7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

Cleaning the house can become a tedious, time-consuming task. Especially if it is constantly put off until later. This is not surprising: exhausting work days from morning to night, and still have breakfast, lunch and dinner to cook, while not forgetting about yourself. We decided to make a list of the basic rules of cleaning, following which you will be able to fix the problem at an early stage, spending a minimum of effort and time off.

1. Rule 10 minutes

7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

The rule is simple - if something takes less than 10 minutes, do it immediately. It will maintain the house clean, not killing for cleaning all weekend and focus on more important things. It is also a good way to fight against laziness, develop useful habits and increase their motivation.

Arrange daily wet cleaning of the house, you will spend on it no more than 10 minutes. Not throwing clothes when you come home - carefully folded it and hang in the closet, and went to the dirty laundry. It does not take much time. To return to the shelf book you finished reading, and wash the cup with which you've just had tea, you do need less than a minute.

2. All items must be the place

7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

The presence of things, constantly lying around in various corners of the apartment, probably indicates that they do not need. If you notice something unattended, think you need it or not. If it is not found in some special applications, get rid of them. It may be old notebooks, journals and checks, which had lost its shape or wear cosmetics that have expired.

3. blanketed bed every morning

Spend the morning and a half minutes out to fill her bed. This daily ritual has a great influence on your respect for the home, in particular to the beds, and then you go to bed every night with some attitude.

This is a great way to become more motivated throughout the day, because in the morning you have to perform a small task. In addition, when you come into his bedroom after a long day and do not feel mess, you have generated a sense of order, cleanliness and relaxation.

4. Take away the kitchen after each meal

7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

The kitchen is one of the most visited parts of the house, so maintaining its cleanliness should be a priority.

Mess in the kitchen, kilometer mountain of unwashed dishes can fight off any desire to cook. And this is a bad habit.

Get yourself rule cleaned the kitchen after every meal. Whether it's a few crumbs on the edge of a table or a pair of unwashed dishes - even if you really do not want to, do it.

5. The general part

7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

If you do not live alone, to offer every family member to participate in the care of the house as far as possible. This is a really important decision. Responsibility for the cleanliness of the house should not fall on the shoulders of one man.

6. Take care of the little things

Remember, a small mess creates a bigger mess. Try to do the cleaning as soon as possible. It is advisable now. Even if you dropped a drop of toothpaste on the sink, Spend 2 seconds to remove it, and move forward.

7. Choose the correct household chemicals

7 basic rules to maintain cleanliness in the house

The main criteria for selection of detergents and cleaning products for home - health safety and preservation of the integrity of things. They should not contain toxic substances, chemical fragrances and chlorine, as there is a possibility that when washing dishes, they get to eat, and in the wash - will damage the fabric of the article or cause razdrazhnie skin.

Choose liquid dishwashing detergent based on vegetable components, it foams well, economical to use and washes dishes with fat even in cold water. Due to the composition of the safe can be used for washing fruits and vegetables. The product is suitable for the disinfection of kitchen utensils and sponges, removes unpleasant odors from all types of surfaces, such as cutting boards. Gentle on skin, it does not dry and does not cause irritation.

In order not to clutter the bathroom washing powders for each type of clothing, choose multi-functional detergents. They are suitable for the washing of children's and adult clothing from fabric of any type and color. Due to the unusual composition, for example, the enzyme content of egg protein powders and gels gently and deeply clean clothes without damaging the structure and color of the fabric, eliminating even the chronic and stubborn stains. With regular use of these funds will be the clothes softer and tissue stops fade under the influence of ultraviolet light. Prevent electrification fabric and appearance of pellets on clothes help softener. He also prolong the life of all things, to remove odors and it will give a pleasant scent that will remain for a long time.

Buy high-quality cleaning products at home you can online web store Japanese cosmetics AIRISU. Here you will find a detailed description of all the tools, as well as customer reviews that will orient the choice of products. The store features dozens of different funds plan: face creams, emulsions, oils and masks, gels and lotions, shower, peeling socks supply masks for hands and feet, as well as shampoos, conditioners and hair serum.