Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

Russian hockey on the rise. Russian team is the Olympic champion, many Russian players defended the colors of the NHL and the KHL clubs. One of the most exciting players is Igor Makarov, who is also known in the country as a husband Lera Kudryavtseva. Therefore biography hockey player Igor Makarov of interest to many fans of the national sport.

As a player became what has become and the more lives today? About this later in this article.

Childhood hockey

Igor Makarov hockey player born in a sports family September 19, 1987 in Moscow. In today's world of the dynasty - it is rare, but in the family of Igor happened this way: hockey player Makarov is in the third generation after the grandfather and father. Grandfather Makarov, first played for Samara "Wings of the Soviets" and then defended the colors of the Moscow "Dynamo". Sergey Makarov, Igor's father, shot to fame as a defender of "Samara wings" and was twice Olympic champion.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

From the age of three, Igor skating. Mom with her grandfather in turn brought the boy to the ice rink, which is located right near the palace of Samara "Wings of the Soviets." As time passes, when Igor has stayed fairly confident on the ice, the boy was sent to the children's team "Wings", which was led by Sergey Yatsun.

Since hockey for the young athlete was not just a hobby, it became his vocation and the meaning of life. Especially also because in front of him it was a role model for my grandfather and father, and his childhood idols for him became Bratash Oleg and Viktor Gordiyuk. Makarov was summoned to the junior national team of Russia on hockey, which successfully performed at the World Cup.

Start hockey career

As a player, father, hockey player Igor Makarov Sergey played as a defender and made it perfectly, and his son became a classy striker. Having started playing hockey since childhood, Igor continued his career at age 17 at a higher level - young athlete became a player, "Wings of the Soviets" and in his debut match in 2005, he threw the puck for his club. In February of this game his team snatched victory from the "Torpedo" in the quarter-final stage of the game Premier League. This unforgettable event was ever deposited in the memory of the hockey player, because in addition to the opening and the puck, this game was also the first victory at the highest level.

Makarov "SKA"

After the first season, Makarov moved from the "Wings of the Soviets" in St. Petersburg "SKA", where his father worked as a coach. Of course, the "Wings of the Soviets" were incredibly expensive and the player himself, and his whole family, given the history of playing for Samartsev grandfather and father Igor, however, with the "wings" Igor was unable to play in the KHL and therefore took such a decision for themselves.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

At the time of acclimation to the new team hockey player Igor Makarov it was not very comfortable, especially in games with his native Samara club, where he spent a lot of time: to 5 years. However, it was the growing period and, in addition to the simple pleasure of playing, Igor had to also show the result, which he started to do, especially after a close friendship with his new teammates and adjust with them interaction, play it I became better and better.

After this season, the team "Chicago Blackhawks" Makarov picks in the draft in the National Hockey League, NHL Entry Draft in the input number 44. Some time later, Igor recognized as one of the "SKA" most active attackers St. Petersburg, and his list is already 4 abandoned washers.

In the future, promising a young man tried to intercept the other well-known team, but Makarov, opting for the SKA, played for the club faithfully ever since it spared. His friends on the field and outside the steel Valery Khlebnikov and Anton Polishchuk.

Sports season 2010/2011's player spends in the form of the American Club "Rockford Ayskhogz" from the American Hockey League, but already in 2011, Igor Makarov signed a new 3-year contract with SKA for 3 years. Photo hockey player Igor Makarov in the form of American club below.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

hockey player valued for unyielding and tough style of play. On his account there are bright confrontation on the field and win in them: a knockout of Dennis Kulyash, one of the league's most powerful players. In that fight Kuliash concussion and threatened to respond in the same Makarov, however, only empty threats is and remains.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career


The period after the "SKA"

In 2014, Igor again becomes army, but now Moscow and signed a contract with CSKA, becoming for this club one of the best players for several years. A 2016 Makarov was in favor of "Salavat Yulaev". And to this day it remains a player of this club.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career


In 2012, news about the hockey player Igor Makarov spoke many news agencies. But this time, the reason for the news did not hockey, and his personal life. It turned out that the young man and the well-known secular divas Lera Kudryavtseva novel. According to various sources, the young people met at a party, where Kudryavtseva tried to unwind after a loud bursting with famous singer Sergei Lazarev. Piquant moment was that Igor only 3 years older than his son, darling.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

The rumors of their romance were long rumored, and in 2013 the couple announced the wedding, which took place soon.

The lush wedding ceremony, which took place in Kutuzovsky registry office, a lot of Russian show business stars have been invited, but the ex-boyfriend Kudryavtseva Sergey Lazarev was not. It was a principled position of the groom. Since then, Igor Makarov, a hockey player - a husband Lera Kudryavtseva.

The break with his wife,

Due to the media of both spouses, there were various gossip and rumors, one of which was falling out because of the alleged correspondence Makarova, a young girl, for which he was accused his wife of infidelity. However, the most Leroy voiced denials and that second-rate publications trying to blow up the scandal out of nothing. One thing is certain, that beautiful celebrity couple makes many people envy. Especially because Kudryavtseva has changed the traditional way of life, focusing on family life and try to be a good wife and mother. Although due to the fact that they are a spouse live in different cities due to the nature of the work of her husband, Kudryavtseva admitted that the family had no jealousy and some claims. At one time there were even released details of the intimate life of the star couple.

Makarov will soon become a father

May 3, 2018 fans of hockey player Igor Makarov and Lera Kudryavtseva has become quite clear that the couple is expecting a baby. At the moment, the couple are in Rome, which came out on the weekend with friends to relax and watch football. Official statement hockey player Igor Makarov and Leroy still do, but, judging by the pictures, the "experts" put the due date for the end of summer - early autumn.

Most people believe Kudryavtsev very brave woman, because not everyone will be decided on the birth of a child of 46 years. Especially when most of the stars around schou business uses the services of surrogate mothers. This will be the first child for the couple, and for Kudryavtseva, he will be the second, since she has a son from his first marriage, who recently turned 28 years old.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

The history of hockey player Igor Makarov and TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva - a beautiful story about how that love really is no limit of age, there is no limit to the distance and time, because when you love, whether younger or older than your choice or fiancee, the main thing - it is a complete trust each other, support and love.

It seems that the star couple has it all. And, most likely, there is so much more about than anyone to know, and do not need third-party citizens. After all, in the life of two people, and referred to as "personal". Everyone interested should wish for love and happiness of the soul and begin to build their lives.

Makarov - Currently

Where he plays ice hockey player Igor Makarov now? The answer to this question has already been given above: Makarov is now the club's player of the Ufa "Salavat Yulaev". In January, in the game against the "Severstal" there was an unpleasant incident with the player, in which the enemy in one of the episodes of the game's shot putter hand and broke a finger, what brought Igor from the game for about a month.

Igor Makarov: hockey, life, personal life and sports career

At the moment, Makarov is healthy, keeps its performances for the Ufa club and to his credit six of goals.