Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

Earlobes pierced today, almost all women, about 90 percent of them wear earrings every day. Incidentally, the male ear piercing, or more punctures in this part of the body does not surprise anyone. What about industrial music? It is about two punctures at the top of the ear, which is worn one rather large decoration. Industrial-piercing - it's a great option for those who choose hairstyles with open ears and is not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

How and why?

Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

It is believed that this type of punctures were the first to imagine doing the musical direction of industrial fans. This is a young genre, characterized by electronic sound and using a variety of unusual effects. The main theme of the texts and a spontaneous subculture - the post-apocalypse. Today, however, industrial-piercing are often people who have a vague idea of ​​this kind of music, choosing his only appearance as a stylish and unusual telomodifikatsii. It looks a puncture effectively, but technically it is performed simply. Industrial - two holes in the top of the ear, the ear piercing is one of the easiest. But it is important to understand that prick the soft part (lobe) is much easier and safer than cartilage, which are located above. Accordingly, there are some specific rules of the present puncture features and care during healing.

Features puncture

Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

The traditional version of the industrial music - one puncture is high enough and close to the head, and the second - somewhat chamfered or parallel to it. However, the location of the holes can vary depending on personal preferences carrier. Do the puncture can be only in specialized salons and clinics. The thing is that on the earlobe so many nerve endings. Puncture, made of poor quality or in the wrong place, could harm the patient's health. Industrial piercing is relatively painless, it is usually performed without anesthesia. Typically, to create a special needle is used holes, not a gun is used to puncture the cartilage of the ear.

When it's time to insert an earring?

Punctures cartilage ear heal within a period of 3 months to 1 year.

Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

Such a significant difference is caused by the individual characteristics of the body, compliance with care recommendations for Ranka during the healing period and the quality of the procedure. Industrial piercing is done to wear special long ornaments, inserted directly into two separate holes in the ear. However, a much better new piercing to heal, if the first time they wear a small individual decorations - studs or rings. The explanation of this phenomenon is simple - a long rod will often cling to clothes or hair accessories, respectively, and wound itself will be more injured. It is for this reason it is recommended to wear modest jewelry made of gippoallergennyh materials until they are healed.

Care during rehabilitation

Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

Typically, industrial perform, trying to right ear of the patient to wear the bar. This is necessary for the proper calculation of the location of the holes relative to each other. Many people who choose this type of piercing, keen to show it to others in all its glory right after the puncture. In this case, you should choose to wear quite a long rod that will not squeeze fresh punctures. Before treatment of wounds thoroughly wash your hands. Guidelines for care standard: wash fresh puncture antiseptic skin does not dry (hydrogen peroxide, miramistin), can also be applied healing ointment. When processing gently turn the rod so that the medicines fall into the hole. Pierced ear "industrial" is recommended not alarming to complete healing. Wear the first time that same piece of jewelry that inserted immediately after a puncture, change it will be after complete healing.

How much does this beauty?

So you're probably wondering, how many are creative punctures the skin in the cabin and the offices of aesthetic medicine? Clarify this information you can in any organization providing the required service, to the procedure before recording. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone will agree to do a master industrial piercing. The price of this telomodifikatsii equal to the value of the standard ear piercing cartilage (for two holes, respectively). Today it is 150-500 rubles, depending on the region, class, beauty salon or clinic and qualifications of the master himself. Be prepared for the fact that some have to buy jewelry and pay for anesthesia (to do it if you want).

Piercing industrial: reviews of those who dare to

Industrial-pierced ears, which is shocking to others!

The main advantage of the skin before puncture tattoos - it's easy modification and the ability to get rid of it at any time. If you regret that made industrial or punctures you will interfere / be bored enough to remove jewelry and wait for healing. In the opinion of the people, cartilage is pierced ears, for a complete tightening of a wound sufficiently 1-3 months. Of course, after the healing of the skin will remain a small scar, which over the years will lose its brightness and eventually become quite unnoticeable. Industrial-piercing effects may be not the most pleasant with substandard performance. The most likely problem: of infection at puncture, damage to the nerve endings. Trust the care of your body just experienced craftsmen that have required qualification. Observe the rules of caring for a new thrust for the entire healing period. Many owners of industrial piercing argue that any problems they do not have with the decoration of the body. This means that with a strong desire this telomodifikatsiyu can try each.