Removal of papillomas in the home folk remedies

Papilloma is the formation of the skin resembling a wart. Its appearance indicates the presence in the body CDV (human papilloma virus). According to statistics, they struck 80% of people on the planet. Infection is transmitted through sexual contact, it develops a sharp decrease in immunity. In women, the virus can cause serious illness and even cancer.

Removal of papillomas in the home folk remedies


In developed countries it is accepted to vaccinate girls who are not yet sexually active and are not exposed to risk of infection. There are various methods for cleansing the skin from cancer. To do this, you must consult a dermatologist, who will offer possible options. Removal of warts at home is possible only after laboratory analysis of skin formation and appointment of a course of treatment. Prevent the development of virus can maintaining a high level of immunity. A healthy and active lifestyle, diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals, the absence of stress, a sufficient amount of time for sleep and rest the body to provide the required level of protection against many viruses and infections. Methods of removing papillomas

Those who found the formation of skin, you must be sure to get professional advice on the identification of his character and diagnosis. The most common method of removal of papillomas - cryosurgery.

Removal of papillomas in the home folk remedies

The procedure involves freezing warts painless outpatient basis. Once diagnosed, allowed the removal of warts at home. There are tools to cleanse the skin from these formations, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Special solution in liquid form is applied directly to a papilloma. After a while it disappears and leaves no trace. There is also impregnated with a solution of the tape you want to glue on a papilloma a few days. Then neoplasm is removed together with the tape.

Removal of papillomas in the home of traditional medicine by means of

The most well-known tools that can rid the skin of warts, are considered such plants as celandine and aloe vera is also effective tea tree oil. To moxibustion skin lesions, using the poisonous juice of celandine, which is in the pharmacy as a tincture to water or alcohol. So after his application was not burning and not left scars, you need to clearly follow the instructions on the packaging. Keratolytic properties has aloe leaf which is cut along the fibers, and then applied to the inner side of the papilloma. Time exposure means - 4 hours, the course of treatment - about 10 days. Should take into account the fact that the age of the plant, suitable for the treatment, must be at least 5 years.

Removal of papillomas in the home folk remedies

Tea tree oil is applied to the problem area every morning and evening for two weeks. Reviews of removing warts only positive in the event that passed the entire course of treatment. To get rid of skin lesions - it does not mean to stop the development of the virus CDV. Removal of papillomas in the home or by cryodestruction must necessarily be accompanied by vitamin and mineral complex with zinc. You must also get professional advice for the appointment of antiviral drugs.