How to find a balance between confidence and boasting

People do not like daffodils almost just as uncertain and clamped skromnyagi. That is why it is so difficult to find a way to talk about themselves, so as not to slip any bragging, either in self-abasement. We explain how to talk about their merits, without fear of appearing selfish upstart.

Believe that you deserve to

How to find a balance between confidence and boasting

Sincerity largely reduces the negative effect of showing off and helps the story of its own success look natural. But to be honest, you have to believe that you deserve respect.

Confidence makes 50% of the work for you - at least so it should not be underestimated. Stop fear seem upstart be misunderstood or too pronounced. Others head crammed with their own problems and complexes, often they simply have no time to notice other people's merits. If you draw people's attention to their quality, which can be useful, it's just easier for them. Treat positioning as an important part of human communication. You help people get to know who you are, that's all.

Say only the facts

To self-presentation is not turned into an ordinary bragging avoid evaluations and tell only the facts. I did a good job - to tell about the result in numbers, charts, ratings and other measuring instruments. You consider yourself a steep specialist - leads customer reviews, colleagues, leadership. Talk about your strengths - confirms acts in which they are manifested. More verbs, adjectives less. Then people will not have anything to convince, they will see that you are a miracle.

Be honest about how you was given this or that achievement

How to find a balance between confidence and boasting

Avoid expressions "I do not have anything", "it was easy", "to me this is nonsense", if in fact it is not. This does not add your coolness, but just reduce the value of your work and again makes the positioning of the empty bluster.

Tell the truth: how much time and effort had taken the project; like attack, you have no idea what to do; how wrong and I did not believe in myself. All this is only more respect, because in the end you coped. But exaggerate their efforts are not worth it, if the person you little suspect of insincerity, all your words will lose weight.

does not diminish other people

See that your conversation about the merits of one humiliated. Praise yourself, people often inadvertently allow others to understand that they consider themselves better than others. Who needs your achievements, if it suffers from someone's dignity.

The best way to tell us about your progress - not to compare with someone, and with him in the past. Tell me that you used to something does not succeed, and now you're in a hurry and was able to share this joy with others.

Make sure that now appropriate to talk about their own achievements

Self-positioning and competent are good when they are relevant. No need to impose on others talk about what you are wonderful - it infuriates, whatever delicate manner you do not present themselves.

Talk about their successes worth it when we are talking just about what you're good. And, ideally, this conversation must make someone else - then self-promotion will be as a native.

How to find a balance between confidence and boasting

Do not apologize for the fact that you praise yourself

Continue a list of phrases that are prohibited during a conversation about himself, apologized and every clause in the spirit of "do not want to brag." When you say "Do not think that I am boasting," I am sure that now all that's about it and thought.

As we have said, in the belief there is nothing shameful or wrong, so do not apologize for the good that is in you. Go straight to the facts, to hell with foreplay.

are not engaged in self-abasement

How to find a balance between confidence and boasting

The people who have a negative attitude to yourself, others irritate as much as daffodils. If you're constantly talking about their shortcomings and to belittle the dignity - people will have no choice but to believe it.

Worse may be only self-deprecation combo "pribednyus and boast." Stories about how hard it is to be the best employee is tired of being the most beautiful girl in the class, how difficult it is to decide where to spend another million, nothing but rejection and the desire to roll my eyes causes.

I thank those who accompanied your success

Does not detract from its merits, but also be grateful to those who contributed to this. If it's not about the work that you carried out entirely alone, so it is not only your success. Admit that your victory - the result of joint efforts, even if the majority of your efforts there. Whether it is true, then surround yourself notice what you darling.