How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

Dark circles under the eyes are of different origin. For example, some have formed on his face because of the physiological characteristics of the person. They can also appear as a result of fatigue or illness. There are those that are formed as a result of mechanical action. Bruises of different origins are disguised in very different ways. Since the nature of their manifestations differ. Some bruises were more pronounced, others - less. Those that appear with the help of mechanical action is necessary before tint, gloss over various ointments. These agents remove edema.

If you have a problem, you need to know how to cover up dark circles under the eyes.

The tone of the face. Choosing makeup

You always have to take into account the tone of your face. Accordingly, based on this palette to select the required cosmetics. And what colors to cover up dark circles under the eyes?

Determine the correct tone of the face is very important. Otherwise, you can only emphasize its shortcomings.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

If you suffer from frequent bruises under his eyes, something in your purse should always be in the arsenal of toning agents. In addition, there should be tonal foundation, powder, blush and more.

If the facial skin is pale you, the money is better to use a pinkish hue. This will give the face a fresh and healthy appearance. For dark-skinned perfect peach.

Color correction tools

Also, every girl needs to know that the yellow tint is very well suited for adjusting color. It should only be applied on top of a tonal framework. Purple will help hide the obvious flaws in the skin. If the face has swollen red areas, then you deal with it will help concealer with a green tint.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

It is also important to use a high-quality tonal resources, which not only disguise the deficiencies, but also be beneficial for your skin. Do not forget that each woman's own characteristics and by choosing any foundation or powder, you must take them into account.


To begin, let's look at what types of skin are:

- Oily skin. On the face are the excess emissions. They are always shining. Their skin more often than other types, are the acne, acne or other inflammation. Also characteristic of this type are enlarged black dots in the T-zone, still referred to as comedones.

- Dry skin is characterized by roughness and tightness. This type is characteristic for older women.

- The most common type is mixed. That is, so-called T-zone (forehead, nose, sinuses and chin) more fat, remaining portions (cheek, cheek) - dry.

Oily skin. What will suit cosmetics?

For oily skin is best to use liquid foundation. Since they contain fewer ingredients that result in fat. In such tonal means more than particles of powder. Well, if a part will include an extract from licorice root and quince seeds. Liquid foundation applied to the skin with a thin layer. Thanks to them, the tone slightly leveled and becomes more opaque, without giving a greasy. If the skin there is any inflammation or simply irritation, it is best to use a powder. It differs from the previous funds that are applied to the skin thicker. And it helps hide irregularities in the skin. Due to its structure powder does not accumulate around the pores.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

It is, on the contrary, covers them, making lighter. And if you choose a powder, keep in mind that it is desirable that it consisted of various kinds of antibacterial agents. They will reduce inflammation in the skin. When applying powder, remember that this should be a special pad or sponge. It before it would have been a little wet well. Then powder will fall more smoothly.

The dry, mature and normal skin. What means are used to disguise?

But for dry skin, by contrast, will approach more fat means. Best of all creams that can moisturize. Often a part of such assets include vitamins A and E. They moisturize and make the skin more elastic. Due to its dense structure of creams well cover the surface and completely hide its shortcomings. Special means applied, preferably disposable, sponge. You can also rub it with your fingers.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

liquid foundation base is perfect for mature skin. It is well to fill fine lines and smooth the surface.

For normal will be enough to use a light foundation. And if the color suits you well, you can just apply blusher.


How to choose a tonal basis, we have understood, now we analyze what colors to cover up dark circles under the eyes. Before you decide on the color, describe what these funds are. This may be a foundation, concealer or concealer. Choosing the color of money under his eyes, remember that it must be lighter than your base tone, which you apply on the face.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes concealer? This means, as well as tonal base, you must choose based on the condition of the skin under the eyes. If it is very thin, it is best to purchase a liquid concealer. It will not have shade.

Concealer, unlike tonal framework can be of different colors. Therefore, before choosing it, to accurately determine the color of bruises under his eyes. Since the tone, which will mask should be quite the opposite. That is, if a shade of purple bruises, the perfect yellow concealer. If the circles under her eyes have a greenish color, it is best to use pink. light yellow suitable for bluish circles.

In order not to make mistakes and to decide what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes concealer, contact a consultant at the store. It will show the shades palette and will help determine the choice.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes? Hiding them correctly!

With color undecided. Now we need to understand in order to properly cover up dark circles under the eyes.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

It is important to be able to correctly apply tonal basis. This rule applies to funds that you will use under the eyes. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result. As a result, the means will fall unevenly, and will roll in corners, or in general will be spread. As the cover up dark circles under the eyes? Prior to the application of a cosmetic product should be thoroughly cleaned skin. This may be a foaming cleanser, gel, or any means of washes.

Now the skin can be applied to a light foundation. Thanks to her tone drugs will lay down evenly. After the base was absorbed, you are ready to spray tonal resources. Under the eyes with light circular movements we put concealer, cream or concealer. Then with your fingers or a brush gently shaded the entire surface of the bruise. Apply tonal foundation under the eyes should be carefully. Then shaded her across the face. Doing this will also better brush or sponzhikom.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes at home: guidelines and methods

Before applying the next layer of cosmetics, make sure that prior to lay uniformly and well absorbed.

Once you use up all the tonal resources, secure the powder effect. It will give a matte finish and will hide all the bumps. Here's how to cover up dark circles under the eyes. After that you can complete the look by applying shadows, mascara, lipstick.


Now that you know how and what you can cover up dark circles under the eyes. We hope that this information has been useful to you.