Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

With age, the body of each person there are changes, including the aging of skin cells, resulting in the epithelium is covered with wrinkles, shrinks, it becomes decrepit. For centuries women have tried in every way to save a beautiful, fresh, smart, youthful appearance of the skin using both intricate traditional recipes and modern cosmetic means, which invented endless.

Hyaluronic acid - a ...

The most common, popular and safe way for skin care and rejuvenation cover today is hyaluronic acid, or rather, injections of hyaluronic acid. It is completely safe, has no chemical, man-made, but on the contrary, is produced naturally in the joints and skin tissues. Thanks to her gaining strength and become elastic blood vessels, cartilage. In its arsenal - pronounced moisturizing properties, saving the skin from aging hated.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

Hyaluronic acid - is a glycosaminoglycan, a liquid or the extracellular matrix surrounding the existing cells and create new ones, organizing their movement and interaction. It produces a rejuvenation, moisturizing, improved appearance, eliminating any wrinkle depth. With age, the body produces less amount thereof, however, scientists have invented a way to use the acid in cosmetic purposes, as injections of hyaluronic acid, which fight free radicals and give the skin elasticity.

"Gialuronka" processed form is a white powder which, after dissolution in water is converted to milky gel.

What is hyaluronic acid injections?

Acid itself - is an indispensable component in the cosmetic substance which has the ability to retain moisture (up to 1000 molecules of water may be contacted with one molecule of the acid). That is why it is actively used in Moisturizers home or professional care.

It is also used in subcutaneous injections for facial rejuvenation and contouring. These procedures involve smoothing, removal of wrinkles on the face, neck, chest and overall rejuvenation. Adjustment of the oval face shape of the chin, cheeks and lips occurs by contouring.

Hyaluronic acid injections performed by physicians in the middle and deep dermis. In order to increase the injection lip gialuronka administered intramuscularly. The specialists should be as precise as possible, ie. A. Very shallow penetration leads to the appearance of knots, bumps, jabs with a deep introduction will not give any effect. The procedure is often performed under local anesthesia with a fine needle to minimize painful, uncomfortable, and the place of impact after the shot slightly massaged in order to avoid the appearance of bumps and for better resorption of the substance.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

Injections of hyaluronic acid divided into several types of procedures.

  1. Mesotherapy - the most commonly used and affordable way to combat dehydration, problem areas, wrinkles, skin senility. Cosmetic process itself is the use of a needle roller. Applied at its ends with additional acid conductors, then pre-cleaned face totally or zonally treated with this roller. If done correctly and with professional preparations after injections of hyaluronic acid should not be any complications other than minor swelling and redness, which quickly go. The very same result will be visible during the day, and the effect of it must be kept for three months, sometimes six months. After this time mesotherapy session should be repeated in the number of procedures, which is prescribed by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the skin type and the general state of the organism.
  2. Revitalization - one of the modern sought-after procedures to ensure the rejuvenation of the epithelium through the use of "gialuronka". Small portions of it are introduced into the skin through a thin needle. The session lasts about half an hour, depending on how many injections of hyaluronic acid is necessary to do everything. Not excluded mild discomfort during the procedure. Before its beginning with the doctor discusses the possible skin problems and ways of their solution, then cleaned with antibacterial agents are applied to the face of the point, which is inserted filler with an acid, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates imperfections. When revitalization is possible to use anesthetic, especially if the patient has a low pain threshold. After injection of the epidermis will be the fluid that is removed by special cooling wipes. Injections of hyaluronic acid make this method possible when scars present on the skin.
  3. Contour (bioreinforcement) - nonsurgical correction of facial contours is done by feeding fillers, special gels of hyaluronic acid in skin. After bioreinforcement session takes slack epithelium, almost completely smoothed out wrinkles, folds, forming the correct shape of the face, smoothed age-related changes, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.


There are limitations to injections of hyaluronic acid. Contraindications defined specific list of conditions under which it is not recommended implementation of this cosmetic manipulations. The main thing is that we must not forget: you must undergo sessions in licensed salons, medical establishments, request certificates on equipment and consult a physician. These measures will prevent complications and possible side effects.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

A list of contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • infectious diseases of different origin;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of inflammatory formations, wounds, abrasions on the skin;
  • intolerance to medications, allergies;
  • compatibility with other control procedures;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • a weak immune system, acute cycles any illnesses (colds, influenza);
  • when taken drugs, anticoagulants;
  • oncology, diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of a pacemaker.

The most allergenic considered animal hyaluronic acid injections. Contraindications to them the most common, so began to use biosynthesized acid, but also have to be careful with it, t. To. It can cause complications such as autoimmune diseases.

Guest injections

Women who have been shots "gialuronka" argue that the procedure is absolutely safe and offer a complete anti-aging effect, and the gel is derived from the body in a natural way without causing harm. This is not often expose the skin injections, because the body gets used to the flow of acid from the outside and will cease to produce its own.

