Guide to the female breast

Women's breasts - the subject, has long attracted our inquisitive glances. And those few slaps in the face, that our authors have received in the preparation of this list (and, more importantly, check the collected data) were not able to quench the ardor of research. Hearken! Facts about the female breast!

Guide to the female breast


The content of this material intended only for adults (18 and over).

1. Scientists from the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) estimated that the average weight of a female breast - about 400 grams. Silicone was carefully taken out of the brackets and of counts, of course, excluded.

2. Each woman dialed kilogram increases breast weight by 20 g - and vice versa. Dieticians - to the gallows!

3. Artificial breasts came up in the middle of the XIX century French. Women who are not satisfied with their breasts implanted with animal fat, wax or paraffin. But the joy was short-lived often: many of the victims died from peritonitis upgrade.

4. 80% of women one breast (usually the left) over the other.

5. According to scientists of the California Cancer Center, as a result of exposure to phytoestrogens - substances which are contained in plants and you will be surprised, in the beer - active growth occurs breast tissue. So feed your flat-chested girl, contrary to popular myth, you do not cabbages (it is easier to just push in the chest), and flaxseed, lentils, neproroschennoy wheat, beans, soy and hops. But hark! Listen to the first words of the gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammalogy Aksamitovovy B. P .: "Phytoestrogens really give the girl more feminine look, but they should take care, under the supervision of an endocrinologist, t. To. They can cause breast cancer."

Guide to the female breast

6. The larger the breasts, the higher the level of intellectual development of women. The responsibility for this bold statement undertook in 2003 a group of American sociologists of Chicago led by Dr. Yvonne Rossdale. They are classified according to the size of the breast 1,200 women: the smallest (A), small (Bed and), middle (C), high (D), a very large (E, F and below) - and then tested them on IQ. Dr. Rossdale - incidentally, holder size A - claims girls in the size range D or above its smarter and without complexing competitors with dimensions A and B at the 10 points. Girls with the size Ahead owners of A and B by 3-4 points. 7. The breast consists of 15-20 lobules of glandular tissue - together they resemble a bunch of grapes. Slices have their own milk duct opening on the nipple surface, and are surrounded by a fibrous (connective) tissue and fat. The latter occupies 97% of the female breast. That she gives it softness and shape.

8. In Japan, many hundreds of years the absence of breasts is considered a symbol of femininity and beauty. To hide the form, Japanese sculpting bust cloth itself. stereotypes have changed now - yes, you yourself know about it, if you ever seen the legendary video for this song:

9. The female breast is slightly increased in the amount of one week prior to menstruation.

10. Polimastiya - the presence of additional mammary glands - a rare, but not a unique phenomenon. The mother of the Roman emperor Caracalla, Julia Mamaea and the second wife of Henry XVIII Anne Boleyn had three breasts, a resident of Marseille Madame Ventre had more chest on the thigh.

11. A woman can reach orgasm when a caress his chest. Physiologists demonstrated that stimulation of the erectile tissue, which is under the nipple of female breasts, can cause uterine contractions and thereby bring the girl to orgasm. It works with about 8% of women. Aksamitova B. P .: "The connection between the uterus and the breast - the most direct, such as vaginal infections cause breast disease. Indeed, in only one breast caress getting an orgasm is possible. "

12. A woman's breast contains no muscle tissue. At all. Otherwise bodibildershi professional, of course, would be much more popular cultural phenomenon.

13. Alain Bernardin, founder theater Crazy Horse, believed that the ideal breast its upper part - from the top (A) to the nipple (B) - must be exactly 1/3 of the length AC (from the top of the chest to its base).

Guide to the female breast

14. In the South Slavs in ancient times it was believed that the inmates fabulous ponds - a mermaid - have as large breasts, which can easily throw it behind his back. 15. Champagne Glasses, appeared in France in the XVIII century during the reign of Louis XV was repeated its shape breasts royal mistress the Marquise de Pompadour. In Alexandre Dumas were two bowls, cast in the form of breasts Countess du Barry. Duke Lozen had a set of glasses, closely follows the shape of the breasts of Marie Antoinette.

