How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

At some point the women are beginning to be interested in how to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip. Usually they become noticeable to 40 years. With age, the problem will only get worse, but because women are beginning to sound the alarm. Fortunately, there are a number of proven techniques that help make this less noticeable defect or does get rid of it.

How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

Causes of

To find an effective way to help remove the vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, to start is to understand the causes of their appearance. Thus, the following basic premises:

  • thinning of the skin, caused by age-related factors, as well as adverse external factors;
  • decrease tone circular muscle;
  • oppression making processes of collagen and elastin;
  • smoking;
  • professional specifics (such changes are subject to, for example, glass blowers, singers and those who play wind instruments);
  • the anatomical features of the face;
  • active facial expressions;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • the wrong skin care.

Hardware procedure

Women quite often turn to beauty salons with the question of how to remove wrinkles on the upper lip. Reviews of regular customers, and themselves beauticians, contain very positive comments about the hardware procedures:

  • Thermage involves applying to the skin of various kinds of moisturizing and nourishing agents. Their assimilation takes place under the influence of a certain temperature, which allows for deeper penetration into the skin of nutrients.
  • ELOS - this method of rejuvenation is based on active Radio wave exposure. Due to this it is possible to start the process of developing your own collagen, which significantly reduces the depth of wrinkles.
  • Laser polishing removes the upper cornified layer of the epidermis. The treated place appears renewed skin without wrinkles.
  • Microcurrent therapy - a method of anti-aging treatment that involves exposure to electrical discharges in the cells of the epidermis. This allows you to activate the mechanism of tissue regeneration.
  • Lifting massage promotes active blood flow to the skin surface. This helps to maintain the tone and preserve youth. Cosmetic adjuncts provide additional power.
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

injection procedure

The so-called beauty injections are one of the most effective tools in the fight against skin aging. Including them subject to the wrinkles on the upper lip. The most popular procedures are found:

  • Introduction of neurotoxins (natural toxins) allows you to paralyze the nerve endings in the area of ​​injection. Thus, the circular muscle becomes much less mobile, which saves the skin from excessive load. Thus, within a short time, the wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones will not be formed until until after the action of neurotoxins (several months). It is understood that after the procedure, facial expressions change much and can look unnatural. It is also necessary to consider the fact that the neurotoxins, although rare, but can cause botulism.
  • The introduction of the fillers is aimed at filling the wrinkles special gels from plant, animal or synthetic origin. Also, the patient's own subcutaneous fat can be used. It helps almost half a year to remove wrinkles on the upper lip. Hyaluronic acid prefers to use the largest number of cosmetologists and their patients.
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

Useful exercises

Looking for information on how to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip, the ladies often discovering a method such as exercises for the face. So, against the unpleasant signs of aging work best such exercises:

  • alternate tube and relax again pull their lips (do the exercise you need, as long as you do not feel tired in the circular muscle);
  • attach his lips the most unexpected situation to which they were not used (for example, you can stack them bow, lip stick out one forward or pogrimasnichat);
  • alternately cover the upper lip of the bottom, and vice versa (before doing this exercise, do not forget to remove make-up);
  • tight somknite teeth, followed by a voltage tolerate the lower lip;
  • hand to firmly press the lips, resisting, and then try to simulate a kiss;
  • dilute the corners of her lips into a wide smile, then take the old face (at the time of exercise of the lips should fix the middle, putting the index finger).
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

The caring makeup

With the help of all sorts of creams, serums and gels can try to remove wrinkles on the upper lip. Cosmetology has leaped forward, and so many defects persists, without resorting to salon procedures and radical intervention. So, choosing makeup, pay attention to the presence in the composition of these substances:

  • collagen - is fill wrinkles and give the skin elasticity;
  • Hyaluronic acid - provides long and deep hydration;
  • vitamins and minerals - is saturated and tone the skin;
  • sequestrants - remove dead cells, accelerating tissue regeneration.

