Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

Restore youth without major surgery. Many women find it absolutely impossible, but modern medicine offers many ways to turn back time and again to enjoy himself in the mirror. Usually the female age at first give your eyes: their delicate skin is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of the environment and quickly loses moisture.

Therefore, this is an area of ​​thirty years begin to form wrinkles become visible bruises and bags. Sometimes, this contributes to the hereditary factor, which determines the presence of fat in the tissues of the face. Its deficiency causes early thinning of the skin and, as a consequence of aging. Several years ago, patients with similar problems have been proposed only surgery techniques. But today, with bruising, swelling, wrinkles and thinning of the nasolacrimal furrow excellent job imposed under the eyes fillers. Reviews of this procedure is already a large amount of accumulated online. Write about it, not only the ladies that put the fillers but cosmetologists who can talk about the procedure from the point of view of experts.

From this article readers will be able to find detailed information about the problems with the skin around the eyes, the classification of fillers, especially procedures and contraindications to it. We also look at its consequences and reviews of filler under the eyes. We hope that the above information will be useful for many women, deliberated contouring.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

The most problematic area of ​​the face

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and capricious, and changes therein are initially hardly noticeable, but quickly escalate into serious problems, which are then not just decide. And usually they begin with two quite commonplace:

  • losing sleep and swelling. If at a young age, you often do not get enough sleep, you'll begin to notice the morning noticeable swelling. Of course, they will disappear after a couple of hours after waking up, but precisely because of them later on any bags and bruises. But in the future they will provoke more serious problems in this delicate area.
  • Dry skin. With that many women face, but often do not give due importance to this symptom. But in fact it causes the formation of small and inconspicuous mesh wrinkles that will eventually translate into wrinkles.

At the young age of the first problems with the skin around the eyes can be solved with the help of masks, moisturizers and mesotherapy. But if these procedures do not pay attention to the age of forty, a woman will receive a set of major age-related changes:


  • sagging skin. Thinning of the skin quickly lose their elasticity and become flabby, that provokes the bags under the eyes, and a host of other unpleasant for the fair sex issues.
  • Display of nasolacrimal furrow. This symptom suggests that age-related changes have affected the deep internal layers. At the same time the body lost subcutaneous fat, so necessary for this area.
  • Couperose. Such a symptom is characterized by dilation of blood vessels, which leads to regular swelling. Over time, the blood vessels become very noticeable under the thinned skin, so dark circles under the eyes become an unpleasant shade of purple.
  • Exchange imbalance. All of the above problems (swelling, bruising, dehydration) cause pigmentation disorders. As a result, the area around the eyes can get a few spots of different shapes and colors.

Naturally, all of which we are now told, frightening women seeking in any way to preserve youthfulness of your eyes. Therefore, many of them do not spare money to cope with the emerging challenges, so much poison their lives.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

How to cope with age-related changes?

For the first time noticing wrinkles around your eyes, ladies usually get nervous and in large quantities to buy in stores all sorts of masks, creams and miracle liftings. If they do not have the desired effect, then the problem has gone away, and you must refer to cosmetology. Women of a certain age beauticians are advised to mesotherapy, apparatus procedures and special massages. It is worth noting that most of them are very effective. But it requires discipline and responsibility, as well as considerable financial investments. After all, sometimes to go to the beautician will be required for six months at least twice a week. If you do not have so much free time, or all of these methods are no longer active, it's worth thinking about how to carefully read the reviews of the filler under the eyes.

Creams, by the way, cleverly masking wrinkles and bruises, according to cosmetologists, in general should not be used on the delicate eye area. They are very dry out the skin and only exacerbate the existing problems. Therefore, in most cases the only effective way out of this situation is the introduction of fillers under the eyes (for this procedure, we will give feedback in this article). About them we will lead it in the following sections.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

Fillers: What is it

The injectable cosmetic fillers are used everywhere. They are used mainly for contouring the face, which allows to obtain the effect of rejuvenation by filling in some areas where there is shortage of tissues. For the skin under the eyes fillers (reviews confirm this fact) are one of the best options to get rid of the first age-related changes with minimal impact on your body.

Today proved that passion for tanning and a frequent finding in rooms with air conditioning, which drains much air leads to thinning of the skin around the eyes. That is why Contour is already justified by the age of thirty years. Some women suffer from congenital deficiency of subcutaneous fat layer, so they start to fight with bruises, barely reached the age of sixteen.

Classification of fillers used in modern cosmetology

If you explain to potential patients the most simple terms, what are the fillers under the eyes (reviews on the procedure of administration are often placed on the websites of clinics of plastic surgery), it is possible to describe them as a gel-like solution. There may be only one or more components which complement each other. Despite the abundance of fillers, differentiated by the density and composition, they can be divided into two major groups:

  • biodegradable. This category is used in cosmetics most widely. Such fillers are introduced by under-eye circles (responses indicate that they are very effectively cope with this problem), and to fill other areas of the face, which is noticeable obvious deficiency of tissue. Most often, biodegradable gels are composed of collagen, hyaluronic acid or polylactate. Not so long ago, it has spread fillers that are completely made up of adipose tissue of the human. These gels are not rejected by the body, and after some time are displayed naturally. Typically, the effect lasts for a period of five months.
  • non-absorbable. This group of fillers used in contouring with extreme caution. Gels are characterized by high density and composed of silicone or biopolymer gels. They are, according to information from the manufacturer, are safe for the body and do not cause rejection, but if they are used there is a risk that over time, the substance begins to move under the skin and will end up in another place.