16. According to statistics, 58% of women wear the bra is not the size that they need. This is because they are trying to pick up a bra on the eye, just do not know their options.

17. 70% of women dream to increase the breast or change its shape. Remember this percentage and read on. Psychologist AB Orlov, Center for Psychological Counseling Trialog: "This idea was formed as a result of increased sensitivity to the messages often unconscious by significant male environment. However, changing the shape of the breast (and other elements of its appearance) can not meet the more general need to be loved. So, if a girl dreams about changing the breast, she should start by finding a therapist. " Conclusion: Three out of four women in need of services shrinks? Just think, the opening of ...

18. In the Internet there are a whole galaxy of sites, giving women a chance to expose their breasts photos - mostly amateurs - for all to see. But not just so, and out of the empty vanity! Any visitor can put someone else's evaluation of the breast, and to compare the taste with the view of hundreds of thousands of other idle onlookers. The oldest site -, the most recent (but confused in the sense of navigation) - There are, but because of the abundance porno advertising even somehow awkward to recommend ...

19. US Surgeons at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, make a year of 600 transactions (for some reason has not yet been banned by governments of all countries!) Breast reduction. 97% of patients believe that a large bust is bad for their health, 78% of back pain, 79% can not run, and 77% are not able to engage in sports in general. 20. The biggest breasts in the world - 82x266x193 cm - carved out of polyester resin French sculptor César. The impression is made with chest Victoria von Krupp cabaret Crazy Horse dancers. Monumental work can be seen in the gallery at the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

Guide to the female breast

21. Hippocrates advised women with flat chest a lot and loudly sing to increase bust size. Gynecologist Medical Center "EvromedPrestizh" LN Bulatov: "Theoretically, professional singers developed pectoral muscles and thus purely visual breasts may be more. However, hormones from the singing does not depend so impressive dimensions opera singers achieved rather a certain diet. "

22. With traditional implants in 28% of cases occur in the breast fibrosis - overgrowth of connective tissue around the foreign body. As a result of the breast to the touch it begins to resemble something like a tennis ball. With the new materials, the situation is at times better, though no exact statistics.

23. More than a thousand years ago, Avicenna offers a means to save the recipe breast forms, which can be easily applied at home. The ingredients magic bullet, designed for outdoor use, included kimolosskaya clay, seeds of henbane, and blood from the genitalia of the wild boar, hedgehog or a tortoise.

24. breastless woman - is not a myth. Amazon got rid of her right breast, cutting or cauterizing it in childhood. According to one version, which facilitates its handling of onion, on the other - they are just doing it to frighten enemies. It is not known, however, whether the enemy retreated (or simply felt a little less fun, leading the Amazons in captivity). And in August 1985, a young Spanish girl named Muriel snapped myself both breasts, to take part in the bullfight. She did it very willingly - she has helped American surgeon. So to get the famous matador Rivero El Primero. 25. In the XVIII century, when the neckline was especially deep, the color of the nipple and areola strengthened dyes.

26. The group of British scientists led by Mark Brenda found out, in what European country lives a woman with larger breasts (C and above). In a strictly scientific study involved 5,000 women from 30 to 39 years from seven countries: UK, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Sweden and Austria. Result:

Guide to the female breast

27. According to a study conducted by the University Medical Center in Ulrich (Sweden), women who have not undergone surgery to change the size of the breast, rarely commit suicide than women with implants.

28. In 1886 there was the first bra. Innovators were British. It called this building "tool to improve breast shape" and to see the two resembled a tea strainer, planted on a woman's breast and fastened belt.

29. In Africa and India popular lush breasts with large nipples, as the local religion is widespread cult of motherhood. But the Europeans, according to questionnaires, more than pretty breasts with small nipples.

