What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

What happens if you do push-ups every day? Do the muscles become more hardy and relief? How does push-ups affect the health and fitness? Why do push-ups every day? These issues are set all beginners bodybuilding. After all, despite its simplicity, push-ups are effective and intensity of exercise and at the same time take a little time and leave a pleasant feeling of working muscles.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

Push-ups to maintain fitness

Daily push-ups can be useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and has no time for trips to the gym or other physical activities. This exercise involves extensive muscle group and results in a tone organism triggering metabolic processes and enhancing ventilation.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

So, the daily push-ups can not make you a mountain of muscle. But if they become an important element of morning exercise, then increase its effectiveness and will give cheerfulness for the day.

The advantages and disadvantages of the daily push-ups

If you do push-ups every day, the result will be: hands gain strength, enhanced chest and neck blood circulation at the expense of muscle.

Daily push-ups a beneficial effect on your posture and strengthen muscle corset, so the figure in general is becoming more attractive.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

But for the bodybuilder daily push-ups on the maximum efforts may be counterproductive: the muscles do not have time to recover, and the expected effect is minimized.

Be engaged to fall, in principle, is not as useful as it may seem fanatical followers of a healthy lifestyle. If you do push-ups every day, what will happen to the joints, physical fitness and general well-being? When engaging the muscles do not have time to relax until complete exhaustion, which is bad for their health and makes it impossible to exercise the next day. Elbow joints can wear this match.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

If a person has power restored quickly, adapt to high loads occur in a short time. In this case, the daily training can be continued without harm. Classes are also on the endurance limit of slow progress and push back in time result.

What happens if you do push-ups every day

Exercising a beneficial effect on the health of the organism as a whole strengthens heart muscles and stimulate blood flow. The results depend on the number of approaches. For example, if you do push-ups every day for 20 times, it decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and lost a slouch. In addition, the exercise does not take much time: it can be made even among the working day to relieve fatigue of muscles of the shoulder girdle.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

If you do push-ups every day, what will happen to the back muscles? It's simple: the figure will become manly appearance. For forming the so-called wings through actively practicing the trapezius and latissimus muscles.

There are many different techniques of exercise: standing, lying down, using a fitball and belts, on the fingers and with the weights. Each of them solves the problem of a certain fitness. What happens if you do push-ups every day, using one of the methods described? For example, if during the exercise, you will not run into the floor with his hands and fingers extended, then strengthened their joints, and enhanced grip. This type of push-ups are often used to warm-up before training in martial arts.

Daily tightening: harm or benefit?

One can often hear: "Here I am every day and squeeze tightens, but no tangible effect is not observed!" But we all know that any action sooner or later gives the result. It may simply not be immediately noticed that there was in the hands of the power lost muscle clamps, which, incidentally, are an inherent feature of physical inactivity and sedentary work.

What happens if you do push-ups every day and catch up?

In addition, pull-ups involve a large group of muscles of the back and chest, provide static load on the press. That is, there is training the latissimus dorsi and round, the major and minor pectoral muscles, triceps, back and biceps Delta.

The only serious drawback - the risk of damage or premature wear of the joints due to improper execution technique.


Push-ups every day - an optional condition to build muscle. For these purposes, developed a number of other effective methods. But push-ups under the special scheme successfully negate the muscle fatigue that occurs during daily workouts at maximum effort.

Increase the number of push-ups with up to one hundred times the minimum possible even for a beginner. If your maximum is less than thirteen, in order to achieve the cherished numbers need ten weeks. With each push-exercise increase the number by two. Just a lesson you need to do five sets, gradually reducing the number of repetitions.

That is, the following scheme. For example, you will be wrung out 30 times, it is a personal limit. After three minutes, do 28 more reps, even after time - 26. The following day, the training start with 32 push-ups.

The result is not only an excellent posture, beautiful form of hands and shoulders muscled, but also surprise friends by quickly reached a personal record.

In addition, this scheme allows to accumulate the beneficial effects of exercise. If you do push-ups every day 100 times, progress will be slow and qualitative changes in the muscles need more than one month.

for the pull-up circuits

It is important to set yourself a task, that is, decide what is the final goal of training. For example, just to keep yourself in top form, quite a few times a week to carry out a comfortable number of repetitions. If the same goal - to expand and increase the back latissimus, the following should be considered. Firstly, it is necessary to increase the total number of repetitions every day. Since the novice is difficult to make a 20-30 pull-ups in one go, there should be few. If you can do five repetitions, then perform the five, four, four, three, three. To progress you need to do 3-5 sets per workout, respectively, the number of pull-ups indicated for each approach in order.

And secondly, it is necessary to increase the total number of daily pull-ups at least 1-2 times. In addition, one day a week without conducting training: muscles need to recover.

How long to wait for the result of

Obviously, the push-ups and pull-ups do not make you a Schwarzenegger in the first week. You need patience, regular exercise, adherence to sleep, food and recreation, as well as diet rich in protein. Only in this case the changes will be apparent.

But if you do not stop and do push-ups every day, the results will be seen soon enough: arms and shoulders will be strengthened, and the pectoral muscles will gain prominence. If the training to carry out an intensive schedule, the best time, when the effect becomes noticeable, - per month. A back extension will be evident within 6-10 weeks of daily pull-ups.