What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

popular word "snorkelling" among water sports enthusiasts. At the same ones who are "not on", it evokes different emotions - from simple curiosity to associations with Moomintroll (been there Snork in Tove Jansson's novel). Perhaps we should finally understand what this unknown beast.

What is snorkeling

The word "snorkelling" in the Russian language comes from the English, who in turn had borrowed it from the Germans. In Germany Schnorchel ( "snorkel") refers to a breathing tube, Snorkeling in the UK ( "snorkelling") - snorkeling. In Russia, allowed to speak as snorkeling and snorkeling, as the word means the form of immersion with special equipment that allows you to see firsthand the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

Depending on the depth of immersion snorkel isolated subspecies such as skindayving (care to a great depth). Snorkeling itself does not involve large-scale immersion enough to stay flat on the water and lowered his head under water. That is why snorkeling is considered affordable for people of different age groups and levels of sport.

Diving and snorkeling: what is the difference

The first question that arises when reading the definition of snorkeling - what is the difference between him and diving (from the English Diving - "dive")? It's simple. As already mentioned above, the snorkeling does not require the person deep dive, the body can remain on the surface of the water, to see the world of underwater inhabitants it can not hurt. Diving is just assumes the maximum care of the water. Snorkeling accessible financially, diving requires expensive equipment. Snorkeling not limit fan underwater observations in time, dive duration depends on the amount of air in the cylinder.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

Another, perhaps, no small difference between these two types of underwater research - diving license is required, snorkeling available and just. This type of navigation, by the way, is not only a sport, but also entertainment - which is not about diving. And with the help of rescuers are working on the water. That's what the snorkeling!

What you need to know how to

Despite the fact that the whole snorkeling is accessible to everyone, some basic knowledge and skills a person should have. Just like that, with the bay-floundering, snorkelling not you want to do - it's still a rather risky project.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

So, in order to try his hand at snorkeling, you must be able to hold well on the water - and this is the first requirement. With the lack of confidence people can simply drown. Experts recommend that before you engage in snorkeling, train float not less than fifteen minutes. Basic swimming skills at the abdomen and back - also a good thing. It is also important to learn how to use the pre-tube for breathing, or high risk of choking. You should be confident in their ability to hold their breath for more than a minute.

It is extremely important also in advance to get used to the equipment for snorkeling, get used to it and to itself in it, learn how to swim together with all this equipment. Only then can proceed directly to training.

What do I need to practice snorkeling

So, what is snorkeling - is understandable. And what do you need to deal with them? In fact, not so much. Required attributes only two - an underwater snorkeling mask and snorkel. Also "spare" (need not all, not always and not everywhere) elements are flippers and a wetsuit or a life jacket.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

Even experienced snorkellers (so called those who engage in this sport) can be submerged and without equipment, only in special swimming glasses. But for this it is necessary to be confident in their abilities and capabilities of the lungs. And, of course, a dive does not provide care to a greater depth.

How do I choose the right mask

Paramount, the most important element of snorkeling - diving mask. Main, on what to look for when it is selected - the appropriate size. This means that it should not leak. Check out this simple: you have to apply a mask to face, nose to breathe heavily and stop keep attribute. If the mask has fallen - not the size, if left to "sit" on the face - it is what you need. Should choose a mask and without valves - in this case it just will not take place. It is also recommended to choose the kind of equipment with one or two panes, yc presence podmasochnogo space and guarantee fairly good viewing angle. It is important to pay attention to the glass if they bear the marking T or S, which means that they are hardened and secure the mask.

Silicone on the mask for the snorkel can be transparent, colored or black. Everyone is free to choose for the soul, but we must remember that the best review will be with transparent silicone. At the same time, however, he glares more than others. Beginners are advised to stop on this variant.

An important point: if the future snorkelers vision problems, it will not be a hindrance. There are special masks for diving, where instead of the usual glass windows can be placed with diopters. This time is necessary to specify in advance.

Before you put on a mask for the first time, it must be treated - to wipe the inside, so that the water it does not fog up. On sale there are special funds for this purpose, but they cost money, so wishing to save may just do the own saliva, and then rinse with water.

tube for snorkeling

Snorkel for snorkelling sessions and then need to stay under water for as long as possible. It should be borne in mind that its length is usually no more than thirty or forty centimeters, that is, it does not imply a deep dive. However, swimming with her to the surface is very easy and comfortable for breathing.

Choosing a tube for snorkeling, you must pay attention to the presence of the lower valve - it makes it easier to clean the tube. It is also important to choose the correct diameter - the bigger it is, the easier it is to breathe, but it is more difficult to clean, and the attribute of water. Advised not to take the tube with a diameter of more than two and a half centimeters. It is also important and the location of the mouthpiece - he must be free to be placed in the mouth in a way that did not have a bite it, in addition, it should not be tough. Fit tube for navigation may be left even though the right, but it should be remembered that adjoin closer it should not be to the ears, and to face. Choosing this type of equipment should try it and see if the location is convenient. Breathe in the tube for swimming should be deeply, steadily and carefully, otherwise there is a risk of water entering the lungs.