30. In 2001, the command of the Italian army had notified the government about that too big breasts in female volunteers prevents them from successfully perform tasks to overcome obstacles and run cross country. Now, in the Charter of the Italian army says that women with particularly large breasts size have to do surgery to reduce it if they want to serve in the army. Precedents with urgent operations have not yet been observed. So, if we are at war with Italy, you can not worry: the enemy will not be able to distract you, with his tunic.

31. Women - People witty and creative. Therefore, in addition to his own chest, the gun and the cipher you always have a chance to find a bra girl interesting, but obviously foreign objects: cotton, foam pads (sewn into the bra), silicone inserts that mimic natural breasts (glued to the body). 32. Before birth the female breast is significantly gaining weight - up to plus 700

33. Indigenous Australians believed women with small breasts inferior. To increase it, they rubbed the chest fat and "magic" red ocher, and around the nipples painted circles. Those women who did not help even that, tried to pull the breast using a bandage pressing on the chest at the top.

34. At the beginning of the two thousandth in Hunan province (central China) for several years there was a rule: civil servants should have female breasts the same size (paragraph 22 of the list of requirements). Check it during the interview. Girls with obvious asymmetric breasts screened out. In March of 2004 college graduate, who had a different size breasts, trying to take up employment elsewhere was refused, said discrimination in a local newspaper China Woman, raising a big fuss. The rule was abolished.

35. Some peoples of the Far North there is a belief that conception occurs in the chest. Only then the child falls into the stomach.

36. According to the experts company Adidas say the level of stress exerted on women's breasts, all kinds of sports can be divided into three categories: low load, medium load and high load. The latter include jogging, tennis, mountain biking, playing sports, horse riding, active aerobics. They all have a negative impact on a woman's breast - moving too intense, she can feel pain, especially when a large amount of the bust. If it does not wear special underwear for sports, breasts may otvisnut. If the woman decides to do body building, it can be stripped of his chest in the sport of fat cells, which mainly consists chest, burned very quickly. 37. The average volume of breast modern women is 91, 4 cm.

38. The Italian scientists of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the University of Palermo derived a formula ideal of the female breast. According to them, should be constructed with a base triangle ABC and AC angles at three points - the cavity between the nipple and the clavicle, - and then to calculate the value of perfection. If breast ideal parameter is from 0 4 to 0, 6. To calculate it, it is necessary length AC divided by 2 and the result - for AB length. If the parameter is less than 0, 4, then the breast sags, if greater than 0, 6 - it is too high.

Guide to the female breast

39. In order to distinguish from the elastic bust is not very elastic, spend "pencil test". the last under the breasts is sufficient to enclose and look at the result. If the pencil falls to the floor, chest is considered to be elastic, and vice versa. The question is how to do it discreetly.

40. From a physiological point of view, the mammary gland is a sweat gland videoizmenennoy. Physiology in general - and the phenomenon of rough landing.

41. Discovering walking upright, a man realized that he had committed the most serious mistake. If earlier the woman had the opportunity to submit an unambiguous signal to the man with the help of nice buttocks and bright red labia, but now it all became quite impossible to see when they first met. To people still continue to multiply, nature invented a special mimicry: sexy signal became not sent back, and front. That is, the chest and the mouth began to be analogues of the buttocks, and you understand why.

Adherents of the theory of evolution believe that the only way to explain the presence of people plump lips, dramatically different in color from the rest of the face, and breast enlargement. In all other mammals, the breast increases only during feeding young. It remains only to understand how nature has managed to respond so quickly to what we got with fours ... But in any case - thanks, nature! Great human thank you!

Guide to the female breast

42. The European Women's breast has a hemispherical shape, in Asian women - conical, from African women - pear-shaped.

43. The name of the mountain Ninchurt, which is located in the center of the Kola Peninsula near Seid-Lake, translated from the Sami as a "women's breasts."

