All about tongue piercing

The popularity of body piercing in our time is quite large. Numerous tattoo parlors, and offices of aesthetic medicine are doing this kind of telomodifikatsy accessible to everyone. Made by professionals, it is safe, punctures heal quickly enough to look impressive, but if you get tired of decoration, enough to remove an earring. Hole for some time heal. Choosing what to pierce, each guided by personal taste or examples of famous people. Let us consider this type of body modification as a tongue piercing.

History and Today

All about tongue piercing

Even in ancient times punctures language were distributed to the Maya, the Aztecs, as well as a number of other tribes. Often carried out this manipulation with a mystical meaning, as the ritual of communion with the gods and the way of the release of energy through the blood. The procedure has been available exclusively special representatives of tribes - shamans and priests. Today tongue piercing can make yourself anyone. Popularly this decoration all around the world. An interesting fact is that the more often the body modification is selected girls, but guys with pierced tongues - by no means rare. The classic version puncture - vertical, it is inserted into a straight bar with two balls or "pancake" at the ends.

Tongue piercing in detail

All about tongue piercing

Most often used to puncture a special needle with a cavity inside. It is inserted into the bar, and immediately after it is in place. Modern salons offer local anesthesia. Do it or not - this is a personal matter for each, as this type of piercing does not bring a lot of pain. Let us not forget that the language - this is a unique body composed of muscle fibers, rich taste buds, but non-nervous endings. Look for more information if you want to learn more about the tongue piercing. Reviews of people who already have such a decoration, for example, are able to explain many things. Immediately after the puncture is recommended to insert a long bar, as swelling is normal can be observed up to 3 days. Note that this side effect will worsen diction, so do not plan in the first week after the puncture of important interviews and appearances before the public. Also, pre-think over their menu - a few days will have to go to the broth and puree. tongue piercing: nursing homes

All about tongue piercing

Fully tongue piercing heals only one and a half months. How to care for him in the first few weeks? Mouth rinse required after each reception infusion grass meal or special means (e.g., chlorhexidine). When cleaning the teeth and gently clean the post. Much faster heal a pierced tongue if you talk less in the first week and give up kisses for at least 10 days. It is also desirable to use dental floss and chewing gum - in time to remove food from the oral cavity will minimize the risk of infection in the wound. Another great recommendation - the regular absorption during the day antibacterial lozenges for a sore throat, it will also help prevent infection.