What happens running technique

Athletes involved in running, know that to effectively run the route and do not get injuries, should be observed running technique, then the load is distributed more efficiently. It is different when running over long and short distances. What should be the strategy in both cases, we learn more. Start training to be a little warm-up to prepare the muscles to the load. You can stretch your feet, perform squats, bending, stretching a little bit - and more!

Technique long distance running

What happens running technique

long routes of sportsmen is the distance from 3 to 10 kilometers. Equipment running long distances implies an optimal position of the body in motion, which will provide maximum workout results and the least fatigue. The torso should be slightly tilted forward. Leg, located in front should be prisognuta and foot pads should be springy and gently touch the treadmill like a cat. Repulsion is due to the lower leg muscles, jogging leg at the same time remains the line. Hands move rapidly, elbows bent at a slight angle.

Breathing while running a long distance With regard to the respiratory rhythm, it is for each individual. Usually the tempo is as follows: 2 steps to breathe - exhale 2-3. Some athletes do inhaling and exhaling only mouth or nose. However it is better to breathe air nose, mouth and exhale, as in the first case while jogging, you can simply chill lungs. In the second - will be breathing difficult.

Appliances sprint

Sprint is quite common among athletes in competition. Its special feature is the need to move at a maximum speed throughout the path from 60 to 400 meters. This running technique requires special training, and includes several disciplines of athletics. She trains the leg strength, speed skills, strengthens the cardiovascular system, because have to work with a deficit of oxygen.

What happens running technique

Sprint includes four stages: start, acceleration, overcoming the route and finish. Should start a movement with a special position - low start, which allows you to powerfully push and gain maximum speed quickly. The strongest leg should be in front, and the weak - behind. Hands spaced shoulder width. At the command "attention" of the body weight is transferred to the front foot, the body leans forward. When the sound "march", it is necessary to push off your hands and begin their work dynamically. In the second stage should increase frequency and step length, which is achieved when the run 30 meters. The tempo is maintained until the end of the path. Running technique to speed load all the leg muscles, so physical fitness is important. It can be improved, running on the relief surface or uphill, alternate high-speed and normal run.

What happens running technique

Breathing in sprint

Breathing is different from the one taken when long-distance running. Breathing should be and the mouth and nose. If only to breathe through the nose, then the body will not have enough oxygen, he can not work at full capacity. Clear rhythm is not here, it will form its own. Please be aware that the shortness of breath can occur not only on the shallow breaths, but also from incomplete expiration, because the lungs do not fully cleared.