Cocktail "Wellness" from "Oriflame": reviews of doctors, especially the application and effectiveness

A huge number of factors adversely affect human health. This, of course, have a snack, frantic pace of life, polluted air, bad habits, and more. Any citizen concerned about the state of his health, and the Swedish company "Oriflame" is trying to help him in this. To this end, it has released a series of vitamin complexes and food additives. What pleases reviews of doctors and cardiologists of the "Wellness" from "Oriflame" mostly positive.

Product Description "Wellness" from "Oriflame"

Everyone has long known that the lack of useful minerals in the human body is fraught with the deterioration of his health. Brittle nails, dull hair split, nerves, insomnia, decreased immunity and weight - all this is a signal for help inner voice.

The main objectives of the line "Wellness" from "Oriflame":

  1. The saturation of the body with useful substances.
  2. Increased energy and physical activity.
  3. Improved concentration.
  4. Weight Control and Weight Loss.
  5. Increased immunity.
  6. Improving the operation of the digestive tract and heart.

"visiting card" of the Swedish company is the absence in the production of artificial dyes, preservatives and GMOs. Developers used only natural high quality components.

The minerals and vitamins, "Wellness" from "Oriflame": reviews of doctors. What is the production of

Minerals - a simple substance, without which the body can not function normally. They control and regulate a great number of physiological processes. Since bone formation and blood coagulation finishing. Due to the fact that the minerals are depleted very quickly, you need to constantly replenish their stocks. Vitamins - are inorganic substances necessary in certain amounts for the prevention of disease and the body height. They help in the formation of bones and tissues, as well as transforming the carbohydrates and fats into energy. The absence of any vitamins alone can cause serious illness in humans. Own body to produce the necessary vitamins to maintain health is not able to, so you should monitor their regular use.

To choose a suitable for yourself part of vitamins, it is necessary to examine the entire list of products and read all the reviews about the doctors, "Wellness" from "Oriflame".

The complex vitamins for daily use "Beauty Pack"

This complex of nutrients is designed for both women and men. Their use is appropriate when the body is depleted by exercise and stress. With these tablets can compensate for the lost energy and retain youthfulness.


The daily serving of vitamins packed in mini-bags, where the 4 capsules. This tablet is a series of "Multivitamins and minerals", "Swedish beauty Complex Plus" and 2 tablets of "Omega-3".


With this line of products and reviews of Wellness by Oriflame is very impressionable: it helps to cope with muscle pain and inflammation, improves the physical condition of the body and removes the feeling of fatigue.

Complex "Vitamins and Minerals"

Swedish company has developed this complex in three variations (for men, women and children), taking into account all the recommendations of the WHO. Such a method will provide the correct approach for each person with a set of all of daily vitamins.


One tablet per day supports the stable operation of the body, and for children contributes to the rapid growth and development.

The complex "Omega-3"

This is the same as that of cod liver oil, but in its present form.

Important! The required dosage is indicated on the packaging.


Even back in the USSR fish oil gets kids without fail. Only then he was completely tasteless and stood out in liquid form. Doctors about "Wellness" from "Oriflame", namely about this complex, very optimistic: it improves the brain and nervous system, beneficial effects on the heart and eyes. Work or study do not come easily, which is important. Since the body's needs are very different, produced separately for children and adults.

"Nutrikompleks for hair and nails,"

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to be beautiful and healthy. However, it is not uncommon, as a result of adverse situations (especially in the post-natal period) comes loss and brittle hair, lamination of the nail plate, and so on. D. This happens due to the fact that the body lacks essential nutrients (protein keratin, amino acids L -lysine and L-cysteine, vitamin C and iron).


Even if a woman will take care of themselves with the help of cosmetics, the problem will not go away. An important task of the complex - regularly to maintain health and beauty. Series "Nutrikompleks for hair and nails," is available for both women and men.

