5 reasons to turn to Chinese medicine

According to the Medical Center of the University of Maryland in Baltimore, methods of traditional Chinese medicine is still successfully help to deal with the imbalance in the body, working on 4 main areas: pain relief, recovery from illness, management of internal stress and improve the way of life through a healthy diet and exercise . Heroine met with the chief physician of the clinic of traditional Chinese medicine Jensin and talk about the benefits of the ancient Chinese practice for the modern man.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history - the first mention about the healing techniques referred to 3 century BC. The greatest development it has received in the capital of China, so the best clinics, doctors and universities located here. Beijing clinic Jensin focused on helping Russian-speaking patients, as its founder and chief physician of the ethnic Chinese Alexander Zhang was born and lived for a long time in Russia. Alexander is fluent in both Chinese and Russian languages, and also has a degree of candidate of medical sciences in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Alexander has shared with us 5 main reasons for deciding to turn to traditional Chinese medicine.

1. An integrated approach to the restoration of health

5 reasons to turn to Chinese medicine

Feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that it treats the root cause of the disease and improve overall health. It seeks not so much to defeat the disease, how to make up the body's natural forces which could resist the development of the disease, ie the treatment is not due to external stimulation, but from within. So, with the help of classical acupuncture and acupuncture on the 5 elements, you can restore the correct movement of qi energy and normalize the activity of the whole organism.

Learn more about acupuncture on the 5 elements of

2. An individual approach to each patient

5 reasons to turn to Chinese medicine

The Chinese medicine treats the body of each person as a unique, therefore, to treat the same disease for each patient selected his method. To define it, the doctor must take into account the age and the patient's lifestyle.

Thus, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis patients assigned one classical massage, and the other - the vacuum massage for 12 meridians. Even herbal teas are made individually for each patient.

Learn more about the vacuum massage

3. The effectiveness of

Despite the fact that Western medicine does not recognize some of the techniques of the Chinese, the popularity of the latter is increasing - in 2018 for about 3 million adults in Russia and CIS residents took advantage of acupuncture as a treatment. Studies show that 60% of the acupuncture allows you to completely remove the pain, and another 20% - to reduce its severity by 90%. Many scientists are conducting research methods of traditional Chinese medicine, evaluating their effectiveness. For example, in Australia, a comparative analysis was conducted cure infertility using Chinese medicines, which confirmed the effectiveness of Oriental Medicine.

4. The original procedure

5 reasons to turn to Chinese medicine

Some of the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine are still secret and handed down. For example, in the clinic conducted Jensin ogneterapiya and qigong therapy. The method performs Dr. Tan, hereditary ogneterapevt and qigong master in the 5th generation. Dr. Tan graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but some of the knowledge he received from his mother - also a hereditary qigong therapist. During operation, Dr. Tan successfully combines the classic techniques of traditional Chinese medicine and qigong therapy.

Learn more about ogneterapii

5. The absence of relapse

Feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine in that it treats the root cause of the disease and improve overall health. At the same time it prevents cases of relapse or deterioration of health in the future, while Western medicine often treats only the symptoms of the disease. A good example of this is the use of antibiotics, which kill bacteria, but have no effect on the prevention of re-infection in the future.

5 reasons to turn to Chinese medicine

The Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jensin is the first Russian-Chinese project in Beijing, founded by professor of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly with Russian-speaking doctors in 2004. More often than not here turn on the treatment of diabetes, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, infertility, as well as post-operative recovery. Before coming to the clinic is required to conduct free medical advice on the basis of medical history, which can be sent over the Internet. After examining the doctor offers a detailed treatment program and its costs, negotiates terms and issue invitations to the clinic.

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