How to cope with life in the hostel if you're used to live alone

Enjoy life in a hostel is much easier than you think. Yes, the lack of privacy and turn the shower can easily ruin your day, but you're able to take some action to avoid a bad mood. For all those who are preparing to start a new life at university, life hacking Heroine prepared to help secure a private space, even if a few people live with you.

Thoughtful decor

How to cope with life in the hostel if you're used to live alone

The university dormitories and rented apartments usually do not allow repainting walls or global permutation. But what you can do without serious damage to your wallet - add some cozy décor items. Turn to Pinterest as a source of inspiration for the interior design, watch stylish bed linen, Dreamcatcher or outdoor mirror.

Surround themselves with objects that will remind you of how you take care of yourself and how other people also know and love you. Reconsider your photo albums, to decide which of these frames can constantly bring a smile on your face, and print some of them. Do not hesitate to put on a bedside table even silly souvenirs like small shells, if you are sure it will bring you peace of mind. You can also consider the opportunity to purchase a small screen, which fence off your bed and work area from prying eyes, or install a canopy over the bed.

Find your favorite coffee shop nearby

How to cope with life in the hostel if you're used to live alone

The best way to secure a healthy environment, if the room is that the hostel do not work - go to an inexpensive coffee shop nearby. Take it with a favorite book, YouTube, or tape materials for the course - and do not be shy to show off their progress in Instagram.

Make a small order, get your things, put on the headphones and immerse yourself in meditation in this cozy corner. Even the thought of how you can not be distracted because of the neighbors, you have to be calm.

To change the situation, you can go to the coworking or anti-café - in some situations it is better to spend a little more money than worry about what you can not concentrate on tickets for conversations around.

Seek university area

How to cope with life in the hostel if you're used to live alone

Living together with other people usually forced to install a set of rules, for example, about how much you can listen to music, and what days are better to get out. There will be times when the rules will seem unbearable load, so it is necessary to think in advance where you can retreat, to keep quiet. Look for places where you would be able to learn directly at the university. Library, student clubs, let the audience - any space that is enough peace and quiet, you can serve as a private study. In addition, if you will be away from your cozy blankets and other distractions - the more likely that you do not start prokrastinirovat.

Remember that not necessarily come to the library only to learn - in some cases, you can use this place even to just make out the accumulated emails or plan menus for the week.

to draw up a joint calendar

How to cope with life in the hostel if you're used to live alone

to negotiate with its neighbors, as you can place a common calendar for all. To do this, you need to enter to the schedule of all classes, as well as important events of the week, for example, a trip to the parents or hiking to a concert.

So you can easily understand, when you manage to be alone in his room, or, conversely, to decide when you are together with your neighbors can watch an entire season of "Euphoria".

What annoys you in your life in a dorm?