Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

What is atraumatic cleaning of the face? Let's start with the fact that not everyone is lucky to have good elastic skin, besides a completely trouble-free. As many beautiful women, the use of coarse exfoliation by mechanical peeling of the product on the skin with such imperfections strictly prohibited because microscopic damage to the upper layer of the dermis during such impacts. Here comes to the aid in maintaining the aesthetic appearance it - atraumatic cleaning of the face.

The use of the cleaning

This procedure is carried out with special cosmetic products. Do not use it during any mechanical stress on the surface of the skin, causing reduced to a minimum the risk of damage to the epidermis.

Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

atraumatic cleaning of the skin is only a specialized focus salons. And if the specialist correctly used multiphase makeup for the procedure, then you end up with a clean face and elegant mood. Cosmetic products for multiphase cleansing upper dermis purified from cells that have served their long and now being on the surface of the skin, such cells become a good breeding ground for many skin problems. Fruit acids dissolve not only the dead epidermis, but also the fat that accumulates underneath. The method atraumatic cleaning of the face, perhaps, can be compared with a chemical, very delicate peeling.

It is important to

Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

When choosing the procedure for cleaning composition, it is necessary to remember the importance of the dominant ingredient. From it will largely depend on the final result. Competent professionals involved atraumatic cleaning of the face, always will recommend you the preliminary procedures for the study of skin type and identify it more problematic, requiring the procedure areas.

The most common active ingredients are

  1. glycolic acid in the composition. It penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis and, in addition to excellent exfoliation of end cells saturates the skin with necessary vitamins.
  2. salicylic acid. Not only cleanses the epidermis, but also acts as an antiseptic. Formulations dominant substance which this acid is most often used during acne.
  3. tartaric acid makes the skin tone more even and even slightly lighten unwanted pigmentation on the face.
  4. Citric acid is also good lightens pigment spots, also has anti-aging effects. It is preferable to conduct cleaning with an acid on the skin combined and fat.
  5. Malic acid is a reducing agent of the epithelium. It promotes the production of collagen of the skin. Additionally, imbues the skin with vitamins.

In any skin imperfections suitable this cosmetic procedure?

Just below the given photo atraumatic face cleaning (before and after) and indications are positive for cleaning:

  • The planned procedure outdated exfoliation of cells for the general aesthetic appearance of the skin.
  • Preventive measures from the black sebaceous comedones, as well as their elimination.
  • purification of sebum ducts skin pores.
  • Oily skin facial, besides peeling and loose (fading).
  • A variety of skin irregularities, which appeared as a result of the healing of acne.
Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

in the procedure of prohibition

Skin problems, the presence of which is a contraindication to cleaning:

  • reaction to the components in the composition of assets.
  • Pustular or ulcerative lesions of the dermis.
  • The skin lesions - cuts or other open wounds.
  • The large and protruding moles.

The procedure consists of five to seven sessions. Optimally place like peeling once a week or ten days - not more. During the first sessions of the expert applies the low concentration of the mixture. Over time, the tool becomes more concentrated, and the duration of the procedure, on the contrary, decreases. If the first sessions last up to forty minutes, then towards the end of the course held twenty-minute procedure.

Holy Land

Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

atraumatic cleaning Holy Land face today is one of the most effective and sensitive manner. This cosmetic product line proved to be excellent for professional treatments. Now many beauties inclined towards this cosmetics and the vast majority were satisfied with the result. This procedure is suitable for women with rosacea grid.

How is the procedure

Conducting cleaning procedure atraumatic Holy Land face divided into certain of the logic stages. Here's how it works:

  • The first and justified step is the cleaning procedure. With a special liquid soap Double Action Soap from the upper dermis removed residues cosmetics. At the same stage the elution of sebum and softening more complex comedonic ducts. The product contains a disinfectant and resolving agent - Ichthyol. In conclusion, the cleaning stage is removed from the face of soap and made further preparation.
  • On the face is applied a special cream under the influence of which the upper layer of the epidermis is loosened with comedones. The treated skin is easier when peeling rejects inorganic layer.
Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after
  • Peeling surface - the procedure for the direct removal of dead cells from the top layer of the epidermis.
  • A-NOX - warming complex steamed skin and opens the pores due to its constituent materials. After finishing the application of complex technician gets to the skin surface in a solution of the oily base. This substance dilutes the contents of this attempted since.
  • And now - cleaning. It occurs with the use of the preparation having the properties of both the peeling and gommage. The substance acts on the skin without any ill effects. It is applied, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes. Covered with a compress and wait ten minutes. After a time on the face means starts to dry out. Intensive rolling skin helps clean off the dead skin on the surface and pull the contents of the comedones. After washing peeling residues proceed to the next step.
  • Narrowing far. To do this, applied to the skin mask according to skin type.
  • After the mask the skin is processed tonic. And in parts of the face, which is particularly heavily exposed to the fat content, the disinfecting lotion is applied.
  • Then comes the final phase of the restoration of regenerative and moisturizing properties of the skin.
Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

Use the atraumatic cleaning of the face - the result of "before and after" will surprise you, no doubt, will please. Thanks to an efficient procedure facial pores cleaned and disinfected. Activity of the sebaceous glands is shown in its normal state. The skin surface smooth and shiny.


Atraumatic cleaning of the face: the essence of the method, especially stages, efficiency, reviews, photos before and after

According to the reviews, atraumatic facial cleansing Holy Land has become a favorite procedure for many women. Most pleased that the procedure itself takes place smoothly - you can relax and unwind.

Some initially feared redness arising during the procedure, but this phenomenon is quickly passed, and behind it vanished all the fears. Skin pleased with its appearance and condition.

Suitable for use on mature skin: during cleaning it is not pulled, and thus not further injure.

Ladies who are less fortunate with the choice of a cosmetologist to perform this procedure, felt a burning sensation on the skin appeared red, and on top of all received scaling and extra dry.

Such a method of skin tidying came not to all. Some women notice that if there is a lot of comedones and pimples, then cleaning effect is slightly disappointing. Such women prefer a mechanical procedure. According to them, there are more and more reliable, and no one is hidden from comedo cosmetologist tool.

A small portion of women and is pleased to use the procedure, but it turned out that the skin is sensitive to elements forming part of the product is used.