What is peeling? types of peelings

Cleaning procedures for the skin are incredibly popular, and today offers any beauty salon. Confused in the names and the labeling of certain products is not difficult. For example, not everyone knows that is peeling, and this is one of the most popular procedures. And best of all - you can do it today, not only in the cabin, but also on their own at home.

Exfoliation - What is it?

What is peeling? types of peelings

Peeling - a procedure whose purpose is to remove the dead skin particles and various contaminants. There are several ways to accomplish it. Accordingly, the peeling is physical, mechanical, cosmetic and chemical. Depending on the intensity of the action procedure allows to produce a prophylactic cleaning of the skin, or to solve some serious problems, such as getting rid of wrinkles and acne. In the home environment is possible (and recommended) to do only mild superficial peel. Do not use your own professional cosmetics and devices without consultation with a specialist. Do not forget that the peeling can be carried out not only for individuals but also for the whole body or a specific area.

Superficial peels

What is peeling? types of peelings

If you ask what is peeling, the consultants of any cosmetic store will offer you dozens of jars and tubes from different manufacturers. It is about the creams and gels for application to the skin, in which solid particles are present. Instructions for use is simple: a ready means is applied to dry or damp skin, and then the massage. Some funds should be held a short time on the face as a normal mask, followed perform gentle massage and rinse. Face peeling can be performed using the compositions are also prepared at home. If you decide to purchase a ready means of factory production, look for packaging that says "Scrub". Often cosmetics for cleansing the skin and is called - peeling. Specially devised for sensitive skin gommazhi - a special composition, which is applied to the skin, and some time later removed by rolling. Warning: this cleaning procedure is not recommended for aging skin, because it can stimulate the process of losing elasticity.

Chemical Peel

What is peeling? types of peelings

If the skin takes considerable purification and rejuvenation, then you should think about holding a special procedure. Chemical or acidic peeling is carried out by applying to the selected area of ​​the weak fruit acid. When skin is exposed to such superficial burn, stimulates the regeneration process.

  • Warning Chemical peels can be performed only by a qualified beautician, after prior consultation. Selection of a particular composition depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and the existing problems. For the procedure commonly used glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid and fruit acids.

Mechanical peeling

One of the standard procedures offered by many modern beauty centers - mechanical cleaning of the face. Such peeling is carried out using a special apparatus. Nozzle unit consists of several natural brushes that can rotate. When you perform this procedure on the face often called Brossazh. Many salons offer a similar way to clean the skin and body. The procedure is safe for health and usually does not cause discomfort clients. Session recommended duration - 10 minutes, but longer intervals between visits to interior withstand optionally. Mechanical exfoliation is not much more dangerous than superficial cleaning of the skin.

What is peeling? types of peelings

The vacuum peeling

Vacuum cleaning person during his appearance on the market of cosmetic services for a long time been one of the most popular procedures. It is executed with the help of a special apparatus. The skin was previously cleaned and steamed. After that, a beautician, using a special device sucks out all impurities disclosed then, deletes the contents of pimples and blackheads. The most effective method of cleaning for oily skin prone to acne and blackheads. This facial peels can be done only in the cabin with the use of special equipment.

Other types of peels

To remove dead skin cells, smoothing its surface and purification are used as ultrasonic waves and laser beams. This is an effective anti-aging treatments. Ultrasonic peeling - just sparing procedure with minimal recovery period. Laser effect is equivalent to a full-fledged operation, after which enjoy a smooth complexion will not earlier than one month. In this case, the effect of the procedure is stored for a long time, and this method allows to process even difficult places, such as the skin around the eyes. Sparing variant laser effects - Laser resurfacing. This procedure is able to defeat the small imperfections, after which the skin is restored in 2-3 days.

What is peeling? types of peelings

Cryotherapy - this is the stimulation of the skin regeneration processes, thermal burns. There are several variants of this procedure is most commonly used liquid nitrogen or ice cubes. Rejuvenate the skin as possible and the method of microdermabrasion. Such an inner peeling is performed using special equipment, the basic principle - the gradual removal of the irregularities and smoothing the skin. Microdermabrasion performed courses typically requires about 10 sessions.

What type of peel is right for me?

All women dream of the perfect skin and smooth complexion. That is why today a significant segment of the beauty industry is working to improve procedures for cleaning and rejuvenation of the upper layers of the epidermis. We have found that is peeling, and if you think that you will find it useful, you need to choose the specific type of exposure. If the problem is significant, for example, you want to align noticeable wrinkles or get rid of acne, it is wise to consult a specialist. Professional beauticians can correctly assess the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment. All peeling procedures have their limitations and contraindications. For this reason inexpedient to choose any version of the procedure just because you like it. Skin cleansing is advantageously carried out at regular intervals; watch the reaction of the body to this effect. If you have side effects, it is recommended to choose a different version of the peel.

The frequency of procedures and specific conditions

What is peeling? types of peelings

At home, use the scrub should not be more than 1-2 times a week. Schedule in the salon procedures prescribed individually and you must abide by it as well as thoroughly implement all the recommendations of the cosmetician. After cleansing the skin of some species need enhanced humidification and other influences require special protection and make-up in the recovery period. Traumatic epidermis strongly influences such acidic peeling require compliance with a number of specific rules in the recovery period. Be sure to consult a beautician on the daily care, exposure to the sun or the cold, solarium and saunas. The frequency of exfoliation depends on your skin type. The cleaning procedure can be performed for quite often a fatty prone to clogging, or combination skin. But the owners of dry-type should be careful. If the skin is thin and prone to flaking, then further purified it should be only when absolutely necessary.

Traditional recipes

Cleansing scrub can be made at home. Theoretically make peeling possible, adding in any face cream or gel for washing fine abrasive particles. But since we want to extract the maximum benefit with minimal investment, we will try to prepare cosmetics and out. One of the most simple recipes - egg scrub. Chop the shell of the egg and mix with egg yolk and sour cream. The mask is applied on the face for 20 minutes of massage movements, and then washed off. It is recommended to repeat 1 time per week a gentle peeling. Home recipes based on dairy products is equally well suited holders oily and dry skin. Try to make a scrub of ground rice, cheese and olive oil. This mixture needs a little warm up, then you can safely put on the face - the procedure for 15 minutes.

What is peeling? types of peelings

have good cleansing properties of oatmeal flakes. Grind them in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water. Once the flakes are swell and cool, apply them with massage movements on problem areas. Alternative - milled mix oatmeal with worn on a fine grater carrots. This mask is kept on the skin up to 25 minutes.

Skin Peeling: testimonials from those who have tried the procedure of

It is difficult to find a modern woman who never would have used a scrub. The story is usually about specific means of certain brands and lines. Do not be surprised if different people speak about a product completely different. Of great importance are the individual factors, namely the type and condition of the skin, the presence of allergy to any component of the funds. Reduce the effectiveness of cosmetic products and are capable of errors during use. Do not be lazy to read the manual, check the shelf life and note the time of its effects on the skin.

So we already know that is peeling in the cabin, but it is worth whether to believe the opinion of those who have already passed the procedure of this category? The stronger and more serious effects on the skin, the more pronounced the effect. But positive or negative it will -zavisit on whether the chosen method and apparatus utilized / cosmetics true. In other words, if you decide to entrust their beauty professionals, the Treat responsibly to the choice of interior and the particular beautician. A good specialist will surely find the best solution for all the problems.