Most creams

No woman is safe from the fact that she did not appear wrinkles on the upper lip. How to remove? The first thing that comes to mind - a quality cream. A good remedy is quite expensive. But even among the high-price segment creams may fall substandard products. Therefore it is necessary to use proven tools, the best of which are the following:

  • Derma Genesis by L'Oreal helps with wrinkles already after 2-3 weeks of use. Action creams purports to intensify the process of production of collagen, which is oppressed with age.
  • anti-aging line of Vichy has worked well in the fight against mimic wrinkles. The creams contain unique microscopic particles, which penetrate into the skin, fill small wrinkles, leveling the surface.
  • Skin Naturals from Garnier - this means the average price segment, which is recommended for use after 30 years. The cream provides protection from UV and other harmful factors. In addition, it is worth noting a tonic effect.
  • Wrinkle Smoothing Cream For Eyes by Yves Rocher - is one of the most popular tools to date. Fight wrinkles is due to intense hydration and bolus vitamins.
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

Effective homemade mask

In the search for a solution on how to remove the purse string wrinkles above the upper lip, to mind, of course, come all kinds of folk remedies. So, well established such homemade mask:

  • Mush of grated cucumber is mixed in equal proportions with a fatty cream or cream, as well as liquid honey. On steaming skin of the lips, apply the resulting mask and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Fresh or canned green peas in turn kishitsu and slightly dilute the yogurt. Time exposure mask - 20 minutes.
  • Several times a week lubricate the upper lip honey, leave for half an hour. If wrinkles are deep, add a little lemon juice or aloe.
  • puree of green apple put on the lip, leaving the mask on for quarter of an hour. If you do not have time, you can simply rub a slice of the skin of the fruit.
  • Dilute potato starch yogurt to a thick cream. Apply the product in the problem area, and rinse after 10 minutes.
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?

Oils in combating wrinkles

Already since 40 years, many women start to disturb the deep wrinkles on the upper lip. How to remove? Should refer to the centuries-old experience, which confirms the effectiveness of vegetable oils in the solution of such problems. considered to be particularly effective in the following:

  • camphor - removes wrinkles, scars, and struggling with enlarged pores (too much oil can cause burns);
  • flaxseed - the strongest antioxidant that makes the skin young and fresh in appearance;
  • Olive - partially removes wrinkles due to intense hydration and nutrition;
  • wheat germ oil - contains large amounts of vitamin E, which prevents aging of the epidermis.

Chill Wrinkle

After analyzing the different ways of how to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip, it is worth noting the beneficial effects of cold on the skin. So, if you notice the first signs of a problem, do not forget about such procedures:

  • in the morning to lead to skin tone, within a few minutes massage the area around the lips ice cube (it can be prepared both from ordinary water, and from grass broth);
  • each end the washing rinse the face with cool water;
  • to the skin around the lips acquired a fresh new look, you can make a 5-minute cold pack (water, milk or herbal decoction).

Preventive measures

To the question of how to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip does not touch you as long as possible, it is necessary to follow some simple rules. Thus, prevention includes the following items:

  • to relax the circular muscles and increase blood flow to the skin surface, every night is worth a little massaging the area around the lips with fingertips;
  • Do not squeeze the lips tightly in response to external stimuli, because the intense facial expression contributes to the early formation of wrinkles (you should try to keep the muscles relaxed);
  • from such a bad habit, like smoking, will also have to give up, because the hot smoke negatively affects the condition of the skin (also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles permanent lip compression);
  • to keep the circular muscle tone, need regular exercise;
  • Eat well (in the diet should always be present fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish and dairy products).
How to clean the wrinkles on the upper lip in cosmetology?


Is it possible to remove wrinkles on the upper lip? Definitely yes. But you need to observe a number of prerequisites. It is a constant and careful care and regular visits to a beautician. And, of course, do not forget about the correct way of life. A healthy balanced diet, regular exercise and an 8-hour sleep - this is the main panacea for age-related changes.

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