Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

our skin begins its countdown from twenty-five years of age. It develops the aging process. Anyway, the same problem applies to absolutely all women. One reason for this process is the loss of natural moisture skin. This is facilitated by the physiological characteristics of the female body, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy lifestyle, and so on. D.

Particularly intense aging process takes place in the summer. It is the hot season promotes greater evaporation of moisture in the body. When this happens destruction of the natural protective layer and the weakening of the skin elasticity. It is no secret that in twenty-five years, these issues can easily be addressed using available tools.

Maintain a normal skin tone in the fifty - it is already difficult. All the cosmetics in the form of creams and serums, masks and the like. D. Not give the desired effect. Help the skin only special procedures can at this age. They are ways to restore cosmetology feminine beauty at the cellular level. A list of such procedures is biorevitalization. What it is? This method of skin rejuvenation, wherein the produced hyaluronic acid injections.

Valuable substance

Hyaluronic acid is vital for our body. It needs tendons and bones, cartilage and skin. The main task of a valuable component consists in retaining moisture.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

Hyaluronic acid is present in each of the cells of our body. But in different parts of the body, its concentration can be either more or less. That is why it functions in our body are slightly different. Take, for example, the moving parts of the body - muscle tissues and joints. They interact with water, hyaluronic acid has the task of lubricant. A valuable component in large amounts in connective, epithelial and neural tissues. Highly its concentration in the egg cell, and heart valve. In these organs, hyaluronic acid serves for moistening of tissues, carrying nutrients and for removing toxins.

Normally, the human organism itself is able to develop a desired substance itself. And does it in the necessary quantities for normal life. However, the negative factors that affect our body, over time, lead to a reduction in production of hyaluronic acid. This causes disruptions in the processes of blood circulation, increase the pressure within the eyeball, abnormalities of the joints, skin dehydration.

Comprise hyaluronic acid not only from the surface of the epidermis, but also the deep dermis. Young skin its high concentration allows to look healthy, smooth and elastic. However, with age, the amount of valuable component is greatly reduced. The skin loses moisture and begins to age.

The concept biorevitalisation

Literally, this term means to conduct the process of natural recovery. biorevitalisation procedure is the administration of injections, which contribute to the restoration of natural moisturizing function.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

In the subcutaneous layer awakened important biochemical processes.

to apply the preparation

Biorevitalization - what is it? This procedure is the introduction of such products:

- "IAL System";

- "Restylane Vital";

- "Sudzhilift";

- "Juvederm Ultra";

- "Teozial Meso".

As part of these funds is hyaluronic acid, but in different concentrations. The decision on the use of a drug takes an expert, based on the state of the skin and of the task.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

are sometimes used these drugs for biorevitalisation as NCTF 135 and DMAE. These means besides hyaluronic acid skin enriched in essential amino acids and peptides.

The difference biorevitalisation of mesotherapy

There are many different methods used for skin rejuvenation. And they can be either injection or not.

Biorevitalization or mesotherapy? Which of these ways to choose? Both methods are injection. Moreover, in preparations used for one and the other method is hyaluronic acid. However, to use the means biorevitalisation with a higher concentration of a valuable component (1, 5-3%). Mesotherapy performed preparations in which the hyaluronic acid is in smaller amounts (0, 5-1%).

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

It is possible to conclude that the maximum efficiency biorevitalisation. When administered more hyaluronic acid results become visible after the first injection.

When mesotherapy used drugs gradually accumulate in the skin. Besides hyaluronic acid, they are provided with layers of the dermis and epidermis whole complex of vitamins, trace elements, organic and amino acids, and animal and plant extracts. All these components allow to obtain a remarkable effect. However, their results can be seen only after the third injection.

So which is better - biorevitalization person or mesotherapy? To answer this question in favor of a procedure is not possible. Each of the two methods has its advantages and indications.

So, in the opinion of patients biorevitalization moisturizes flabby, wrinkled and aging skin. Following the injection, smoothes wrinkles and folds. Skin again becomes elastic, supple, beautiful. In addition, it gets even tone. Experts beauticians claim that biorevitalization greatly increases skin resistance to adverse environmental factors, excellently smoothes scars and stretch marks on the body area. As for mesotherapy, it is able to solve the problems of a wider range. Injection preparations containing a wonderful cocktail of nutrients, helps to get rid of acne and various skin blemishes, spider veins, hyperpigmentation, and so on. D. This procedure is recommended as a treatment for cellulite and fat deposits. Furthermore, mesotherapy is a preparatory stage before plastic surgery.

The conclusion is clear. Noteworthy both procedures. Which of them prefer? It depends on the existing problems and recommendations of experts.

Carrying biorevitalisation

So you've decided to improve the condition of your skin with hyaluronic injections. As well conducted biorevitalization? Beautician should reveal a new product package in front of you. Pay special attention to this. It is not necessary to agree to introduce a tool that is left from the previous client. The skin is able to accept any number of hyaluronic acid. If the drug after administration of injections in the facial region still remains, the beautician can rejuvenate the skin of the neck, chest, hands.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

Biorevitalization - what is it for the procedure? This thorough puncture over the entire length of each of the input lines and in these zones microdoses of drug. In the next phase staggered beautician making injection in the neck and face. Feedback from patients, the first thing that catches the eye after being held biorevitalization persons - are small bumps (papules), which appeared at the injection site. They are visible, despite the fact that the finest needle taken for injections. But the patient's claim that the papules are absorbed quickly. The next day, they were invisible.