The choice of fin

Fins - not a mandatory element, but they can be more easily submerged. They allow you to maneuver and reduce the time and effort to dive and floating, so the novice snorkelers, perhaps, can not do without them.

Choosing fins, should first pay attention to how they sit comfortably on foot. They must wear on bare feet, they should be light, not too long, not rigid and stiff. There are fins with boots, if you select this option you need to look if mounting convenient, if it is weak.

The best choice will fins made of plastic and rubber - they are the most light. But they worn only at depth, and to have her go barefoot, which is fraught with various dangers. Fins can be shod with shoes on the beach, but they are certainly more expensive and heavier.

It is important to remember that if immersion occurs in the place where a lot of algae and slime different, fins can serve not help and a hindrance. Therefore, doing snorkeling flippers should carefully choose their area of ​​underwater observation.

Correct wetsuit

Wetsuit or life jacket - a thing that need not always. It is required only if the float future snorkelers can not quite (though in this case you need two hundred times to think before you even begin a similar procedure). The material from which the suit is made, prevents sinking and holds the person on the surface. At the same time to dive into it much more problematic than without it. Also we need a certain type of clothing when the temperature characteristics. The cold water is best to wear a long wetsuit neoprene. And here is made of lycra, it will protect from the hot sun and make it easier to stay warm water. In the latter case, a long dress to wear do not need - to sell sets of shirts and breeches.

Replace wetsuit and lifejacket can - of course you do not intend diving. He will make your stay more comfortable in the water. In addition to it, you can buy special armlets and bracelets on his feet. Vest, as, indeed, and a wetsuit, easily deflates and inflates.

Technique lessons snorkeling

What is the snorkeling and what is required for him now clear. It remains more to find out how to start practicing this exciting business.

The first phase - a mask. Then it is necessary to attach the receiver and adjust its height. Fins put in the least (important: if you use a wetsuit, the first to put his name, before the mask). Enter the water with flippers should be backwards movement should be neat, smooth - otherwise it will not remain near the snorkelers single underwater inhabitant and watch is not just for anyone.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

In the water, you need to immediately relax as much as possible, lie down on the water and a deep, smooth and breathe. Feet should not wallow in the water, moving them to be evenly and slowly from the hips. Hands should be kept along the body, do not try to help their feet. Plunging the head into the water, you need to take a deep breath, tightly bite the mouthpiece tube, lowered his head and exhale. Just feeling tired, should calm down and relax, the mask should not be removed at the same time. Emerging to the surface, be sure to remember to blow out the water from the tube - it is necessary to make two or three strong expiratory tube.

Snorkeling: Tips

  1. After the dive, all equipment used should be thoroughly rinsed with fresh water.
  2. mask and snorkel for diving should not be left exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. Before the dive, you should use sunscreen, not to burn.
  4. The water visibility is distorted around twenty per cent - all seem closer than it really is.
  5. Do not touch any of the underwater inhabitants.
  6. Before class snorkeling is important to explore the underwater terrain of the area and its residents.
  7. Even with a no experience, do not never dive alone - anything can happen. Before the dive, be sure to tell someone about it.
  8. Plunging together (three / four, and so on), and wanting to talk, do not shoot each time and again to put on equipment. Suffice it to think of ways to communicate its signals.
  9. For underwater photography, there are inexpensive disposable devices.
  10. Seawater "holding" is better, so the training sessions for snorkeling as possible it is better to the sea than in a swimming pool.
  11. To carry out the first dive is recommended under the supervision of an experienced coach.
  12. Do not start a dive with great depth, better to learn the area near the shore.
  13. Engage snorkel recommended in calm weather, without waves, the water temperature and the air in the region of thirty degrees above zero.
What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

ideal place to practice snorkeling

Beaches for snorkeling - where are they? At first glance, it would seem - at any seaside. In principle, it is, but there are also the most popular among snorkelers place. One of them - Red Sea beaches and, accordingly, Egyptian resorts. In this country, snorkeling do best in spring or autumn. Snorkeling in Thailand - another common place. Philippines, Dominican Republic, Vietnam is also perfectly suited for these purposes. In Vietnam, it is best to engage in snorkeling in the winter months - from November to April. Snorkeling is also popular in Tunisia and in the Maldives. However, the island is chosen mostly professionals - it was too hectic there for newcomers to meddle in such places should not be.

What is the snorkeling and where they can do?

Our world, our nature is full of mysteries and wonders. We do not know half of the amazing beauty that lurk in the depths of our planet. technology of modern life are given a chance at least for a little touch to these mysteries. Therefore, snorkelling - an amazing opportunity to move closer to the beautiful nature of the Earth.