If we talk about the filler under the eyes (reviews and photos show that they are very effective), then the area most suitable gels from the first group. After working cosmetologists in such a delicate place resembles a jeweler's work, the slightest mistake can cause severe swelling or displacement of the filler. Therefore, a drug which further resolve, is the most secure.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

Types of filler

Since fillers are used quite successfully in different areas, they are, there are several kinds. Everyone has a narrow focus, and for correcting certain problems. For example, to get rid of the expressed nasolabial folds, use dense gels. But the fillers from the bags under the eyes (patients reviews contain information that such a problem most of the women come in cosmetologist's office) should have a different structure and composition.

To date, the contouring is used five types of fillers:

  • A solution of hyaluronic acid. They are considered the safest because they have not a part of any synthetic components. Of all the known biodegradable gels he holds in the body longer than the others, as well as attract the necessary elasticity to the skin moisture. Judging by the reviews, hyaluronic fillers are injected under the eyes more often. They showed themselves very well, since almost do not injure the skin and do not stretch it.
  • On the basis of collagen.
  • C poly-L-lactic acid.
  • The gel-like solution of calcium hydroxyapatite.
  • With polymethyl metakriltovymi microspheres.

As the topic of our today's article are just fillers under the eyes (reviews and photos of clients of beauty salons are listed), then in the future we will consider the compositions based on hyaluronic acid.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

The procedure of introducing fillers

In general, the whole process takes no more than half an hour, but there should be very careful when choosing a beautician. The successful result of the introduction of fillers from bruises under his eyes (reviews on the Internet contain information about failed procedures) depends on the doctor's expertise. His experience is decisive, therefore, is not worth saving, so that in the future not to hide from the mirrors. Before the introduction of the gel beautician removes makeup and cleanses the skin, then she carefully wiped with antiseptic. Before the procedure, the doctor again with the client specifies all future changes and only then proceed to the process.

Usually fillers are available in a small syringe with microneedles. They make minimal punctures, almost injuring the delicate area around the eyes. Displacement syringes ranges from one to two milliliters of gel.

Since the procedure is the introduction of filler is quite painful, the skin around the eyes is applied to the drug lidocaine. It is usually left on for twenty minutes and then removed the excess material with a cotton pad. Such analgesia significantly dulls the thrill and makes the process bearable.

Filler is injected under the skin in small doses, it requires multiple injections. After a beautician for uniform distribution of the gel massages. Unfortunately, to see the desired effect can not be right. Around the eyes will be swelling, redness and bruising. However, the implications of the filler are just a few days, and then the ladies will finally be able to evaluate the effect of the procedure.

Contraindications to the introduction of fillers

No matter how easy it would seem we have described the procedure, it has a number of limitations. If we neglect them, the ladies at risk of severe complications. To cope with them, will need to spend at least a few months and a lot of money.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

The list of contraindications as follows:

  • use in the area of ​​other drugs;
  • oncology;
  • recovery period after blepharoplasty;
  • kidney disease;
  • blood clotting;
  • epilepsy;
  • aggravation of skin diseases;
  • menstruation;
  • during pregnancy and hepatitis B;
  • use of certain drugs (e.g., antibiotics);
  • tendency to scarring.

Under these conditions the organism can respond unpredictably to the introduction of the gel, so the process is best to cancel or reschedule.

The side effects of

Despite the fact that the fillers of bruises under his eyes (reviews this fact fully confirmed) are the safest they can cause in the body of a storm, to prove himself a number of side effects.

These primarily include bruising, swelling, soreness and irritation. They disappear after the first two or three days after the procedure. But the hematoma can be kept to a few weeks. They arise from the fact that the area around the eyes is provided with a large number of blood vessels and as a result of filler are damaged.

Possible complications after the procedure

This topic is rarely discussed in beauty salons, but the kind of information customers should still hold. Judging by the reviews, fillers of wrinkles under the eyes, imposed an inexperienced beautician or in the wrong concentration may cause serious problems with the body:

  • The pronounced swelling. It can occur as a result of administration of gel deep and too large in its volume.
  • The pigmentation. With increased vascular fragility in the puncture site can be formed large hematoma, which was later converted to a lentigo.
  • The migration of gel.
  • Clamp lymphatic vessels. With the rapid introduction of the gel occurs stagnation lymph, resulting in the appearance of a "lemon peel" on the face.

Of course, these complications - a rarity. However, we should pay more attention to the condition and not to neglect the advice cosmetologist.

Fillers Eye: reviews, photos

Reviews cosmetologists and their clients

Estheticians very positive look at rejuvenation with the help of fillers. They consider them an ideal way to regain his eyes shine and get rid of fine wrinkles. Among the gels of hyaluronic acid-based filler specialists identify under eyes "princess". Reviews it receives from cosmetologists very positive, all the more that the effect of the gel lasts a whole year. Filler helps to ensure that the skin begins to actively produce collagen and elastin.

It is performing well and popular filler "Volift". Eye (feedback about it in more positive) it is rarely put to the previous one, since it has a denser structure. But for certain indications beautician can enter and the hyaluronic gel in the eye area.

Clients who injected fillers for dark circles under the eyes, reviewed the leave only positive. They are happy with what began to look younger and more attractive, so we recommend this procedure for those who have doubts about its feasibility.