Cocktails slimming Wellness Oriflame Natural Balance

Be fit and be able to eat properly - the dream of any girl or woman complete. To achieve this, you need to consume food in a balanced, eliminating from the diet of all harmful (aerating beverages, smoked, spicy, salty, fatty, and so on. D.) It is also necessary to add high-quality protein in their menus, healthy fats, and in parallel to reduce the amount of carbohydrates. Cocktail Wellness by Oriflame Natural Balance - just a storehouse of a large amount of protein products. It nourishes the body in protein, fiber, vitamins and microelements.


protein shake from "Oriflame" fills the human body the necessary energy and gives excellent health and mood. It is worth noting that the protein drink is consumed not only by those who want to be slim, but also those who have difficulty gaining weight. Due located in cocktails proteins, accelerating the process of metabolism and regular physical activity loom raised line of the body. Cocktail diet Wellness by Oriflame popular among athletes, who use it to increase muscle mass.

Cocktail "Oriflame": tastes and composition of

Manufacturers of products "Wellness" claim that includes only balanced and natural ingredients as a result of eight years of research into the drink:

  1. Egg protein (contains the necessary amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids).
  2. The protein green peas saturates the body with protein diet.
  3. Milk protein - is the most active and useful trace element among all proteins.
  4. Apple pectin. This component is a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa.
  5. A part of the beverage rose, fiber and sugar beets rich in many vitamins, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cocktail products "Wellness" exists in three varieties: strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. It differs only by adding flavors, the basic structure is identical everywhere. You can drink them one by one, so as not to become boring the same taste. Fans of this drink are waiting for new flavors, but so far the company has stopped at three.

How to make a cocktail of "Wellness" line?

First, you need to buy a shaker, it was convenient to stir the drink, as well as scoop. This can be done at the representatives of the "Oriflame" company. Then select any one of these mixtures is measured and special spoon (18 grams). The following is poured into 250 ml shaker water or milk, and the resulting mixture was thoroughly shaken. Everything is ready to drink! If used for the preparation cocktail plain water, then in any case it should not be carbonated or hot. Drink mix for weight loss will be much tastier and more enjoyable if it is pre-cooled. The basis may optionally be water or milk - juice, fruit compote, yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt is also perfectly suited for a cocktail. But be aware that the choice of a basis, in addition to water, energetic value will increase. Therefore, for those who need to lose weight, to prepare cocktail stands on plain water.

Store mixture in the refrigerator must be no more than a day. If it was a day on a table or in any other warm place, it is impossible to drink. It is better to throw a drink, as is likely, it is already spoiled. Unsealed a box of dry cocktail can be stored 3 months to six months.

Important! After the cocktail "Nechural Balance" could stand a bit before drinking it is necessary to shake. The reason is that which is part of the ingredients tend to separate.

What is the effect of drinking a cocktail?

About cocktail "Wellness" from "Oriflame" response from physicians is very contradictory. The positive aspects include:

  1. Improved concentration.
  2. The generation of stress.
  3. Increased brain.
  4. charged energy for the whole day.
  5. The acceleration of metabolism.
  6. Strengthening the joints and the cardiovascular system.
  7. normalization of sleep, insomnia disappears.
  8. Getting rid of depression.
  9. Cleansing the body of toxins.

The main plus - the craving for sweets and reduced appetite, and even makes it easier to monitor the amount of food is eaten.


Despite the fact that the response from physicians about "Wellness" from "Oriflame" (cocktails) in the most positive individual negative effects do exist:

  1. allergic reaction to egg protein and flavors - strawberry and vanilla. People with such problems is to abandon the use of cocktails and consult a doctor.
  2. Lactose intolerance. In this beverage it slightly (less than 1%), and therefore, this side effect can not be exhibited. But we should not take risks and to prepare a drink for dairy products.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation. Cocktail Wellness by Oriflame has not been tested on women in the state and those who are breastfeeding, so it is unclear how the body might react. It is better for this period to refrain from drink.
  4. Children's age. Cocktail is not recommended for children under 14 years. However, many mothers introduce their kids with a sweet drink. Adverse events were not observed, on the contrary, said that the child's well-being and improved activity in the kindergarten or school.