Advice on how to remove dark circles under eyes

How to remove dark circles under the eyes - a guide to action

Any representative of the fairer sex wants to look perfect. But how much experience can bring such a common problem that you do not know how to get rid of - dark circles under the eyes. But do not despair. It is important to find the cause of this emerged a little disadvantage. You need to look at their way of life, and the answer to the question: "What causes dark circles under your eyes?" Came by itself.

Advice on how to remove dark circles under eyes

The most common precursors of this trouble are:

  • stress and fatigue;
  • the wrong mode of work and rest;
  • disturbed sleep duration;
  • junk food;
  • the use of alcohol or excessive smoking.

It should be done on a daily basis

With the obvious presence of at least one event from this list, it should just eliminate lifestyle. This is the answer to the question on how to remove dark circles under the eyes. Eat properly, give sleep not less than 8 hours a day, longer walk outdoors, give up bad habits, engage each other. Possible problems

Advice on how to remove dark circles under eyes

It is much less reason for the appearance of dark circles is an anatomical feature of a particular person. Here come to the aid of specialized salons with its range of services to get rid of bruises. Skilled craftsmen, beauticians special massages are applied, the means of deeper action than the usual cosmetics, aimed at narrowing the vessels. After the cause in this case is a thin dry skin around the eye while simultaneously closely spaced blood vessels. They create such a hateful blue. Usually, this is enough. However, the most unique cases, you can resort to the services of plastic surgeons as to remove dark circles under the eyes can be only by means of more drastic measures. At home, you can resort to different genera masks, lotions, compresses, bleaching creams regularly do special exercises for the eyes.

Great helper in the fight against dark circles are:

  • grated raw potatoes, porridge which should be regularly applied to the skin around the eyes;
  • cotton pads soaked in black tea on the eyelids oberegut you from unnecessary worries about the bruises under his eyes;
  • as well as cream, cottage cheese and cornflower water, which you can buy in a drugstore.

Chill to help

How to remove dark circles under your eyes? There is one effective way - application of ice cubes to the problem areas. Under the influence of cold it happens all the same narrowing of blood vessels, as well as experts recommend in the morning wash with cold water only. This will give freshness and radiance of your skin of the face as a whole. That is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the problem should be solved only from within.

Advice on how to remove dark circles under eyes

A small conclusion

But how to remove dark circles under the eyes quickly when to exit the home on an important event only a few hours left in your life? Glory cosmetics and make-up! Gently use the masking tools that give the skin around the eyes healthy light shade. That's how you can easily remove the blue. Be always beautiful!