How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? This issue sooner or later, is set each. Treacherous skin folds easily give the age of the wearer. How to deal with this problem? This will be discussed in this article.

Types wrinkles

Wrinkles are static, and mimic gravity.

Mimic appear on the face of the person very first, as early as 10-20 years. People with mobile persons have habit grimace, wrinkle your nose when you laugh or impressively demonstrate their bewilderment, quickly acquire these folds. If a person frowns frequently, wrinkles appear between the eyebrows, if you regularly smiling - around the eyes, surprised and raises his eyebrows - on the forehead. Therefore, we can not say that facial wrinkles appear only sad, not able to enjoy life. Such wrinkles on the face - the inheritance of every human being.

Static indentations on the face often formed on the dry, requiring constant moisturizing the skin. They also appear on the forehead and cheeks, when a person sleeps for a long time in the same position. These wrinkles are due to damage skin fibers or age-related changes in the body.

Gravitational wrinkles are formed over the years under the influence of Earth's gravity (gravity). skin elasticity steadily declines with age, so it begins to stretch and under the influence of gravity force lowers down the corners of the eyes and lips. Unfortunately, this process is inevitable. However, qualitative means of wrinkles around the eyes can stay young for many years.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

As the wrinkles?

To learn how to remove wrinkles around the eyes, you need to understand where they come from. Usually they testify that their owner in the body is not all right, and you should pay close attention to yourself. The cause of this problem may be the impact of cosmetics, the habit of squinting at the sun or snow, deterioration of the skin, and so on. D. Wrinkles around the eyes, we are obliged, first of all facial expression. There is nothing you can do about it. Over the years, and have to contend with the gravitational wrinkles caused by age-related changes in the body. The fact is that with age the skin more and more difficult to retain moisture and produce a fatty lubricant, resulting in its elasticity deteriorates and wrinkles. First, they are formed around the eyes, and then on the hands, the neck, the forehead. To get rid of wrinkles, you need to restore the skin's natural elasticity.

Aging of the skin is due primarily to abnormalities in the synthesis and collagen fiber damage. They should ideally be intertwined, forming a grid - a natural frame of our skin. When violating the structure of collagen fibers, they fuse and form the fold correctly in the face. Disorders may provoke similar smoking, UV radiation, infectious diseases, etc. Of course, the body synthesize collagen, but for this it is constantly necessary components must be present:.., Ascorbic acid, amino acids, iron and other. It is therefore necessary to provide for themselves correct and balanced diet. In addition, collagen generating process takes time and over time the body needs to help not only inside, but also outside. That is, use a mask of wrinkles around the eyes and other effective means. The dermal layer of the skin is similar to the spring-water mattress where the springs fulfill the role of the collagen fibers. The space between them is filled with liquid gel consisting of glycosaminoglycans in the dermis retain moisture and elasticity, and therefore - freshness and youth.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

The main anti-aging agent

Wrinkles around the eyes can be formed for different reasons. It does not matter that provoked their appearance, most importantly - how to make them less visible or removed altogether. For this purpose there is a means and not one. However, to get started is to get acquainted with the concepts of stem cells, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Stem cells - a revolutionary discovery in medicine. They make it possible to stay young for a long time. When creating cosmetic products using plant cells, which, penetrating into the skin, it develops into active, producing substances and enzymes. An interesting feature of stem cells is their ability to "live" in the skin and perform in her recovery function for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid - an important part of glycosaminoglycans, is it they owe their unique properties. Gialuronka capable of binding water to prevent degradation of collagen and accelerate regeneration of the skin.

Monitor your face better before the appearance of signs of aging. However, the start is never too late. If the wrinkles around your eyes appeared for a long time and it seems that it is only navsegda- motive to act. Well it helps improve skin condition folk remedies. But the most effective tool is the wrinkle cream around the eyes.

Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that the means to combat wrinkles are quite a few. First of all, it is people's money, safe, and effective. Then - plastic surgery is very effective, but fraught with unpredictable consequences. Finally, cosmetics range which is widely represented on the market today in the form of various creams, masks, serums, tonics, etc.. Etc..

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Folk remedies against wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Let us turn to a proven folk remedies. Aloe vera and essential oils wonderfully moisturize area around the eyes. Aloe vera perfectly removes dry skin in problem areas. If you regularly lubricate the juice of agave areas around and under the eyes, it will in the short term to improve the skin condition. If a medicinal plant is not growing in your home, it is worth to buy a stabilizing gel containing 98% aloe vera and apply it, eliminating the wrinkles around the eyes. Folk remedies have excellent moisturizing properties. Good in this respect, natural essential oils. They require very little. Patting, apply with fingertips on the eyelid skin almond oil, apricot and peach. In this case, the eyelashes can be applied burdock or castor oil, so they grow better and looked spectacular.

If the anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes, bought in the store for some reason you are not satisfied, try to cook it at home. To this must be mixed in equal parts of vitamin E oil solution, buckthorn oil and cocoa. Receive the composition Spread upper and lower eyelids, and the eye in the region of the external corner lock mask, placing small pieces of thin (waxed or greaseproof) paper. Hold for 15 minutes, then gently remove excess oil with a napkin. To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure a few days a week for about two hours before bedtime.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Moisturizing masks from natural ingredients

Olive oil from the wrinkles around the eyes - a great tool. It can be applied on the eyelids as a compress, after which it is recommended to make a gentle massage of problem areas. Can be prepared from sea buckthorn oil excellent mask. For this it is necessary to mix it with vitamin E in proportions of 50 ml per 10 ml, respectively, and apply lightly patting in wrinkled skin. Five minutes later, you need to remove excess oil with a napkin. This mask is suitable for everyday use before bedtime. Good prevention of wrinkles around the eye is a mixture of two drops of lemon juice and olive oil. Lightly this mask is applied to the eyelids and leave for ten minutes. Wrinkles around the eyes perfectly eliminated with the simple folk remedies. Well it helps mask of white bread with milk. The resulting mixture was spread evenly over the eyelids and hold for 15 minutes, then rinsed with water.

