How to clean a person at home: effective ways

Facial Cleansing - the procedure, without which it is difficult to do, if you want to be happy with a healthy skin appearance and beauty. And a simple morning washing or before going to sleep is not enough. There are several methods for efficient purification, and almost all of them are suitable for implementation at home. However, in this case, much depends on the type and condition of the skin. The procedure should be carried out at least once a month, or even better twice.

Makeup removal

How to clean a person at home: effective ways

How to clean your face at home, should know every self-respecting girl who wants to look young to old age. The procedure takes place in several stages, as in the professional salon environment. To begin, you must perform a makeup remover. Even if the makeup on your face is not present, the skin should be cleaned of contaminants formed during the day in the form of dust, dirt and greasy fat. For this purpose, suitable gels for washing or special liquid and milk.

The first two options is better for those whose skin refers to fatty type. For dry and sensitive best choice is a cosmetic milk, sometimes with a task copes clarifying toner or lotion. Once the preparatory phase has been completed, you can proceed directly to the to clean the pores of face at home.


All methods can be divided into several groups depending on the mechanism of the skin. The most common method of treatment is skin exfoliation. Exist:

  • Mechanical;
  • acid;
  • enzyme.

Description of the first method of

The first type is affordable and very safe to perform at home. Its action is due to the mechanical removal of particles keratinized upper layer of the skin. How to effectively clean the face at home and you need to do? Suit many products that we used to eat. To begin to understand what those ingredients are perfectly clean oily skin, can damage sensitive and dry. It is therefore necessary to define the type clearly. To Oily Skin excellent tool that removes tallow fat from the pores is small sea salt. However, its use is not recommended if there is any damage, abrasion or inflammatory processes.


Cleansing Scrub prepares only two components - a teaspoon of fine sea salt and a tablespoon of honey. They need to mix and apply on face, carefully treated area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. Gently massaged throughout the two minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The skin surface is smooth and clean. Sea salt comprises a record number of micronutrients that enhance the turgor and elasticity, and honey is an excellent nutrient and emollient.

How to clean a person at home: effective ways

scrub with coffee

The second method, which is suitable for normal skin and dry - it's peeling using ground coffee. This product is rich in essential oils and microelements. Suffice it to one teaspoon mixed with a gel cleanser and apply on your face massaged. After careful consideration of problem areas, to wash off the mixture in several stages. It should also make the massing. When all particles are removed, the person should rinse with cool water. This will soothe the skin and provide a flow of blood. After this procedure the pores are clean, chapped and dry particles are removed, and the person will get healthy and radiant appearance.

How to clean a person at home: effective ways

Manual cleaning

By the mechanical mind also applies to all well-known manual cleaning. Clean the face from acne at home it is possible using this method. Before the procedure should be pre-purchased at the pharmacy solution called "Chatterbox". It contains antiseptic that will help disinfect the skin to avoid inflammation. Face pretreated lotion or milk, and the arms - alcohol. Then the skin is desirable to steam over a water bath. It is also recommended to add herbs has a cleansing and antiseptic properties. For example, calendula, chamomile, mint. They not only help cleanse the skin, but it is perfectly calm.

How to clean the face at home by this method? In half a liter of boiling water you need to add a tablespoon of pharmacy of herbs. When the broth a little infusion, should be held face over the steam for several minutes. Be careful not to get burned. When the face is steamed, pores will unfold, and you can start the procedure. Cotton ball or disk is necessary to impregnate the pharmacy mash and treat problem areas. Black points will be cleared easily, but with ulcers have to fight mechanically. After removing the skin necessarily be treated with a solution of salicylic acid. After the procedure, lubricate the face is useful decoction of herbs, which had already cooled.

The acid purification

How to clean a person at home: effective ways

How do I clean the face at home by acid impacts? Easily! Get help from the berries. This method is suitable for oily and combination skin. Teaspoon of cranberry sauce, redcurrant or strawberry to mix with the same amount of decoction of calendula. Apply to the skin, wait for about 10 minutes, then remove the bulk. Take a small piece of gauze, folded several times and get a piece of walking through the skin, removing the horny particles. Then wash his face well with cool water. Professional peelings based on fruit acids are intended only for use in the beauty parlor.

Enzyme Scrub

How to clean a person at home: effective ways

Almost every woman knows how to clean face in the home with the help of enzyme scrub. In fact, under this name hides the usual lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt or sour cream. And their women are very often used in home cosmetics. Such a cleaning method is suitable for normal, dry and sensitive skin. For procedures need any milk product. Preferably, the fat content depends on the skin type. Cream for dry suit, and for a normal - kefir or yogurt. Well if this product will be a little wander, then the effect will increase.

How to clean the skin at home? A fermented milk product should be applied to the face with a piece of gauze, performing massaging motion. After processing all the skin, you need to wait about 5 minutes and then wash. Sometimes after this procedure remains an unpleasant odor on the skin. To avoid this, you must add the yogurt in baking soda. It neutralizes the odor and will cope with the task.


How to clean a person at home: effective ways

How do I clean the face of home soda? You can add it to the enzyme peeling or used alone. On wet skin should apply a small amount of powder and gently massage the problem areas. After processing is necessary to wash with cold water.


Knowing how to clean a person at home, you can extend the youth of the skin and give it a healthy and radiant appearance, and also get rid of imperfections. After all, beauty begins with purity.