Tasty and healthy grapefruit diet

Among the many citrus grapefruit is the most powerful weapon in the fight against obesity and cellulite. For these purposes the flesh, juice and essential oil. In addition to the fat burning effect of grapefruit helps with depression and different types of fatigue, improves gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the metabolism, removes toxins. Also, it is peculiar to lower cholesterol, and it is a preventive tool against multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Tasty and healthy grapefruit diet

Why is it so useful grapefruit diet? The fact that this product is quite low in calories (only 35 calories per 100 grams), so it is often a constituent of diets and fasting days. It also contains phenylalanine - a substance that promotes rapid saturation, decrease in appetite, which helps to fight hunger during the day.

Grapefruit Diet : use the pulp

Opponents diets and severe restrictions in foods is recommended to supplement the diet of grapefruit pulp. It is important to eat it fresh, without any heat treatment and without sugar. Eating a meal before each half of the fruit (along with bitter white fibers), you can not only control your appetite, but also to speed up digestion, reduce the percentage of body fat, improve metabolism. If you eat a grapefruit diet in conjunction with a proper diet, you can lose up to 10 kg per year and support the weight of the same level. Moreover, it is extremely beneficial to the immune system and prevention of viral diseases. Juice

Tasty and healthy grapefruit diet

Grapefruit diet in the form of juice is not as effective as the pulp, but it removes toxins from the body and normalizes the bowels. This is the main principle with the help slimming. Morning drinking fresh juice of grapefruit, orange and lemon, you can not only lose weight but also to rejuvenate considerably: it has been observed that this vitamin drink great effect on the skin.

The essential oil of grapefruit for weight loss

Excellent results in the fight cellulite and excess weight can be achieved with the help of grapefruit essential oil. It is used in several ways.

  1. The addition of food or drink, a little, just 1-2 drops. Inside the oil operates as an activator for metabolism, accelerates food processing, prevents excessive amount of fat absorbed. Even so, it is worth reviewing your diet: give up the fat, smoked, fried food. Eat more protein (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs). Choose steamer, oven or multivarku instead of frying in oil.
  2. oil inhalation using an inhaler or oil burner. Using grapefruit oil for weight loss that way, you can greatly suppress your appetite. The aroma of this oil acts on the subconscious, it helps to cope with hunger at strict diets or food restrictions. The main advantage of this application is the practicality. When using the oil burner in the house, the scent will accompany you throughout the day. And at work or in public places, you can inhale the oil directly from the vial. Tasty and healthy grapefruit diet
  3. External use: massages, baths, wraps. By adding a few drops of grapefruit essential oils in the bath can achieve dual result: firstly, to reduce appetite, inhaling fumes, and secondly, to reduce the volume, as the oil outflow provokes lymph. Use of this ingredient in the preparation for wrapping a mixture can reduce weight, reduce swelling, waist and hips, making the skin more supple and taut. And, of course, grapefruit oil is necessarily included in the compositions of massage. Mechanical action combined with a warming anti-cellulite effect of citrus will help accelerate the process of losing weight, reduce cellulite deposits.

Contraindications grapefruit slimming

Caution is advised to use fresh juice and pulp of people with high acidity and liver diseases. Relatively essential oil, there is the only contraindication - a possible allergic reaction or idiosyncrasy.