"Collagen ultra": instruction manual, reviews and analogues

Beautiful skin, healthy joints, strong bones - it is a merit of collagen, which is itself produced in the body. With age begin to show the first signs of a lack of structural protein. "Collagen Ultra" - means with unique properties that quickly absorbed by the body and slows the aging process.

The role of collagen

skin protein is 70% of collagen, which is located on the cell surface. Thanks to him are preserved elasticity and fit. Collagen fibers in the joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and muscle support and operate reinforcing function.

Recent developments in the field of cosmetology and medicine to replenish the reserves of collagen and stimulate its self-production. The formulations with this active substance are required constituent components in the various treatment regimens injuries and sprains. A series of "Collagen Ultra" consists of a gel, cream, and Bad. It is used to accelerate the metabolic processes in the tissues and can be used for prevention and therapy.

The properties of the drug

Natural collagen hydrolyzate of animal origin is the active substance. It is this form of the composition makes it possible to quickly and easily absorbed by the body, restoring the structure of the connective tissue. This source of essential amino acids (hydroxyproline, oksizilin) ​​required for the synthesis of collagen and process an activator is vitamin C. Cream and gel "Collagen Ultra" is used when the need for treatment of problems with the locomotor apparatus. To achieve maximum effect, you should use the bioactive additive of the same series.

The composition of the cream has glucosamine, which is essential for bone, cartilage, and is a component of synovial fluid. It relieves pain of rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis and osteoporosis. It contributes to the restoration and strengthening of muscle tissue, ligaments. Anesthetic effect of essential oil contained in the preparations for external use.

release form and composition of

Tool is available in several forms:

  • powder - bags 7 to 8 g per one pack. The day should eat 1 bag, dissolving the contents into a glass of water. Improving the condition is evident in the 3-4 week use powder "Collagen ultra". Instructions for use provided that the course of treatment should be at least 3 months. After the break, repeated therapy. Available powder with different fruit flavors.
  • gel - tube volume of 75 ml. It consists of collagen hydrolyzate, glucosamine, cowberry extract, mint, pepper, sage, mint essential oils. The gel is applied to the lesion and rub neat movements.
  • Cream - aluminum tube volume of 75 ml. In addition to the main active ingredients in the composition of agents are sunflower oil and mustard, emulsifying wax. Essential oils (lemon, fir, geranium) and extracts of medicinal plants (horsetail, burdock) are ideally suited to use as a massage cream agent.

Indications for

According to the annotation, the drug is not a drug, but could have a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and regenerative action. "Collagen Ultra", the use of which is justified, and as a preventive measure, prescribed in the following cases:

  • Degenerative dystrophic diseases.
  • functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • diseases of the joints (osteoarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Injuries, bruises, sprains, dislocations.
  • The recovery period after surgery.
  • The regular heavy exercise (eliminates pain syndrome).

After 35 years of independent development of collagen by the body is reduced. This can be seen as the skin and hair in the first place. Therefore, from now on the use of drugs on the basis of collagen will help to improve the appearance. "Collagen Ultra" has worked well in the sport and is used to restore the functioning of the muscles and ligaments after resistance training.

How to use?

Preparations for external application are applied in small quantities on the skin where desired therapeutic effect, and rubbing massaging movements. After a short period of time means starts to operate, the analgesic effect is manifested, and the damaged tissue is obtained reducing material (active component of the composition "Collagen Ultra"). Instructions for use of reports that use the means necessary to complete disappearance of symptoms of an injury or strain.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. If the tool is used for prevention, it is necessary to alternate the ointment (gel) with Bud. It is recommended to use them at regular intervals, keeping an interval between the courses.

If after the application of funds for the skin rash appeared allergic, you must stop using. During pregnancy, you need to use the drug only after consulting a gynecologist.

Rejuvenation using the drug

The collagen used in cosmetics due to its ability to trap moisture in the skin, which helps to preserve youthfulness and fresh look. The collagen fibers in the dermis play the role of the springs, which with age lose their shape. As a consequence, the skin droops, there are folds, wrinkles. To date for the production of cosmetics use 3 types of collagen: animal, marine and vegetable origin. Every exist both advantages and disadvantages (poor digestibility, allergies, high cost).

Using "Collagen Ultra" for the face, it is possible to restore the water balance and remove aging signs of aging. Cream produces a lifting effect, the result of which can be seen as early as 2 weeks after the start of use. Collagen mask is recommended to use women who are older than 35 years. This does not necessarily attend the procedures in beauty salons. Home use products based on collagen hydrolyzate can improve the condition of skin and hair.

Mask with collagen

Yourself to make a mask with collagen will not be difficult. It is enough to buy "Collagen Ultra" or equivalent means of properly applied to the skin - and the result will not take long. For the positive effect it is important to properly prepare the skin before applying the gel or cream. You can also use the powder from the series. It is stirred in a small amount of water to obtain a mass resembling gelatin.

You must adhere to the following rules when using the drug as an anti-aging mask:

  • Clean the face with cosmetic soap and warm water.
  • The mask is left on the face for at least 20 minutes.
  • After rinsing agent residues on the skin, apply a nourishing cream.
  • The recommended course of domestic rejuvenation using collagen hydrolyzate - 1 month (1-2 times per week).

Cream "Collagen Ultra" is applied in a small amount to the face and rubbed smooth movements. The balances that are not absorbed into the skin must be removed with a cloth.

How do I use a hair?

Performed well collagen hydrolyzate to repair damaged hair. It helps to keep the moisture within the structure and creates a protective film on the surface. Many means of hair care products contain a small amount of protein, but this is not always enough. In this case, you can use the gel with collagen.

On the washed wet hair Apply the product evenly distributed along the length, but without affecting the roots. You can dry the hair dryer or simply leave for a while, until the vehicle is not dries. The preparation is left on all night, putting a cap on his head for the shower. On the morning of the collagen mask can be washed away. The hair becomes manageable, silky and "alive" after the first procedure.

What can replace the drug?

In the event of an allergic reaction or you are hypersensitive to the drug needs to be replaced "Collagen Ultra". similar means instruction must confirm the presence in the hydrolyzate of collagen - the main active component. In addition, the necessary auxiliaries to better absorb protein.

identical properties and has a healing effect "Extra Collagen Plus". This powder for internal use with a regenerative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It means the ability to slow the aging of the skin, improves motor function of joints and enhances the action of drugs.