Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you must take into account that not only the meal should be useful, but also drinks that are used by you. Drinks for weight loss, home cooked, enhance the effect of any diet. In addition, they saturate the body with a variety of minerals and vitamins.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

Forbidden goodies

People daily drink plenty of fluids, and more than two liters, with the thinking that it can in no way affect the weight and health. But it's not always the case. Depending on the weight of used beverage can be reset (eg, preparing drinks for losing weight at home), or, conversely, to gain extra weight.

What are the drinks-enemies in the fight against obesity?

Alcohol. Any alcoholic drink - a high-calorie with high sugar content. In addition, it causes irreparable damage to not only figure, but what is more important to human health?

Energy drinks. They contain a huge number of dyes, sugars and various additives are harmful to the body.

Beer. This kind of harmless at first alcoholic drink can bring great harm to the body. It changes human hormones. Having a high glycemic index, then deposited in the form of fat.

Carbonated beverages. This fluid is the source of "empty" calories, it is composed of a variety of additives, flavorings and colorings. Besides, she is not able to quench their thirst.

Coffee and coffee drinks. Here everything is ambiguous, the debate about the dangers and benefits of coffee are from year to year. It is better to refrain from the use of this drink - getting used to it is akin to an alcoholic, a tonic effect is minimal.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

Useful drinks

If at home slimming drinks prepared, they will not only enrich your body with many elements and vitamins, but also help to lose weight.

water. This is a universal natural solvent that displays the body of toxins, the best thirst-quenching and even reducing the feeling of hunger and improves brain activity.

Green Tea. It cleanses the body, tones and improves metabolism. Drink it should be sugar-free, but you can prepare teas for weight loss with honey if desired.

Peppermint tea - improves digestion and tones body also has a soothing effect. When stressful situations, in order not to "jam" the emotions with food, it is better to make tea with mint.

Drink ginger for weight loss. It helps to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

Juices. The composition of the juice includes a variety of vitamins. Just do not confuse the fresh juices (preferably made from seasonal fruits and vegetables) with the store. In the last absolutely nothing useful there, one sugar, which only contributes to weight gain.

There are many other healthy drinks, which we will cover in this article.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

slimming drinks at home - recipes

Cook healthy drinks at home is not so difficult as it might seem. There are many different recipes that will be discussed in more detail.

Ginger with honey

You will need root ginger, honey, mint, juice of one orange, black pepper.

Boil 1 liter of water, add to it a couple of spoons of chopped grated ginger and as much chopped mint. Boil all together for 10 minutes, cool to ambient temperature drink. Put the broth in a pinch of pepper, orange juice and two tablespoons of liquid honey, stir, leave the drink of ginger slimming brew.

Kefir with ginger

Ginger tea is undoubtedly effective and tasty, but in the heat you want something cool, and then come to the aid that's the recipe.

Take a small spoonful of chopped ginger and cinnamon, a large spoonful of honey, a little water, one circle of lemon.

Dissolve the dry ingredients into the water, pour this mixture of a glass of nonfat yogurt, mix thoroughly.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

Drainage drinks for weight loss

These drinks help remove excess water from the body, and this is the first step on the path to losing weight. Only when away excess fluid, the fat burning process begins. In addition, drainage drinks not only reduce the volume, but also give a clear outline of the figure, the smartness of the body and skin elasticity.

How to cook drain drink for weight loss? Recipes are shown below.

  • In the cup of boiling water to take two tablespoons of crushed leaves mother and stepmother. Give broth brew for an hour, drink a spoonful three times a day.
  • In 200 ml of boiled water for one spoon honey and shredded birch leaves. To consume this drink is worth twice a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Half a liter of boiling water, 35 g currant leaves. Take half a cup three times a day.
  • In a glass of boiling water dried berries and leaves of wild strawberry (2-3 tbsp. Spoons). Infuse the broth should not be less than two hours. Drink four times a day for a spoon.
  • At 0, 5 liters of boiled water two small spoons of dried marigold flowers. The beverage should sit for 20 minutes. Drink three times a day for half a cup.
  • In a small cup of boiling water teaspoon crushed dried stems of horsetail. Drink at least three times a day before meals for a third cup.

Drinks with lemon

Due to the fact that the lemon contains large amounts of vitamin C, it helps to accelerate the metabolism of active substances in the body, and therefore, its use in the fight against obesity is justified.

Drink of lemon for weight loss deserves to be on your dietary table - here are some surprisingly easy to prepare and tasty recipes:

  • In a liter of boiled water need the juice of two lemons and a large spoon of ground ginger. Take this drink should be 20 minutes before eating throughout the day.
  • And this drink is best to drink in the morning on an empty stomach, if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Here, half a cup of warm water need to squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  • In a glass of boiled water take one spoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Drink up to 3 meals three times a day.
  • Green tea with lemon and honey is natural and safe, and very effective in the fight against unwanted kilos. Brew tea, add a slice of lemon and a small spoonful of honey. Drink at least in the hot, though chilled.

Lemon, combined with cinnamon beats sugar cravings. Pour into a glass of boiling water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon. Drink before eating.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

"Sassi" slimming

And finally, consider the "Sassi" - a drink for weight loss. The recipe is easy, too, to deal with his cooking can absolutely anyone.

"Sassi" - it is nothing like an infusion of water from a lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint leaves. In appearance nothing remarkable in it, but it is very useful and, of course, effective. Especially good this infusion in hot weather, because it has a pleasant and refreshing taste. Has the "Sassi" the following properties: produces a diuretic effect, accelerates the breakdown of fats, improves skin and hair, as well as eliminates bloating.


Very easy to prepare "Sassi" - a drink for weight loss. The recipe of this wonderful cocktail includes the following ingredients:

  • one medium lemon;
  • small cucumber;
  • Ten mint leaves;
  • teaspoon minced ginger;
  • two liters of water.


1. Lemon rinse thoroughly, cut it in half and squeeze the juice.

2. Cucumber peel and chop.

3. Mix all ingredients, add the mint leaves and a cool drink.

Drink diet at home. How to prepare a drink for weight loss

As you can see, prepare drinks for weight loss is a snap, but in conjunction with diet, exercise and proper nutrition, you get a really great result.

Lose weight with style!