Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

Use aromatic oil can be for different purposes. With it, you can alleviate the condition during a respiratory infection, accelerate the growth of hair, give them strength and shine, clear skin of acne, get rid of cellulite and lead to normal functioning of the nervous system.

Aromatic compounds are extracted from different parts of the plant: the stems, bark, leaves, flowers, roots and seeds. In most cases, the extraction of essential oils is carried out by steam distillation. There are other modes of production: the use of cold press, distillation of water, use of sorbents and the selective solvents.

The use of

Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

The effect of the use of aromatic essential oils depends on the regularity of their use, dosage and concentration of various chemicals that are present. Equally important are the quality and purity of the product.

Essential oil of high quality to evaporate at room temperature. If you drop it on a paper towel, there will be no greasy stains on it. Essential oils have long been widely used in cosmetics, fragrance industry, medicine, aromatherapy.

Methods of application

Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

There are several ways to use aromatherapy oils. If you try them, you can feel how wonderful effect bring plant essences.

Aromatherapy involves ether inhalation through the nose. Since the substance gets into the blood stream. Carry out the procedure by using various devices. One of them is the diffuser. A device of this kind allows to purify indoor air, provides protection against pathogenic microbes eliminates the unpleasant smell.

The procedure helps to improve the mood, relax or, conversely, to cheer up - it all depends on what kind of oil is used. If there is no diffuser can drip oil on your palm, rub his nose and inhale. Remember that many essential oils have a pungent odor and can be irritating to the mucous membrane of the nose. In this regard, should not hold hands to her face - inhale ether is necessary so that the palms were placed a few inches from the nose.

External use

If you use aromatherapy oils for the body, not only can improve the skin condition, but also improve the body as a whole. The thing is that the essences tend to penetrate into the bloodstream through the skin. However, it should be careful when using the substance in pure form, as it may have a high concentration, which can lead to burns. It is best to use essential oil in combination with the base (olive, linseed, almond and so forth.).

Headache composition should be rubbed into the temples in the area. If concerned about discomfort in the joints, you can have a massage knees. For menstrual pain can help massage the lower abdomen.

It brings great benefit to foot massage using aromatic oils. This part of the body has a lot of nerve endings, which are responsible for important functions in the body. Means absorbs in seconds and already after 20 minutes reaches all the organs.

No less effective, and other ways to use essential oils:

  • Rinsing (applicable solution from water and a few drops of plant essences).
  • Hot compresses (essential oil is blended with any heated base oil).
  • Baths (a few drops diluted in water means).

room humidification

For a session of aromatherapy humidifiers are ideal with the "aroma". The advantages of this method are obvious - a light scent fills the room and not erode over a long period.

The use of essential oils for the humidifier has an enormous advantage. Aromatherapy helps to:

  • overcome various diseases of the respiratory system;
  • to restore the psycho-emotional state;
  • to improve the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • clear the air of harmful microorganisms;
  • improve concentration and enhance brain activity.

On their own oil are not able to do much harm, but certain rules must be followed when using them in tandem with a humidifier:

  1. Do not exceed the dosage of essential oil.
  2. Select the ether to be very careful. Its purpose can be found in the enclosed instructions.
  3. It is not recommended to include a moisturizer with flavoring function for a long period, as the smell quickly and for a long time to spread throughout the room.
  4. If you have problems with the bronchi need to give priority to substances with less intense odor.
  5. Do not use aromatic oils in thyroid diseases.
  6. During pregnancy and breast-feeding used oil for aromatherapy session is necessary only after consultation with your doctor.

Features of treatment oils

Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

As mentioned above - essential oils are considered highly concentrated product. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, it is necessary to know how to use essential oils. It is important to observe the rules of storage of the product. It is best to keep it in a bottle of dark glass with a tight cover. Store need a place where you do not penetrate the sun's rays.

Before using a particular essential oil, should be familiar with the instruction attached thereto. Most essential oils are forbidden for internal use. If the manufacturer allows this method of aromatherapy at home, it can be used after consulting a doctor. After inhalation or massage oils with their participation is necessary to refuse to drive a vehicle, since many of them have on the body relaxing effect.

The test for allergies

It is extremely important to study the properties of essential oils. Use can cause burns, allergic reaction or irritation. To prevent this, before a session of aromatherapy to do test: apply a little money on the back of your hand and watch the reaction. If after a few hours will be redness or a rash, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed. If the test is passed without consequence, we can safely spend an aromatherapy session. In addition, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • is not in the sun after applying aromatic essential oils;
  • not use oils with an irritant effect in pure form;
  • in the event of a negative response of the organism to refrain from further use of essences;
  • pregnancy is not a contraindication, but before using consult your doctor.

