10 precepts of the runner

Famous athlete and coach Alberto Salazar was the icon of the marathon is still in the distant 80s. After intensive training and performances, his body was totally worn out already to 27 years, which, of course, put a cross on his future career in professional sport.

However, to younger athletes did not repeat his mistakes, he decided to become a professional coach. Today, 55-year-old Salazar as part of Nike's Oregon Project Project trains some of the most successful runners of the current generation, such as Galen Rupp and Mo Farah.

Along with training, Alberto has its theoretical secrets that allow you to do more. These ten practical and useful tips will be less tired and get better results.

Be persistent and consistent

10 precepts of the runner

Make a training plan, which you can stick to for a long time. If you consistently run four days a week, you will be able to reach 90% of the effect, which gives daily workout.

are taken seriously to restore strength

10 precepts of the runner

Often, the next day after an intense workout athletes perform light jogging or, for example, do not ride a bike, but it is wrong - you need a full-fledged recovery day without any whatsoever exercises.

Increase your mileage gradually

10 precepts of the runner

It is not necessary to increase the distance that you run in a week, more than 10% each month. Regardless of how well you feel, increase the distance very gradually. When athletes realize that they overdid it with the load, it is often too late.

Avoid hard surfaces

10 precepts of the runner

Asphalt tile and very bad for the condition of joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The more you run through the grass, sand, chips or dirt, the better you will feel on a solid surface.

Run faster

10 precepts of the runner

During the speeches difficult to run faster than you are doing it in training. How fast do you want to run a distance during the competition, and with this you need to run during training, at least for short periods.

Train your whole body

10 precepts of the runner

Good runners trying to pump evenly all parts of the body, because everything is interconnected in the body. Torso and core-muscle can be maintained in good shape with the help of push-ups, pull-ups, exercises for abs and back. Do not engage in the gym. Instead, focus on Pilates, mountaineering and exercises that develop flexibility, such as yoga.

Wear the right shoes

10 precepts of the runner

The second most common cause of injuries in runners after jogging on hard surfaces - this is the wrong foot slope and unstable shoes. The more you run, the more reliable support your feet need.

to hone skills movements

10 precepts of the runner

Every movement that your body makes, should lead you forward. If your hands do not work properly, and the steps are too big, you will lose strength quickly. Your posture should be straight, and stepping foot should touch the ground directly below you.

Eliminate doubt

10 precepts of the runner

Certain moments of increasing the load your body can tolerate quite painful, and you may begin to doubt their abilities. It is important to overcome this stage. Never assume that you are on to something incapable.

Use the latest knowledge and technology

10 precepts of the runner

If you do not fully understand why you are doing certain exercises, you will not run well, and, most likely, sooner or later it will end the trauma. Modern technology, from GPS and finishing fitness trackers and mobile applications for jogging, can help you develop a personalized training regime.