The effect of biorevitalisation

On the first day after this relatively painless procedure smoothes wrinkles largest. However, the greatest effect is seen only after seven to ten days after the injection. After this time, hyaluronic acid fully utilized cells of the skin. The procedure has no short-term effect. Introduction of cells in the skin preparation causes them to produce an intense production own hyaluronic acid, thus synthesizing elastin and collagen. In the complexion improves markedly. There is a reduction of wrinkles. Despite the fact that the effect occurs after a week, the result is quite resistant.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

Reviews many patients indicate that the skin forms a line biorevitalization cheekbones, makes the skin supple and elastic, aligns the sheets relief.

Biorevitalization - what is it? This remarkable remedy for skin rejuvenation, having long lifting effect. It provides sustained release of hyaluronic acid.

The frequency of the procedure

Biorevitalisation, reviews cosmetologists should be carried out in one or two sessions, each of which - from three to four treatments. The break between sessions should not be less than 3-4 weeks. But the rest will be from three to six months between sessions, the patient needs.

Benefits biorevitalisation

Of course, this method of skin rejuvenation is an innovative and highly effective solution to age-related problems. Among its positive aspects include:

- high efficiency;

- security;

- long-term preservation of the results;

- Of course, the prisoner in the use of natural moisturizers.

On the recommendations of cosmetologists, woman biorevitalization needed before and after a trip to the sea. This will prepare the skin to the adverse effects of sunlight, and at the end of vacation to restore it.

Disadvantages biorevitalisation

Negative moments after hyaluronic acid injections are some restrictions. So, during the day can not apply make-up and touching your skin. Two days is not recommended antiseptics. Within two weeks after biorevitalisation prohibited swimming pool, sauna or solarium.

In addition, the procedure has some contraindications. Their list includes the following:

- skin diseases in the acute stage;

- During pregnancy and breastfeeding; - idiosyncrasy hyaluronic acid.

Before the procedure, a beautician should make the patient sample to the drug and to give him the documents that will indicate the name of the input means. This will allow the specialist to know what medicine to replace the previously used (if necessary). In addition, many patients, which has been done hyaluronic biorevitalization recommend local anesthesia, explaining that the painful injections.

The cost of the procedure

How expensive biorevitalization customers? The price of the procedure depends on the cost of the injected drug. On average, one session will have to pay from 8500 to 11000 rubles. But it is worth remembering that for skin rejuvenation is carried out by a course biorevitalization. Price of one procedure in such a case should be multiplied by the number of sessions.

Some beauty salons offer to buy a special coupon code. But before you buy it, learn more about the specialist, who will perform the procedure, and the existence of positive comments about his work.

Laser biorevitalization

This method of skin rejuvenation is the most comfortable. Biorevitalization no injection is carried out using a special gel having in its composition hyaluronic acid. The drug penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis using a diode laser. During the procedure, the transport channels are opened in the skin. Pass therethrough low molecular hyaluronic acid particles. In addition, the laser helps the drug at a higher rate to moisturize and regenerate the skin. Thus there is a great lifting effect.

Biorevitalization - what is it? Biorevitalization person: reviews, prices

In the opinion of many patients, the best biorevitalization - namely laser. It not only reduces wrinkles, restores skin tone and color, but also protects it from the negative effects of free radicals. Compared with injections, this technique has a significant advantage in the degree of introduction of hyaluronic acid. The laser beam penetrates the skin to four millimeters, which is delivered to the dermis 4 ml of the preparation. Such a substantial amount of valuable material allows to obtain good results in a short time. This is why laser biorevitalisation apply in cases where a woman needs to look your best, "here and now". No injection drug administration has many advantages. First of all, it is painless. Patients note the absence not only of discomfort during the procedure, but also the need for long-term rehabilitation. Biorevitalization laser does not damage the skin. After the session, there is not a bruising or bruising, or papules. Another positive aspect of skin rejuvenation no injection is its dual effect. With simultaneous exposure of the diode laser and of hyaluronic acid especially durable. They impress patients.

The indications for the procedure are as follows:

- early signs of aging of skin;

- thinning and dryness of the epidermis;

- the laxity and loss of skin tone;

- appeared fine facial wrinkles.

Using internal resources available in the body, laser biorevitalization extends YOUNG WOMEN. But before this procedure is still worth trying other, more benign ways. For example, it may be superficial peeling.

No injection biorevitalization has its contraindications:

- exacerbation of herpes;

- lactation;

- pregnancy.

Exposure to the laser beam is especially recommended to those who are prone to allergies. The fact that this method has a remarkable immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action.

The positive effect of the procedure is shown in the treatment of post operational scars, as well as solar and chemical burns. For skin rejuvenation and smoothing will need to spend from three to ten sessions. Their effect will continue for six months. Then, holding one supporting skin health treatments is recommended.

As you can see, biorevitalization person - a beautiful and relatively safe procedure.