44. The American company Dow Corning, which manufactures silicone implants in the mid-90s of the last century has paid victims of their products to women $ 4 billion in compensation. The company blamed the fact that silicone implants cause breast cancer and other diseases. Number of cases has reached nearly two hundred thousand, and in May 1995, Dow Corning officially declared bankrupt.

45. Under the influence of cold female breasts tightened and becomes more attractive. That is why a special serving Parisian cabaret "Lido" carries on the chest piece of ice dancers before they walk onstage.

Allow me to address?

Some important rules for the treatment of female breast. Can you cut one of these reminders and keep on the nightstand beside the bed - or where you are there is usually nasharivat women's breasts and remember with horror that he had forgotten how to deal with it.

How to caress the woman's breasts

In theory, this knowledge you absorb you since the mother's milk, so it is enough to release into the wild instincts. Touch, lick, massage, bite, draw her abstract paintings, admire from afar, burrowing into her face - this is not an exhaustive list of what it can do. However, the shape the force: nine out of ten women can not stand it when a man is too vigorous chest compresses and twists the nipples. If you're going to approach the matter carefully, try:

Guide to the female breast

How to buy her a bra

Make the girl a nice surprise, without using the tactless questions or techniques of Chinese fight like "Crouching Tiger with tailor's meter" is possible only in one case: if you read the label on its current bra. If you do not succeed, you have to change it under the breast volume and the volume of the breast itself - this is the original data for entry into the world of higher mathematics. During the measurement, the girl must stand still with his hands (Yes, we understand that it will be easier to see the label).

In fact, the mysterious numbers and letters, which operate lingerie sellers, it is easy to decipher. Thus, the letter D oznachat only a quarter of breast fullness, because it is the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet. Accordingly, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on.

If you can not determine the size of the breast to the eye, it is possible to try to make a difference between the volume of the torso under the breasts and the volume of the breast itself. 12 cm = A, 14cm = B, C = 16 cm, 18 cm = D, see 20 = E, 22cm = F.

The number of standing before the letter, refers to the volume under the breast. Thus, if the breast volume is 96 cm, the volume under the breast - 76 cm, the size of girls bra will 75D. If you're lucky.

What are silent nipples

breasts and sexy form linked so closely that there is possible to find some interesting relationship. But the size and shape of the nipple can tell us a lot.


Small nipples not only look very nice - they often have a maximum sensitivity and vividly react not only to touch, but even on such nonsense as the breezes. this is not a sin to use.


Nipples can be very large: in mature women giving birth are in the ground state can easily reach 8-9 cm in diameter. The sensitivity of the nipple is usually reduced. The fact that the number of nerve endings in it about as much as a small, but their concentration is significantly less. Therefore, they should caress vigorously - for example, do not lick and suck and clamped his lips. Protruding or FLAT

If the nipple always cringe and pointed either always remains flat and almost indistinguishable to the touch, it is normal physiology and nothing interesting not tell. But the nipple, which changes shape at the first touch, the slightest change in temperature, simply because of the changing mood of the hostess; nipple, which then rises and shrinks, then spread out - a sign of high female sexuality. According to research by experts Kinsey, ladies with such "wandering nipples" extremely excitable and easily reach orgasm with virtually any partner.

The easiest way to check the intensity of the reaction is as nipples.

Spend some time with your fingers on the chest circumference, rising and falling on the spiral path. You can also gently pinch the nipple fingertips and slightly pull it toward you. Hypersensitivity nipple immediately cringe into a ball. After that, try a few times slowly, with head to lick him sensitive nipple flow away under the heat of your language to complete smoothness.

Brown or pink

nipple color may vary. No connection with the temperament of his mistress is not here: color halos nipple depends solely on the amount of melanin present in the skin. But check out the natural color of the hair of your partner using the color of her nipples is easy: in red it is usually nearly colorless, blondes - pink and varies from brown-haired women and brunettes from light brown to dark brown.