Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Today, modern cosmetology offers a sufficient number of procedures that can extend the youth of the skin and keep it fresh and healthy look. One of the main among them is facial peels. Reviews of the majority of women who performed the procedure, confirmed by its high efficiency. On the forms of this method of cleansing the skin's talk in today's article. Also photos "facial peeling" procedure will be given (before and after).

What is the procedure of peeling?

Peeling skin - a special method of cleansing the skin, in which the dissolution or exfoliation of dead skin cells dry and intense stimulation of the physiological processes necessary for health and beauty of skin.

Women who carried out this procedure, note the following:

  • fade age-related changes in the skin;
  • reduced the severity of wrinkles, scars;
  • lighten dark spots;
  • narrow enlarged pores.

However, this effect will only professionally conducted by peeling.

Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Classification peels

Cosmetologists have developed enough techniques such procedures as facial peels. Reviews positive women leave only if the type of peeling was picked up correctly and the procedure conducted by trained professionals. Therefore choose a method of cleansing the skin should only professional cosmetologist, based on skin type and needs.

By the method of exposure peels are divided into:

  • chemical;
  • Mechanical;
  • hardware;
  • enzyme;
  • mezopiling;
  • exfoliating fruit acids;
  • natural;
  • combined.

Depending on the depth of penetration and the impact of peeling can be:

  • surface;
  • the median;
  • deep.

How to carry out cleansing treatments at the salon? Let's take a closer look at each type of peeling.

A chemical peel

The procedure is performed using various chemical agents capable of provoking the desired response in the epidermal layers. Eliminate wrinkles and various scars and lighten the skin helps chemical peel facial. Reviews Pretty woman also confirmed the high efficiency of this method in the treatment of stretch marks and acne.

Mechanical peeling

During this procedure applied to the skin preparations containing mikrochastichki and abrasive granules that excellent peel and purified integuments. Mechanical peeling, in turn, is divided into several types: scrub, brossazh, microcrystalline peeling.

Gommazh represents peeling on the basis of dairy and fruit acids, the effect of which is directed to softening of dead skin cells and weakening their connection with healthy cells. As a result, particles of dead epidermis is easily removed brush with scrub.

For Brossazh procedures use special brushes with natural bristles that gently polish the skin and clean the surface of dead skin cells.

Microdermabrasion or micro-crystalline exfoliation - the most effective form of mechanical exfoliation. During the procedure the skin is sprayed (under strong pressure) tiny microcrystals of aluminum, which are "cut off" all the rough edges and irregularities with the dermis, make the complexion perfectly smooth, remove freckles and age spots, as well as significantly improve the contours of the face and tighten the skin. All kinds of mechanical cleansing can be used as home facial peels. The exception is microdermabrasion. It is recommended that such a peeling face in the cabin.

Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Hardware peeling

For this type of cleansing the skin, include laser peels, ultrasonic peeling, vacuum peeling, brushing.

Ultrasonic peeling is absolutely safe and painless procedure, during which the effects on the skin with ultrasonic waves. Before the peeling skin moisturize thermal water and hydrogenated gels.

facial laser peel or laser resurfacing, makes it possible to work on the damaged areas of the epidermis fractionally (dot). As a result, not be affected by living healthy skin cells. Due to this effect, the laser facial peels is the most delicate and milder form of purification of the epidermis.

brushing procedure similar impact mechanism Brossazh hardware, it only operate using special apparatus.

In the process of peeling the vacuum suction device to a special attachment is connected on the basis of the type of problem epidermis (for fat areas - wedge to eliminate wrinkles - flat, dry skin - round) and create a negative pressure, resulting in nozzle attracts the skin itself.

Reviews women confirm the high efficiency of this method of cleansing the skin, which is achieved due to the sucking action:

  • removes acne, impurities, comedones from the face;
  • smooth wrinkles;
  • stimulated regenerative processes in the skin layers. Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Enzyme Peeling

This skin peel is considered one of the easiest types of cleansing the skin. The procedure helps to get rid from simple skin problems. At the heart of this enzyme peels are special substances - enzymes that have a positive effect on the immune and endocrine system, improve elasticity of the skin and stimulate blood circulation.


During this procedure, using 1% -th glycolic acid. Mezopiling quite popular due to the almost complete absence of contraindications, to carry out cleansing of the skin in this way all year round. As a result, this procedure reduces and eliminates wrinkles and improving skin condition in general. Another advantage mezopilinga is no peeling and redness of the epidermis after the procedure.

Peeling fruit acids

Acid peeling facial performed using malic, mandelic, grape, lactic acids. The procedure is relatively quick and painless. Girls and women say that after a procedure such as acid peels for the face, skin color improved significantly, eliminates minor irregularities, the epidermis becomes more elastic and hydrated.

Natural peeling

It is the most relevant and popular today type of peeling. This causes the value of its basic structure, which does not contain chemical and synthetic substances. The most promising types of natural cleansing are biofitopiling and coral peeling.

Bioliftingom called a complex corrective and cleansing cosmetic procedures performed using special formulations which use for the manufacture of the herbal extracts and enhance their properties balanced vitamin supplements.

The basis of the coral peel is mikrokroshka coral, enriched with minerals and Dead Sea salts, essential oils and extracts of rare herbs.

The advantage of natural peels that they can act as a decent performance for an alternative to more invasive techniques and deep cleanse the skin. However, it can be used absolutely anywhere, even sensitive skin type.

Combined peeling

With this method of cleansing the skin is used several methods or means. This type of peel is not only suitable for combination skin type, but also to the same type and solves several problems. On preliminary examination, the cosmetician will determine the state of the patient's skin and make the program a combination of purification. It may be a combination of hardware and mechanical exfoliation or chemical peels only person for whom to use several different drugs.

Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Superficial peels

This method of cleansing the skin is most widely used in cosmetology. During the procedure, act on the uppermost stratum corneum of the dermis. To carry out the peeling surface practically does not exist contraindications. In addition, the risk of side effects is minimal after the procedure. Superficial peels carried fruit and acid, mechanical, enzymatic methods. For young skin use is superficial peeling face. Reviews of girls who conducted the procedure of cleansing the skin in this way, confirm the effectiveness of techniques for minor wrinkles, enlarged pores, acne.

Median peeling

In the course of this type of peeling affect the papillary layer of the epidermis. Procedures for on moisturizing and whitening the skin, smoothing wrinkles and scars. Procedures are recommended for women of middle age. For this peeling is used most often, various acids. The procedure is quite painful recovery period after the rather long. For the disappearance of scabs and swelling on the face is necessary for several weeks. During the procedure the burn of the upper layer of the epidermis, which causes the development of unpleasant consequences. For this type of peeling relates very popular today, TCA peels.

Deep facial peeling

The procedure is performed only in specialized institutions, under the strict supervision of a qualified and usually under general anesthesia. Deep peeling face lies in exposing the reticular layer of the dermis. Deep cleansing of the epidermis can be carried out using several techniques. For example, it may be a hardware or a chemical face peeling. Reviews of women who carried out the procedure of the deep cleansing of the epidermis, confirm real skin rejuvenation effect, which can be compared with the results of plastic surgery.

Skin peeling at home

Homemade facial peels for not less effective. At home, you can carry out the procedure of mechanical and chemical cleansing.

Mechanical peeling - this scrub, scrub, mask-peeling. Chemical face peeling is carried out using various types of acids. These substances help improve the skin condition.

Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Make facial peels at home is possible using the following means:

  1. Glycolic acid. For such a peeling at the pharmacy must purchase a scrub or mask on the basis of glycolic acid. Apply the product to cleansed face and let stand about 10 minutes.
  2. calcium chloride. For the procedure requires baby soap solution and calcium chloride. On clean, dry skin with cotton wool to put calcium chloride solution, wait until it dries out slightly and repeat the procedure two more times. Next fingertips lather with soap and foam to put on top of the layers. During application will dirty formed clots.
  3. Fruit acids. To use any of peeling fresh citrus juice. It is generally sufficient one teaspoon. The liquid applied to the skin in 2-3 layers and withstand about 15-minutes.
  4. Soda. For effective cleansing of the dermis in normal cleanser (gel, foam), add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting mixture is thoroughly massage the skin, focusing on areas of congestion comedones. The fine particles of soda perfectly removes dead skin cells.
  5. salt. Salt peeling is carried out on steamed skin. For procedures required salt finely ground (tablespoon) and 20% cream (2 tablespoons). Within 5 minutes, and the resulting mixture should massaging skin.
  6. Cream "Differin". Using this tool, you can hold retinoic peeling of the skin, it is important to follow the recommendations set out in the enclosed instructions.
  7. Almonds. Peeling procedures should be mixed almond oil (tablespoon) and finely chopped almonds, add to the mixture oat flour, water (2 tablespoons), kaolin (a tablespoon), aloe (2 tablespoons) and lavender essential oil (8 drops ). The resulting mask is applied to the face and let stand 10 minutes.
  8. Dairy products (yogurt, sour cream). This is very useful for peeling skin. Milk mask not only eliminates the disadvantages, but also well nourishes the epidermis. The skin should be applied to a fermented milk product and leave to dry completely (about 15 minutes), then a circular motion to remove the formed crust.
  9. Lemon and sugar. For the procedure to moisten a cotton pad with fresh lemon juice, sprinkle with a little sugar and rub the face. Such chemical-mechanical peeling is effective for oily skin type.
  10. Oatmeal. To a 2-m tablespoons flakes add a small amount of warm milk. Leave to infuse until a thick smooth paste, apply after a circular motion on your face, leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  11. Coral peeling also can be made at home. As a general rule, spend a peeling of the face in the cabin, but also self-clean the skin in this manner is also possible. To this powder was finely crushed coral mixed with sea salt, vitamins A and E, any essential oil. The resulting mixture was massaged epidermis for 3 minutes, for a deeper impact coral mass left on the skin for 10 minutes. Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

What effect does a home facial peel? Reviews women to pursue an independent cleansing of the epidermis at home, confirm the effectiveness of treatments for many skin problems:

  • pores are cleansed of various contaminants at a deep level;
  • peeled horny layer cells;
  • skin updated;
  • removes small skin imperfections at the surface level;
  • improves blood circulation and sebaceous glands.

This procedure also enhances the effect of peeling of any cream, makes the skin more radiant and fresh.

In some cases, the procedure is contraindicated peeling?

peeling skin is not following occasion when:

  • is very sensitive, thin skin;
  • a serious inflammatory disease of the epidermis;
  • of viral and bacterial skin ailments;
  • open wounds in place of the procedure. Face Peeling: reviews. Deep peeling person. Face peeling in interior

Face Peeling: price

cost of the procedure depends on the type of peel and from the salon level. On a procedure such as exfoliating facial prices are in the range of 2000-6000 rubles per session. Often in beauty salons make discounts to customers who buy a course of several procedures. The rehabilitation period is in the intensive care of the skin, which also requires a lot of money. It is necessary to use creams with soothing effect, as part of which there are vitamins and minerals. Preference is given to recommended products known, well-established cosmetic brands. Take care of yourself and be beautiful!