Transdermal implant. What it is: useful novelty body art or whim?

Modern stylish decoration for intradermal microscopic implant with a small puncture - the so-called transdermal implant. What is it and how to fix them? One type of piercing associated with skin piercing, transdermal implant is a small plate which is placed under the skin, and is called an anchor.

Transdermal implant. What it is: useful novelty body art or whim?

transdermal implant technology - a new step in the bodypainting - firmly gained popularity, and many are interested in: transdermal implant - what it is, how and where to do it, how much it will cost, how it will look, how to care for them.

transdermal implant-piercing novelty

To record the product is attached the rod as a standard product for the piercing. The end of the rod protrudes, are wound on his decorations, which will be flaunt on the surface of the skin - transdermal implant. How do such ornaments, we describe below.

Unlike piercing it is that the installation is carried out at the level of the skin layer. Mounted on a rod screwed decor - beads, discs crystals.

Let us consider transdermal implant. What it is? Photo demonstrates various options for installing them.

Transdermal implant. What it is: useful novelty body art or whim?

Types of transdermal implant

In contrast to the piercing, transdermal implant implanted into the skin. Therefore, for such ornaments biophil use special materials, particularly titanium.

Transdermal implant are discs often, but there are options for jewelry in the form of balls, cones, studs, spikes. The outer wrapping can be changed if desired. Transdermal implant may have different sizes - stem height of 1 to 2 mm. The value starts from the outer portion of 3 mm.

Used for manufacturing jewelery titanium, surgical steel, acrylic. The first can be considered the best material for mikrodermalnyh jewelry.

This metal has unique properties:

  • resistance;
  • strength;
  • extraordinary ease;
  • is not rejected tissues;
  • inert to body fluids;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

Jewelry, which reduce the risk of rejection to a minimum thanks to its excellent compatibility with biological tissues - a transdermal implant titanium. What is it - the photo shows and gives an idea of ​​the possibilities for fans of body art to decorate the body in the most unexpected places.

Transdermal implant. What it is: useful novelty body art or whim?

How do I set transdermal implant

Set transdermal implant is simple, but the process has its own characteristics. Master special needle makes a hole and then on the skin surface by separating it from the fat is cut "pocket" to set the anchor. implantation process is not fundamentally different from the medical needle prick. After installation of the fixes transdermal implant bacterial adhesive bandages for the first few days. In addition, it is recommended to avoid clothing that could affect various parts of the body healing transdermal implant.

How to make such body decorations beginners? First of all, choose the area of ​​the body where the transdermal implant can be securely fastened and will give a stylish image. As an original decoration is better to use cheats in the form of flat discs: they are firmly against your skin and better kept. The entire procedure usually lasts no more than 5 minutes.

where it is fashionable to install transdermal implant

Mikrodermalnaya technology allow you to install decorations on any part of the body. Mikrokompozitsii may consist of several kinds of jewelry, forming patterns.

The most common transdermal implant installation:

  • on the chest;
  • in the back;
  • collarbone;
  • the wrists;
  • ears and even his cheeks;
  • in the middle of the forehead, around the eyes and eyebrows;
  • on the collarbone and dimple between them on the neck;
  • in the solar plexus;
  • in the neck and elsewhere.

They look natural and perfectly emphasize the décolleté, slender back, give the appearance of sophistication and elegance causing several transdermal implant at the collarbone. Photo below shows one of the easiest options for placement of ornaments on this area of ​​the body.

Transdermal implant. What it is: useful novelty body art or whim?

Today, many have mastered a new kind of decoration - transdermal implant. What is it and what are their advantages?

The advantages of transdermal implant as body ornaments

Selecting as transdermal implant body painting means, the fan will feel its advantages compared with piercing or tattoo:

  • , the minimum probability of scarring or scars;
  • safety for soft tissue;
  • available transdermal implant installation price;
  • the ability to install decorations almost anywhere on the body;
  • fast healing tissues.

Experienced professionals transdermal implant put on the face, neck, collarbone. lip or intimate region - experts even hypersensitive areas of work without problems.

transdermal implant installation: possible complications and problems

When installing transdermal implant may arise and small complications. This usually happens in the case of home installation. Can become inflamed portion formed with a puncture and scars when installing transdermal implant correctly. Decorating should not spin, otherwise the skin when moving from the inside will get hurt, and it can cause scarring. in puncture Microtrauma initiate growth of scar tissue, resulting transdermal implant will not be held and may drop out.

If the decoration tired, delete it should master, who put.

The main guarantee of safe body art - trust your body only to professionals in interiors with high-quality medical service.

Transdermal implant when used properly can become a prominent feature of the appearance, to give the image a new sound, attractiveness and personality.