Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

When a girl wants to look not only stylish, but also stand out from the crowd, an excellent option for this is to create an original hairstyle or choice of unusual haircuts. When it comes to eye-catching options, the right for a haircut with shaved temple. Women's hairstyles this kind implies a color strands of length greater than 2 or 3 cm. The shape of such a hairstyle is not just unusual, but also original, because it is chosen by a girl with an explosive temper and unpredictable mindset. But what is the advantage of such a hairstyle?

Women's haircut with shaved temples and neck

When it comes to hairstyles and unusual cases, it is shaven whiskey first thing come to mind. Not so long ago invented a hairstyle got a huge hit with the girls, because this form looks and feminine, and the unusual and bright. The main distinguishing feature of this type of hairstyle - is shaved temple "under yedinichku" professional clippers. Girls rarely leave the temple completely bald, so the option of hair lengths of 2-3 mm is ideal. Depending on the wishes is different haircut with shaved temple. Women of her kind is easily combined with long locks, but stylish looks and with short hair, asymmetrical haircuts. At the same time they shave not only the temple, but also part of the neck - is a more complex version, but it is popular, no less.

Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

Shaved temple + long strands

Short hairstyles for women with shaven temple perfectly with elongated oval face. But the owners of long hair, this hairstyle will suit most. When done styling, all the hair shaved from the area are thrown to the opposite side, leaving the temple, and shaved his head as open as possible.

Haircut with shaved female temple at medium and long hair is easy to change. If you want to suddenly cover the shaved area, the owners of this hairstyle is enough to hold the vertical parting in the middle, and divide the hair into two parts, covering her shaved head. That is why the owners of long hair use a haircut is most convenient: it wanted the brightness in the image, you just need to throw all the strands on the other side.

Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

Hair Color, patterns on shaved temple

Even classic hairstyle with shaved temple female already looks bright and original, but there is much that is not enough, and she decides to allocate this flavor to the hair with the help of color or patterns shaved. You can do it this way. The shaved part of the hair is left up to 1 cm, then painted only the shaved area of ​​the right color: dark hair use light colors on light - on the contrary, make shades darker than the color of the strands. The use of blue, pink and other colors are also appropriate, the main thing - to choose a color that will be combined with clothes and makeup. The patterns on the shaved area - another popular trend. Very feminine and unordinary look brindle pattern or "spot" as in felines. Short haircut with shaved temple women can combine and bright shade, and the presence of the pattern in the shaved area.

Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

Stacking with shaven temple on one side of

As mentioned previously, owners of long hair to highlight the shaved area, it is necessary to shift all the hair on one side. How to make a beautiful styling in this case?

  1. The hair must be thoroughly combed, and shifted to one side.
  2. To separate one strand located right next to the shaved temple, and for a time to remove her barrette.
  3. In the following strands to do a volume fleece.
  4. the volume using the varnish.
  5. Carefully comb pinned previously strands and place them on top of the pile.
  6. To fix the result, causing abundant hairspray.

Shaved temple on two sides: an option of laying

If you decide to make the hairstyle is not just unusual, and shaved whiskey from two sides, then you have the opportunity to make the most flamboyant and colorful styling such hair. Especially stylish it looks for short hair.

So, to make a stylish shape, it is necessary to straighten all hair iron and make a strong predkornevoy bouffant. All locks have to bring forward as much as possible and raise up, fixing hair spray. To styling was more feminine and soft, the final step will require carefully combed locks the front back to get a smooth transition. At the same time we can not allow that hair leaned on shaven whiskey - they should be left completely open.

Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

Boxes with kosopleteniem

Trendy hairstyles for women with shaven temple perfectly with kosopleteniem, but here the main thing - to know what should be the braid where it should be located. Next to the temple shaved selected individual strands along the line near the place up to the neck. All the rest of the hair at the time of stabs in the opposite direction, so as not to interfere. From this locks is "spike" of any complexity. If the styling is done to itself, it is necessary to choose the easiest option outdoor "spikelets". weaving form must be perfectly smooth and convex. Then released the remaining hair is a big bouffant, and all locks combed or back, or on the other side.

Haircut with shaved female temple. Options and styles haircuts, hair styling types.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, to show their originality, the right for women's haircuts "shaven whiskey." Bangs, if it is, can be a great addition, especially in the short-haired. In this case, its shape should not be straight and smooth. Preference is given to an oblique and ragged bangs, asymmetrical forms.