Many patients reported discomfort during the procedure and advise to use painkillers. Some are horrified bumps, swelling, bruising on his face after the injection, but this effect - it is a normal reaction and should go within days, sometimes longer.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

Reviews after injections of hyaluronic acid show that injections smooth the keloid scars and acne scars. Despite the good effect of the injections, it will not stay all the time: at least once a year it is necessary to repeat the procedure, and then close and addictive. The reaction to the injection of absolutely individual and depends on the characteristics of the human body. Some carry them easily and get the desired result, while others, on the contrary, feel uncomfortable experiencing side effects and complications, in order to avoid this, patients are advised to do by professional doctors, beauticians injections of hyaluronic acid. Feedback from those who resorted to injections "gialuronka" show that it improves tissue trophism.

The effects of injections

The main result of injections is skin rejuvenation, smoothing of scars, wrinkles. But in view of the specific characteristics of these acid injection can not be durable because of the gradual resorption of the component in the body.

Some women who have passed such sessions rejuvenation marked swelling, inflammation, bruising, hematoma, pain. In rare cases, the skin manifest neurosis, hypersensitivity. Someone is not satisfied with injections of hyaluronic acid. Reviews show that may cause asymmetry in the forms, but it is corrected by additional injections.

In most cases, customers are satisfied with the effects of the procedure, with delight describe the results, admiring the fresh, toned, smooth and flat face, plump and expressive lips.


Going into detail on the indications for use of beauty shots based on hyaluronic acid, the following criteria can be identified:

  • in order to increase, adjust the shape of the cheekbones;
  • to make more expressive, puffy, enlarged lips;
  • to get rid of nasolacrimal furrow;
  • to make less expressive nasolabial fold;
  • non-surgical face lifting (many women can not mentally prepare yourself for the fact that for the sake of beauty need to go under the knife);
  • smoothing skin creases, wrinkles, "crow's feet".

The course of treatment

In most cases, in order to achieve a normal effect is enough to pass a single session of injections. The number of input acid selected client, but depends on the treated skin area. physician professionalism plays no role in this matter, everything is decided by the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

There are situations when it is necessary to repeat once or more injections of beauty. Hyaluronic acid is introduced repeatedly, for example, when injected in the lip contours needed to restore their symmetry.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

Result of injections becomes visible immediately after the procedure, and kept it for three to eight months or longer. Effect on the durability of the injection influences the intensity and circulatory drugs, injections zone. For example, introduced into the lip components dissolve much faster in this region than in others. At the end of the standard time and the disappearance of all the "beauties" on the request of the patient session can be repeated. When the result is absolutely satisfied with the customer, they can easily support it, performing injections periodically.

injections in the eye area

Daily fatigue, lack of sleep, constant shortage of vitamins leave unsightly marks on the beautiful female faces, in particular, under the eyes in the form of depressions, wrinkles or age "crow's feet". To the aid of modern injections of hyaluronic acid. Photo clients, past treatments, prove that "gialuronka" is an excellent filler and one of the best means to address the problems okologlaznyh.

It performs the function of renewal of skin cells and is used as a biodegradable injectable implant. Sessions are conducted on an outpatient basis - specialist enters deeply into the skin, the tissues that are in contact with almost bone, "gialuronka" liquid consistency, so that the skin is not broken terrain. Time coming to carry out injections is about 20-30 minutes depending on the complexity of the adjustment. When patients have a high metabolism, the effect of the injections around the eye is minimized. Make better use of tools and devices, specifically designed not recommend self prescription treatment for sensitive periocular skin should immediately contact a qualified cosmetologist.

injections into the joint

Not only in cosmetology to use hyaluronic acid. Injections into the joint are also performed using it in arthrosis. It falls within the diseased cartilage to form a protective film which improves the elasticity, slip and elasticity of cartilage tissues. After the injection is marked improvement in mobility and recovery of patients with cartilage cushioning.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

arthritis treatment course takes place in two weeks - a doctor is four injection in a sore knee, a year later the procedure is repeated. Unfortunately, the acid has an effective result on the damaged joint in the early stages of the disease, if the case is neglected, then it will not give proper results, especially when held against the background arthrosis arthritis.

Hyaluronic acid treated secondary osteoarthritis, it is a good replacement surgery, and it can help make the restoration of the joints of patients in a short period of time.

Lip Injections

Injections of hyaluronic acid in their lips provide a clear, expressive contour give volume and smooth wrinkles. Injections were women of all ages, the only goal at all different: younger age acid is used for lip augmentation, those who grew up, it helps to get rid of wrinkles, wrinkles and dryness.

Injections of hyaluronic acid: contraindications reviews

syringe perform multiple injections along the contour of the lips. "Gialuronka", falling into the thickness of the epithelium, it does not spread, and is accumulated in this area, giving increase, clear and smooth effect. The procedure itself is painful, so use anesthesia. Process takes 15-60 minutes. After injecting clients feel a slight burning sensation during the time, and then half an hour later there is redness that eventually comes down, and you can already enjoy the effect of the injection site in a couple of days - during which time the required amount of acid absorbs water and is fixed.