Effective means to combat acne cream - "Skinoren": reviews

The fight against acne

People who have problem skin, in an attempt to get rid of the disease, to get visual appeal, and peace of mind to try a variety of means to combat acne. But not all products offer guaranteed results, because the problem of each person is unique, and some of the components may not operate in a particular case. Sooner or later in this unequal struggle people go to the pharmacy with a request to pick up means for removing acne. In this case, often the pharmacist offers a taste of "Skinoren" - cream, which reviews seek to convince the reader that over time, acne disappears. But we should not unconditionally trust them, because everyone has different problems, and to understand how this tool, it is best to try it yourself.

Effective means to combat acne cream -


The main active ingredient of the drug - azelaic acid. Available in a 15% gel content and acid in a cream with 20% drug "Skinoren". Reviews of the vehicle in various forms differ only in that the second kind of starting to act more quickly. However, this drug has some side effects - this tingling after application, which causes acid. Therefore, many people use the gel after the discomfort a little less. The treatment time

Determine exactly how much will need to use the drug, it is impossible, t. To. The reaction of the skin at all different. Means intended to prevent the appearance of new lesions. Therefore, it takes a lot of time to dry the existing acne and prevent new form. About cream "Skinoren" reviews most people agree on one thing, that the first improvement can be seen at the end of the first month of use. But treatment may be delayed, and, most importantly, do not despair and do not retreat, then a guaranteed result does not take long. In severe cases, improvement may occur at the end of the second or third month, it takes a lot of patience.


Effective means to combat acne cream -

The drug is applied to clean, dry skin of the face or only on the inflamed areas 2 times a day. Minimum treatment time takes 3 months. During the summer, you must use extra sunscreen, because after azelaic acid action can appear dark spots. The drug "Skinoren" feedback recommended to use by adding an ordinary day cream, so it will be less pinching the skin at a time, until the will to act. How much is a

Effective means to combat acne cream -

Depending on the cream or gel is "Skinoren", the price may vary slightly. This is due to the percentage ratio of the active ingredient. On average, 15 gram tube of the drug cost about 500 rubles, but the result is worth the cost. In addition, the product is used course, not all the time, so the treatment can afford to buy him a few months. Personal consumption cream "Skinoren" reviews, in some cases, they say that one tube can last for 30 days, but it all depends on the severity of disease and the size of the affected area. The preparation should be applied thinly.