Where and how to make nose piercing

stylish decoration

Nose piercing - a very popular procedure today. If it is done qualitatively, it is the decoration of a woman's face looks very nice and stylish.

Where and how to make nose piercing

Also do not forget that such a procedure is a surgical procedure, so it should be done only by qualified medical worker in an institution. Otherwise, possible complications. Girls who dream of such decoration, interested in the question: "How do the nose piercing?" Everything is quite simple. Piercing - is a skin piercing and jewelry in the introduction of the puncture site. This method has been known since ancient times, and has recently re-entered the fashion. Pierce the skin of the ears, eyebrows, navel, tongue, nose, and some extravagant and brave people dare even puncture the intimate parts of the body.

Nose Piercing: effects and precautionary methods

Where and how to make nose piercing

Decorations for the procedure, and the tools must be sterile. Needles need to use disposable in compliance with all rules of hygiene. After the procedure, you must use special healing agent. Prior to the full tightening of the wound after the "operations" of the nose piercing is not recommended to remove jewelry. Before you decide to take this step and decide to decorate your face this extravagant way, you must find out if there are no contraindications. In some individual cases, it is not recommended to do the piercing of the nose, as the consequences can be quite different. Complications may be caused by the fact that the procedure involves a violation of the skin, and in the future it is very important to properly handle and care for the place of puncture, especially in the first days after you get pierced. Nose Piercing: choose a specialized institution

In the conditions of the special places the possibility of complications is reduced to the very minimum. The procedure is performed in a specially designated for this purpose room (sterile office or operating). This room is carefully processed to meet the necessary requirements. Instrumentation completely sterile, soft material for piercing should also be handled properly. Many prefer to do a nose piercing is still in beauty salons.

Where and how to make nose piercing

However, you should make sure you have permission from the establishment of an appropriate and qualified employees, who have a medical degree. In this respect, of particular concern is carrying out a piercing on the face, because in this area runs a lot of blood vessels, the reflex areas (spots on the skin, the effect of which may have some impact on any of the human internal organs), and nerves. Nose piercing - is, of course, very beautiful, but if chosen decoration in accordance with the appearance. If all the same you have decided on this procedure, ensure the reliability of its place, and then observe the rules of hygiene for fast healing of wounds.