • Protect from frost.
  • Elimination of aggressive funds to cleanse the skin.

Take care of integuments after the procedure should be exactly the same as after a burn.


This procedure is recommended? Acid peels shows:

  • if seborrheic dermatitis;
  • hyperkeratosis - compaction of the top layer of the skin;
  • the formation of age spots;
  • appearance of scars due to acne and acne;
  • the first signs of wilting.

When to give up

Acid peels - a complicated procedure. Therefore, prior to its implementation is necessary to familiarize with contraindications. The procedure is forbidden:

  • are hypersensitive to any of the components of the composition;
  • for allergies;
  • herpes acute forms;
  • in the presence of keloid scars;
  • during lactation and pregnancy.

Conduct acid peels should only from November to March. During the warmer months this procedure can cause the development of irreversible processes in the skin layers. Therefore, when the sun is active conduct peeling with acid compounds is strictly prohibited.

Hydra Sparkling One-minute Glow Powder Daily Micropeeling

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

The facility was designed by Givenchy. The most interesting thing is that it comes in the form of powder. Its texture resembles a powder. Upon contact with water, it begins to dissolve and become foam pleasant to the touch. Each particle of the powder is a microgranule which includes active components: Hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acid, hydrolyzed protein.

A consumable composition, reviews, economically and suitable for daily use. Such peeling is ideal for sensitive skin. How to use it? It is necessary to pour a little powder on your palm, diluted with water, and then applied to the skin, thus making the massage with your fingertips. After 1 minute means necessary rinse with water. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and shining, and the pores are cleaned of grease and dirt.

The cost of one container with the powder is 2990 rubles.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel

Acid peels for the face: reviews, photos before and after

In the list of the best acid peels for the face includes means Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel. Produces his company Ultraceuticals. its value is 5040 rubles. By itself, the gel is considered to be multi-functional. It can be used to narrow the pores, and to their cleansing and moisturizing for the skin. In the gel includes salicylic and lactic acid. Wherein the means does not contain abrasive particles. When applying felt microspheres which was purified skin, without damaging the appearance of the layer. Peeling does not dry, but gently exfoliates.

It should be noted that it contains glycerol, bisabolol, intended to reduce inflammation, and eucalyptus oil, fine disarming. Suitable gel for all skin types, especially prone to inflammation and to the formation of greasy. To apply such a composition can be 1-4 times in 7 days, but experts recommend to perform the procedure no more than 3 times a week.

Mizon AHA 8% Peeling Serum

This Korean acid peels for the face. It comprises - fruit AHA-acid, glycolic acid, extracts Portulaca, papayas, arnica, sage, yarrow. Serum Peeling helps exfoliate dead skin cells, to align the color, reduce the visible wrinkles, narrow pores and tighten facial contours.