Injections "COLLOST": reviews beauticians

"How can you prevent aging?" - concern of many inhabitants of our beautiful planet. Who would not want to be forever young and healthy? Despite the best efforts of scientists and cosmetologists, find a cure, stopping aging, can not be anyone. However, every year there are more drugs that can slow down this process is an unpleasant. One such product is a gel "Collost". Reviews, photos before and after the composition of funds, as well as the method of its impact on the human body - all this will be discussed in the article.


What is the purpose of the use

"Collost" - is a drug made from animal collagen. Getting into the subcutaneous tissues, it restores the regenerative processes. By itself, the collagen - a protein that is the basis of connective tissue. It provides strength and elasticity of tissues. Over time, the human body produces less and less collagen, the skin is no longer such a resilient and there are the first signs of aging. In addition, scientists have found that in areas of stretch marks and uneven skin its minimum content.

The effect on tissue

As a result of the use of "COLLOST", reviews of which will be discussed later, the skin is leveled and becomes more elastic. We will study in more detail how this happens.

Injections of the drug causes the body processes, annihilating the old fibers and create new ones. In the early days the implant is introduced under the skin, it is perceived by the body's cells as a foreign object. In this place they sent thousands of fibroblasts. But since the input protein similar to human collagen, the body begins to recognize as its, thereby enhancing regenerative processes in the subcutaneous layer. Thus, the skin is leveled, smooth and supple.



Collagen and has another unique feature - the ability to improve the healing process. Introduction to the skin "COLLOST" cosmetologists reviews which are positive, this sophisticated technology, which provides the fabric with the necessary resources. It is for this reason that tool is also used in surgery, urology, implantology, periodontics, traumatology, orthopedics. In these cases, the lack of collagen caused by various diseases.

What are the advantages of using the

First of all it is important to note that this technology is unique and has been recognized by many health professionals. "Collost" is made from natural ingredients, and is identical to human collagen. Cosmetologists say that the drug is completely safe and has passed all the necessary research. Those who have already used this technology for yourself, say that one course allows you to keep youth from six months to a year. The speed of the procedure is about 30 minutes, which can significantly save the customer time. In addition, an important advantage is the fact that the procedure does not involve the rehabilitation period.

Indications (7%)

The use of "COLLOST" that responses will be considered by us further, it is recommended in cases where there is a plurality of facial wrinkles, "crow's feet", stretch marks, scars, as well as changes in facial contours and sagging cheeks. As a rule, this concentration is used for treatment of the following post-acne. Already in the first hours after its application there is a positive effect due to the fact that filled the subcutaneous space with the introduction of "COLLOST". Testimonials of this preparation also show that after the procedure, there is a slight improvement of the saggy skin.


Indications (15%)

This concentration is used for deeper wrinkles and defects. To those include the forehead and nose. It is also indicated when the form and volume of the lips. It is important to bear in mind that human collagen has the ability to recover, for this reason, and needed drugs such as "Collost". Reviews beauticians point out that it is important to choose the right drug concentration. The higher content of collagen, the greater effect it will have.

allergy tests

Like any other procedure of mesotherapy, injecting this drug must be performed in a clean and sterile medical office. An experienced specialist is obliged to tell all the nuances of the drug "Collost". Reviews cosmetologists suggest that in rare cases, an allergic reaction can occur at the tool. For this reason, a few weeks prior to the test procedures are carried out.

Patients who have already passed this stage, say that the best place to conduct allergy tests - it's part of the forehead, which cover the hair. Why is this? The fact that the skin on the face and other parts of the body may vary slightly. Often on an elbow sample gives a negative result, and on the face - a positive.

The method of application

If the allergy test showed a negative result, in a few weeks, you can safely proceed to the injections. They differ little from other mesotherapy treatments: the problem areas are cleaned, disinfected, anesthesia is applied. After these procedures under the skin in the necessary areas, agreed in advance with the expert, introduced "Collost".


Every beautician knows that prior to administration of the drug should be heated to 37-40 ° C, but no longer. The temperature of 42 ° C and higher may contribute to clotting protein. At the end of the zone anesthetic procedures are processed again. In some cases, the injection site can appear bluish (especially the area around the eyes, because it is more sensitive) or needle marks. Usually within a few days it all goes away.

The duration and rate of

One treatment is not enough to achieve the best effect. Some patients, having one injection session and seeing good results, decide that repeated injections they do not need it. What is their surprise when a month later all the problem areas back. This is not an indication that the drug is substandard or procedure performed unqualified master.