The mask against wrinkles around the eyes with honey and wheat flour - another great tool. For it will require a mix of Art. a spoonful of honey and wheat flour with the beaten egg white. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas near the eyes and leave to dry, then stratelno rinse. Instead of wheat flour you can use oatmeal. In this case, the mask to hold it a little longer - about thirty minutes.

If the grate raw potatoes on a grater and mix it with cream, get another effective composition of wrinkles under the eyes. It is necessary to apply this mixture on for fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm waters.

The most famous and simple recipe - a mask of fresh cucumber. It is a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes, which reviews are always positive. Good pre-grate the flesh of cucumber on a fine grater and hold the eyelids about a quarter of an hour.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Beauty anti-aging treatments

To remove wrinkles around the eyes, you can use modern methods. Each salon is ready to provide services, to give your skin a second youth. The most common cosmetic procedures are:

  • Mesotherapy. Under the skin by injecting special preparations are administered, dermis supplying nutrients that produce collagen and elastin. Cosmetics such vitamins and minerals do not contain. Thanks to the useful components of the skin around the eyes is smoothed and the person begins to look younger.
  • photorejuvenation. By using pulsed light emission is stimulated independent collagen synthesis in skin cells. This method also helps to get rid of various defects on the body (freckles, pigmentation and other defects). Through skin rejuvenation procedure restored without destruction of its integrity. This method of rejuvenation demonstrates how you can remove wrinkles without resorting to plastic surgery.
  • Various masks of wrinkles around the eyes containing organic acid. The effect of such procedures comes the next day. Small wrinkles are smoothed out completely, and large become almost invisible.
  • Contour. This method is similar mezoteropii procedure, but instead of medications are administered under the skin fillers of natural origin. The most famous of them - hyaluronic acid. Despite the fact that it is synthesized by the human body, over the years, its production has been steadily declining. Deficiency of this substance can be replenished artificially. Hyaluronic acid injections do not cause any side effects, but this procedure to periodically repeat. Under the skin may be administered artificial fillers: silicone, acrylic, Teflon. After a single procedure, the introduction of these substances into the skin of the person to repeat the step is not necessary. However, the above-mentioned fillers are harmful for the body and may adversely affect its general condition. The main advantage of contouring - an immediate effect, which can be assessed in a couple of days. How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Eye creams

For the eyelid skin is vital regular hydration and nutrition. Modern wrinkle cream around the eyes to come to the rescue. It needs to be hypoallergenic and have adequate pH indicator. It is thus possible to prevent the occurrence of undesirable effects following the use of cosmetic products - redness, irritation, edema. Wrinkle cream under the eyes should have a light texture, not stick to your hands, so as not to stretch too hard composition delicate eyelid skin. This facility should have a low fat content, to the eye did not appear bags and puffiness. A unique product for the skin around the eye are eye cream with corrective effect produced by the company "New Star", or for the skin around the eyes with MDI complex of "Vekotonik" company. These products do not leave a greasy after application, easy to apply and instantly absorbed. They are also an excellent base for makeup. Regularly using a similar anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes, you can get rid of bags under the eyes, to make invisible signs of aging, as well as to encourage constant renewal of skin cells. For the most delicate and sensitive eyes well suited rejuvenating complex "Prolife®". Magnificent cosmetic effect of this agent due to the content in its composition of natural adaptogens, antioxidants and biologically active substances.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Cream, mask of wrinkles around the eyes: reviews

Proper cleansing of

In order not to provoke the appearance of early wrinkles around the eyes, you need to properly clean the eye makeup. To do this, use a special cosmetics. In no case does not dry the skin with soap and aggressive pH. Also not recommended to wipe the eyelids means for cleansing the face. Currently available a huge range of different lotions, foams, oils for flushing the eyes with makeup. Some clean ordinary make-up, the other - water-resistant, and some simply relieve swelling, inflammation and signs of fatigue with age. The use of these cosmetic products can even prevent the appearance of some facial wrinkles around the eyes.

For high-quality make-up remover cotton pads are required, pads or sticks. First you need to remove makeup from the upper eyelid in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the temples. Motion when cleaning should be smooth and easy. Then you need to go through the lower eyelid from the temple to the inner corner of the eye. If you like to shoot make-up water, it is best to use for this fingers or a soft sponge. Ideally Skin Care must be terminated by rinsing in cold water age and applying it after drying mineral tonic.

Exercises for age

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? Approach to solve this problem must be comprehensive and include not only the various nutrients and moisturizers, but also special exercises. Here are some of them:

  • It is necessary to shut his eyes tightly, count to three, and wide-eyed. Perform this action is necessary to ten times.
  • It should be tightly close your eyes and "see" them up, down and around. Then you have a few seconds to open the eyelids. This procedure should be carried out slowly and repeat several times.
  • The slow rotation of the wide-eyed, first from left to right, and then vice versa. Good finish the complex by washing with cold water age.

for the skin around the eyes Massage

Massage - one more effective tool in the fight against wrinkles. It must be done very carefully, pre-moistened fingertips nourishing cream or olive oil. Before the procedure, it is necessary to calm down, relax and focus. Middle fingers need to hand make light patting movements in the direction from the outer corners of the eyelids to the temples and from the temple to the inner corner of the eye. The skin in any case can not be stretched. Massage should begin at as close to the lashes, with each new round shifting to the eyebrows in their upper contour to the cheeks and on the bottom, then you need to move back. Series of circles should be repeated several times.