Sweet Orange

Aromatic sweet orange oil helps alleviate the condition at high temperature, has a hemostatic effect, improves skin, combats urolithiasis, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. Suitable for indoor use. In everyday life, it is used in the oil burner. After the session, the person becomes more energetic, gains strength. Significantly improving the work of the brain. No less effective means to cope with cellulite, so it is actively used for massages, scrubs and added to the bath.

Bitter orange

This essential oil fresher smell. It has excellent antibacterial activity. Often used for aromatherapy, massage.


This aromatic oil is extremely valuable to the skin. It can help you to narrow pores, eliminate the shallow wrinkles, improve complexion. It is considered an excellent aphrodisiac. Exerts a therapeutic effect in bronchitis, improves the emotional state. Suitable for inhalation.


The scope of use of this essential oil is wide enough. It can be used to alleviate the condition under high pressure, pulmonary disease, arthritis. It is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis.


Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

has bleaching properties, it is effective to eliminate pigmentation, freckles, spider veins. Cope with dandruff, for easy clarification curls, strengthens nails.

Lemon essential oil - the product with antibacterial action, so it can be used to treat boils, lesions, fissures, warts. Normalizes the nervous system. It provides a pronounced effect of the flu, viral and infectious diseases. Cope with a headache, removes cramps, nausea, dizziness. Means indicated for kidney stones, urinary and gallbladder. Promotes vascular walls, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques.

This plant essences has been widely used in the field of cosmetology. It is actively used to combat cellulite. Lemon oil improves skin, normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, treating varices.


Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

It is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. With it, you can restore the libido in both men and women. Relieves in menopause, it relieves stress. It can be used to eliminate the headaches. Effective against cramps, intestinal infections. It has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the heart.


Lavender oil helps to eliminate itching after insect bites, copes with dandruff and irritated scalp. It helps cleanse the body of toxins. If you use this essence to oil burner, you can de-stress, relax and overcome insomnia.

It accelerates the healing process of wounds, burns. It strengthens hair roots and gives shine curls. Suitable for being at ease dizziness, migraines.

Lavender essential oil is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis. With it, you can improve the liver, gall bladder, cardiovascular system. Essence leads to normal pressure, helps with cystitis, urethritis, strengthens the body's defenses.


Significantly relieves women during PMS, fights skin imperfections, different hemostatic properties. Used as a replacement therapy after a stroke. Useful in hormonal disorders, arrhythmias. If a drop of neroli oil in aroma lamp, you can get rid of insomnia, panic attacks, depression.

Tea Tree

Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

Tea Tree Oil - Essence, which under force to conduct an active struggle against fungi. It helps with cold sores, acne, stomatitis, colds. Oil burner, seasoned with aromatic oils that help to gather his thoughts, to clean the room from microbes, helps to overcome fatigue and apathy.


Ether eucalyptus is one of the most powerful antibacterial and antiseptic. Oil copes with many kinds of fungus and infections. Treats sciatica, promotes healing of ulcers on the mucous membranes. It accelerates the process of delaying healing, coping with peeling of the skin.


Like all conifer, pine oil relieves irritation, has antiseptic and anti-viral effect. Treats cough, scratchy and sore throat, rheumatism.


For this oil is characterized by a broad spectrum of action. It can be used for burns, arthritis, wounds. Tool removes toxins from the body cope with the slagging. In the cosmetic industry it is used for firming the skin to combat dandruff and to strengthen the hair roots. Suitable for filling in a diffuser to fill the room with scents of the taiga.


Oil fir - a proven remedy for tooth pain and sciatica. Essence reduces bleeding gums, cures colds, helps alleviate the condition with pneumonia, tonsillitis, laryngitis. It can be used in eye fatigue, inflammation and swelling.


Aromatic oils: types, properties, and methods of use

This is the royal oil is widely used in the field of gynecology. It can help you to fight against yeast infections, reduce pain in the abdomen. Eliminates migraine, vertigo.

It has an enormous value for the skin and hair. It gives skin a smooth, smooths facial wrinkles, normalizes fat balance, removes inflammation, refreshes the complexion. As part of rose oil contains female hormones, due to which it has a therapeutic effect in severe menstrual pain.


a huge amount of nutrients present in the composition of aromatic oils that are beneficial to the skin, hair and body. To feel the therapeutic effect of their use, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions. In order to avoid the negative reaction it is necessary to test for allergies. Most highly concentrated plant essences have a powerful effect, so use them for different diseases it is advisable only after consultation with a doctor and a careful study of the instructions on the properties and use of aromatic oils.