Wrinkles under the eyes: how to remove and prevent the early appearance?

Causes of

The appearance of wrinkles under the eyes - an unpleasant event in the life of any woman.

Wrinkles under the eyes: how to remove and prevent the early appearance?

In the area around the eyes a little muscle, no sebaceous glands, and the skin layer is very thin. However, blinking, squinting heavily straining the skin, stretch it and cause wrinkles under the eyes. The bad news is that it is - inevitable, in general, is a process. Good - to delay the appearance of the "charm" is still possible.

When detected wrinkles under his eyes, how to remove them - the first thought that we face. However, it would be better to think about before they occur and take care of the skin, removing wrinkles as far as possible.

Features Skin

The delicate skin under the eyes and around them in need of proper care. Must be carefully cleaned it, washing the eyelids, but in any case, without stretching them. Makeup need to be removed regularly, using special equipment that moisturize the skin and nourish it. skin toning various plant extracts slows

Wrinkles under the eyes: how to remove and prevent the early appearance?

the formation of wrinkles. To do this, you can and should use a variety of oils, such as almond oil and special caring composition. Humidification is just as important for the skin around the eyes, as a toning and cleansing. Aloe has wonderful moisturizing effect. It can be used in pure form, extracting juice from the leaves, as well as in cosmetics. At the same time, if you use the juice in its pure form, it is much better to be diluted with water or lotion. Creams, lotions and gels must be approved by ophthalmologists, as they can cause irritation of the eyes themselves. to fight wrinkles Tips

If you have already formed wrinkles under his eyes, how to remove them prompt the following tips.

  • Unchanged means how to prevent the stage and at the stage of removal of wrinkles, black tea remains. Boil and cool bags. Then a few minutes attach them to the eyelids. Green tea can also be used, but it does not compare with the black. Better to just drink it, especially the heat.
  • to apply the so-called "ice" mask, available for sale in pharmacies.
  • Use sunglasses. The sun ages the skin and causes the eyes to squint.
  • Purchase cosmetics that promote the production of collagen.
  • Colorless pencils gel eye nourish the skin, even if they are applied over makeup.
  • Take small breaks in the work at the computer, allowing the eyes to relax.

our grandmothers Tips

Wrinkles under the eyes: how to remove and prevent the early appearance?

There are various folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes.

  • For example, as a wetting agent can be used a mixture of egg yolk and vegetable oil in equal parts. Apply the product for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • oil and butter can be an inexpensive and effective cream. Easy tapping on the skin around the eyes, apply oil and leave it overnight.
  • Most Wash your face with cold water. This will increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Try to drink just water instead of tea, coffee, soft drinks. They - the main enemy of the skin beauty.

In the event that formed deep wrinkles under his eyes, how to remove them (and whether), resorting to the hardware method, consult your doctor. In general, this problem is solved. In this article we looked at how to prevent early wrinkles under his eyes, how to remove them - it remains to choose the appropriate methods and act!