Simple recipes for health

In order not to run to the doctor for any reason, use our simple recipes. They help to solve some health problems at home - Quickly and efficiently.

Simple recipes for health


Provoke indigestion often too late dinner - a man who goes to bed and takes a horizontal position, the remnants of undigested food with gastric juice fall into the esophagus.

What to do? Turn on your left side. Then, under the influence of gravity everything back into the stomach, which is located just to the left.

The Hangover

Quickly remove the hangover help foods containing large amounts of fructose-under the influence of the natural sugar from the body appears more intense alcohol. To gain clarity of mind, abundantly spread a piece of bread with honey and eat. Besides helping to quickly remove the hangover apples, cherries, grapes and tomatoes.

Fatigue and pain in the legs

Shoes with high heels makes a woman more slender but if you keep walking in shoes with heels, and leg muscles tendons shorten and become less mobile - and this is causing pain in the legs.

To help the legs, walk at the end of the day on the stairs. Such walking help stretch the muscles and tendons of the legs, thus it is necessary to step on the stairs only the tip of the shoe, the heel maximum sag.


People suffering from chronic migraines, usually anticipate the offensive attack for several hours. If you feel a migraine rises, drink a cup of strong coffee, and then arrange a 20-minute walk or enjoy any physical activity. This method has the same effect as and beta-blockers, anti-migraine.


Belching is formed when air enters the stomach - for example, while smoking, chewing gum or due to the fact that the man opens his mouth wide while eating.

Try to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly, so as not to stradatotryzhkoy. You can also just hold your mouth open slightly after a meal, so that the air went out of the esophagus, without having to get into the stomach.

Insect bites

If there is a hand iodine or green fodder bites can be treated in the usual place of vinegar. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and acts as an analgesic. Vinegar may be used for cuts and wounds which need to pre-rinse with cold water.


If you sweat in the gym, then and after school continues to stand out more sweat for 20-30 minutes - to stop the sweat allocation process must necessarily take some time.

To cut it, dip the hands and wrists in ice-cold water and soak a few seconds. Thus the brain receives a signal that the body is no longer hot.

Bad breath

Halitosis occurs as a result of ability to live bacteria in a large amount found in the oral cavity. Researchers found that most effectively with them fighting ordinary green tea. But gum or mints, triggers the flow of saliva, - on the contrary, promote microbial growth.


Our body has the ability to adapt to their environment, changing rhythm of breathing and heartbeat. With the rapid pace we feel a surge of strength and joy, so if the surging apathy is very useful to include an energetic pep music. It is also very useful for a few minutes to contemplate a bright yellow or orange sheet of paper, or prepare their own tea or milk with spices. Add a drink at the choice of ginger, cinnamon, saffron, hot pepper, cloves or coriander and allow to stand for two or three minutes - this spice is reduced health and vitality.

The missing voice

Dissolve chicken egg yolk in 100 grams of warm milk and drink in small sips or gargle - This method should help. Furthermore, gargle possible and ovalbumin, heating it in a water bath. There is another recipe. Beat 2 egg protein with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Add 50 grams of cognac. Pour into a separate glass of warm water. Every sip of egg wash down a cocktail drink of water. After that, just need to go to bed. The next morning the missing voice should be fully recover.


Help relaxing bath, a light self-massage. You can add a few drops of massage cream favorite aromomasla. And you can take advantage of the finished composition - such as olive oil with ether composition of oils of lavender and vanilla from "NikoSol" company specializing in the sale of Greek beauty products. Gentle massage with this oil after the bath soothes, relaxes and gives a deep sleep.