Our body's signals that need to pay attention

You - an attentive listener? If you memorize the words of the interlocutor does not interrupt with compassion and emotion, everything is superb, worthy of praise. And what about your own body? To him, too, and you need to listen very carefully. After all, it is so often tries to tell us the most important thing. And we write off signals for help in the banal malaise. But what do they mean in reality?

Our body's signals that need to pay attention Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Learning to listen to your body and trust - an important skill that is worth more to learn from the young. No, I join those hypochondriacs and run to the doctor after each "stab in his side" should not be. But to miss even the smallest body signals is not necessary. Sometimes they encoded really important information. Try to understand what lies behind the "banal malaise" and other common complaints.

1. Forgetfulness

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Tired of spending the morning in a fog, and on the way to work with the effort to remember, you have closed the door with a key or not? Of course, easy distraction well treated by complete bed. But if and 8:00 in the arms of Morpheus no influence on the situation, it is better to visit an endocrinologist and a blood test for the main marker of the thyroid gland. The problem may be in it. Especially if combined with persistent fatigue and mood jumps.

2. Low Libido

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Yes, hundreds of projects at work, the head of the wicked and wild traffic congestion is not much help to the exploits in the marriage bed. Banal tired - too. But in the absence of psychological conflicts in the second half, and the world-grace in relationships, low libido may hint at a serious thing: hormonal imbalance. Which is easily provoked prolonged depression, weight problems, and jumps to the cardiovascular system. So you'd better work on prevention and hand over the analysis on hormones.

3. You are constantly "on the nerves"

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Problems happen at all, and stress and does become the norm of city life. But if you notice more and more often for a racing mood, tearfulness, anxiety attacks for no reason, and the above-mentioned low libido, your stress is likely to drag on. And the increased production of the hormone cortisol makes the body work literally wear. We should not ignore these symptoms shown that prolonged stress leads to depression and reduced cognitive function. That is, work is precisely reflected. So rather take a vacation. Or, at least, walk in the fresh air for about 20 minutes a day. Sometimes it is simply enough to get out of the public transport for a couple of stops earlier. Motor activity and deep breathing help to keep stress in check. Just like healthy food.

4. The leg cramps occur more often

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Most of us spend a whole day in a sitting position, and therefore does not attach importance strange sensations in the limbs. In vain. Quickened cramps and spasms of the legs may be a signal of lack of magnesium in the body. And early harbingers of arrhythmia, tachycardia, and even a heart attack. Be sure to consult with phlebologist Dr. certainly advise you to enrich the diet of bananas, almonds, pumpkin dishes, and other natural sources of magnesium. Or pick up a suitable drug. One thing is clear: ignore this symptom can not be sure.

5. Do you feel tingling in the fingers

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Frequent tingling may be a lack of vitamin B12 signal. A chronic shortage of this "minor" vitamin can cause anemia. So be sure to add to the menu of chicken eggs and dairy products. Most likely, that the fingers and then quickly calm down.

6. The skin became too dry and flaky

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Yes, from the beginning of the heating season, it becomes downright universal problem. But the blame is not only dry air. The body is trying to say that he lacks the fatty acids. So be sure to Feed the its useful goodies, such as walnuts, avocados, olives and olive oil and red fish. A skin - a good moisturizer. And in general, do not forget that any cosmetic problem must be addressed comprehensively, including the inside.

7. The face of "attack" acne

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

By rashes have to listen. Especially if you have a little over 16. In adulthood, acne is almost always report one of the following issues: hormonal "swing" (including the phases of the cycle in women), prolonged stress (cortisol immediately hits the skin), lack of sleep (because it is a dream "extinguishes" the stress hormone cortisol), or the abuse of sugar. So before running for the densest tone kremom- "putty", try to eliminate the cause. In other spots will be a triumphant return.

8. Do you always want to sleep

Our body's signals that need to pay attention

Especially in the middle of the day. If you think a minute before lunch and try to pretend that do not sleep on terribly important meeting, it could be ... your breakfast! And at the same time meal. Anyway, if you lean on all the high carbohydrate and "meat", like sandwiches or rolls. These goodies give instant boost of energy, but in a couple of hours to take his interest. "Thank you" spikes in blood sugar. And therefore give preference to protein foods, vegetables and fruits. They definitely help to hold out until evening without two liters of coffee.