The matter soon in another. Animal collagen penetrates into the subcutaneous layer, it causes the body to synthesize a protein. However, before he perceived to skin cells as an aggressor. The organism strives hard to get rid of the foreign body. Part of the drug, he still manages to neutralize. It is therefore recommended to carry out a course using this tool (3-4 procedures with an interval of 21-30 days).

The drug "Collost" cosmetologists reviews which are positive, completely removes wrinkles and blemishes for a period of 6 to 12 months. But only after passing the course of injections.

Comparison with other drugs

Of course, if we talk about the effectiveness of anti-aging products, it is impossible not to mention the fact that only the injection can lead to changes in the dermis and thus rejuvenate the skin. Serum or cream can not penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, which, strictly speaking, the aging process occur.


"beauty shots" there are many. For example, hyaluronic acid injections are very popular. The difference between the drug "Gialual" and "Collost" is that the former only nourishes the collagen fibers are indispensable elements, and with the years they somehow lost. Gel "Collost", reviews of which we discussed in the article, is involved in the regeneration and development of collagen fibers. In contrast to drugs such as "BOTOX" and "Dysport", it is not a poison or toxin. In addition, "Collost" very close in structure to human collagen.

Stretch Marks Treatment

Surely no one who would be unfamiliar with the problem of stretch marks, or, as they are called doctors - "stretch marks". Does "Collost" stretch marks? Reviews majority of patients indicate that really means is effective in combating the problem. This is due to the fact that it makes up for the lost collagen in problem areas. "Collost" mechanically fills stretching and the surface becomes smooth and even. This procedure restores the color, tone and elasticity - properties inherent in a healthy and young skin.

What else can an injection "COLLOST"? Testimonials resorting to this procedure, indicate that the tool also effectively treats scars. This is due to the fact that a drug acting on the subcutaneous layer, stimulates regeneration.

Reviews cosmetologists

Cosmetologist as no one better understanding of the effectiveness of an agent. It is very important to find "their" specialist who will advise you, give advice and recommendations.


In cosmetologists this drug has earned a lot of positive reviews. It really gives a good effect, rejuvenates the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen. However, only a trained technician can accurately tell whether the patient needs this procedure really is. Many cosmetologists say that only after 35 years there is a need to use kollostoterapii.

It should also be said about the use of funds "Collost" of scars. Reviews of leading experts has confirmed that the drug takes away or makes it less noticeable and visible signs of scarring. You will need a course of at least four procedures.

Many cosmetologists focus attention on the fact that each patient is "a beauty prick". Someone suitable "Collost", and someone, for example, hyaluronic acid. It all depends on the features of the skin, by its structure and the extent of damage. So, for a more youthful dermis, which is just beginning the appearance of fine facial wrinkles, recommend the use of products based on hyaluronic acid and succinic. But "Collost" is recommended for use at the age of thirty-five. Of course, as with any other protein, collagen is first foreign causes some symptoms similar to the inflammatory process, but this process is necessary to start cell stimulation and regeneration processes are resumed.

For some patients, this drug is absolutely not suitable. Foremost among these patients are those who have found it an allergic reaction. Furthermore, the use of injections "COLLOST" is not recommended during the exacerbation of chronic diseases, general malaise, lowered immunity and cancer diseases. And of course, during pregnancy and lactation. Cosmetologists also note that quite often this drug causes an allergic reaction in vegetarians.


Of course, we can not say that "Collost" fits everyone. Among patient reviews can be found both negative and positive. This is due to individual tolerability. In addition, the effect also influences and professionalism beautician performing the procedure. But the greatest number of positive responses is associated with the treatment of scars and post-acne.

It is these defects of the skin, usually deliver a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. What does "Collost"? Scars (feedback on the effectiveness of treatments to combat these skin lesions presented above), many girls cause considerable discomfort. Women try to disguise them with powder or foundation, but it turns out this is not always the case. Injections "Collost" administered directly under the scar itself or scar. The body begins to actively produce collagen, the tissue updated, the defect is less noticeable, but after repeated treatments disappears completely.


It has been proven means and in patients after forty. After injection the skin is tightened, decreases the number of wrinkles. In the photo above you can see clearly that the epidermis smoother and looks more fresh. In addition, injections relieve tired appearance, due to the fact that the smooths the skin around the eyes. Many patients strongly recommend others to fight aging to use a tool such as "Collost". Reviews, photos, as well as a description of the product clearly illustrate that it can really be useful.