10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Each year, an average adult can count on two or three colds, which fall on the most embarrassing period of the year. Influenza vaccination is decided, of course, some problems, but completely eliminate the risk of the disease can not. But, there are a number of lung and preventive measures that will help you slip a series of colds fresh and cheerful We have collected dozens of such councils.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Eat yogurt for breakfast

The same live cultures that help to alleviate the suffering of the digestive environment, and can help prevent colds. So, at least, says Dr. Phillips, who spent an exhaustive study on this subject. The results showed that people who use probiotics suffer much less those who eat breakfast with something else.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Open the

It sounds like a joke - but in fact, an open window can save you from a cold. After spending all day in a stuffy room, every person has an increased risk of catching an infection. Fresh air kills most virus particles.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Eat mushrooms

A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, has impressive evidence of the immunostimulatory properties of mushrooms. People who ate the cooked shiitake mushrooms every day for a month, showed a higher level of tolerance to the viral infection.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless


Do not touch the face of

Marguerite Rohr, MD, and a therapist from New York University Langon, says as little as possible to touch hands face. But this is easier said than done: in fact, the average person touches the nose or mouth more often than three times per hour. Monitor their behavior.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Regular sleep

In a study published Archives of Internal Medicine, provides information about the increased risk of neglecting people sleep disorders. Even seven instead of eight hours a night's rest has increased the risk of catching the infection in as many as three times.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

More liquids

The fluid helps to leave the mucus, which is released when the body of disease. Watery than it is, the easier and quicker the body will be its output.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Chicken Soup

This classical food patient is an excellent medicine. The steam helps to open clogged the upper respiratory tract, and salty soup can soothe a sore throat. But that's not all. A study published in Chest journal proves that chicken soup has the properties of inhibiting the movement of infection-fighting white blood cells; forcing them to linger longer in the appropriate places.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless


Old home methods are working - some. For example, it will be very useful to gargle with warm salt water. Salt helps to kill pathogens. Furthermore, the coating throat brine (1/2 teaspoon salt in a cup of warm water) facilitate inflammation.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

essential oils

Dr. Shas recommends using this trick for disease prevention. Several times a day, add a few drops of thyme or eucalyptus oil in boiling water and then inhale the aromatic steam. Menthol facilitates the discovery and purification of the airways.

10 ways to survive during cold and flu lossless

Turn on the humidifier

Dry air in the room makes a sore throat and cough intolerable. Humidifier helps air, saturated with moisture can to stop these unpleasant symptoms.