Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) "Ankir-B": reviews of slimming and doctors, instructions for use

About slim figure the dream of many women. To reduce weight using diet, fitness and a variety of drugs for weight loss. Just to tools that help to lose weight, and refers microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) "Ankir-B." Reviews slimming note that tablets give a feeling of satiety and after administration does not want to eat.

Composition Additives

MCC "Ankir-B" (feedback slimming celebrate a great result, which can be obtained when using this drug) is completely natural way to lose weight. Microcrystalline cellulose, which is a part of the drug is a dietary fiber, obtained in the processing of cotton in the fabric. Cotton waste generated during the production process, and there is a cellulose diet, only finely ground and purified.

One tablet contains 500 mg of MCC - a hundred percent dietary fiber. The drug is available in the form of white tablets. The package of one hundred pieces.


MCC "Ankir-B" (tablets) is a source of dietary fiber. Microcrystalline cellulose gently cleanses the intestines. It has a large hygroscopicity. It has absorbent properties, which also provides a cleansing of the body. The drug removes waste, toxins, cholesterol and other harmful substances.

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

Clinical trials have shown that the addition of MCC "Ankir-B" heals and cleanses the body. It is useful for the prevention of certain diseases. It helps to reduce weight.

The stomach generates MCC and colloidal gel dispersion. This substance absorbs moisture and swells. It absorbs the breakdown products and removes them from the body. The additive does not affect the useful to the body proteins and nutrient molecules. It does not affect the nutritional balance. Actively interact with cholesterol, thus preventing its absorption into the blood. Being in the gastrointestinal tract, microcrystalline cellulose annoying receptors associated with the motor and secretory activity of the intestine. The substance affects the formation of fecal deposits, their volume increases. Reduces intracolonic pressure. Stabilizes the intestinal flora.

The fibers that make up the drug, cause a feeling of fullness, but, unlike food, have no nutritional value. This allows you to reduce your appetite and avoid the consumption of excess calories.

Daily rate - fifteen pills. This provides the body with an amount of MCC daily dose of dietary fiber by 21%. When using additives important to keep taking the drug and to use a sufficient amount of fluid, which should be no less than two liters per day. It is not only water but also liquid in the food and drinks.

At the beginning of the use of MCC "Ankir-B" may be abdominal discomfort. This is usually due to a lack of dietary fiber, which microflora of the intestinal environment begins to actively absorb. If you have such feelings, then the use of dietary supplements to be a dose of five tablets per day, gradually increasing their number to 15 pieces.

Product Pros

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

MCC "Ankir-B" for weight loss works wonders that occur due to the positive qualities of the drug, it is:

  • the natural cleansing of the gastrointestinal organ;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • improve the metabolic processes of the digestive tract;
  • increased efficiency;
  • improve the general well-being;
  • reduction in the risk of cancer;
  • removal of harmful and toxic substances from the body;
  • preventing the formation of stones in the kidney organ.

In addition to these advantages the use of MCC, it still reduces the feeling of hunger, thereby reducing food intake. The drug accelerates the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract and restores it microflora.

MCC "Ankir-B": instructions for use

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

The additive can be used in two ways. In the first case, the drug is used as an additive used in cooking. In the latter case a means alone is used in the form of tablets.

Recommended therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks. It was during this time supplement can achieve tangible results. After receiving the MCC course make a break for ten days, and then repeat the use of MCC if necessary "Ankir-B." Instructions for use does not limit the duration of use of the tablets.

Effect of BUD depends not only on the number of tablets, but also the regularity of the receiving means. The result affects the use of a sufficient amount of water from a half liters a day, where the fluid enters the food and drinks.

The daily dosage of the drug should be increased gradually. In the first five days should be consumed with five pills a day. The dose is gradually brought to 15 capsules a day, and if necessary to 20-30 pills.

MCC drink for twenty minutes before meals with water or drink, suitable juice, yogurt. At the first sign of abdominal discomfort lower daily dosage.

When the number of available obesity reach 10-30 tablets per day. 6-10 pills three times a day before meal consumption. It is desirable at this time to adhere to a low-calorie food (1200-1800 kcal). Tablets can replace lunch, and dinner. With such a regimen in humans the drug weight is reduced well. Normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism. There is energy, and efficiency increases. When the diagnosis of coronary heart disease organ pills take 10-20 units per day. At this time, we should adhere to the basic diets. Is an improvement of lipid metabolism, reduces cholesterol, the cardiac muscle is supplied with blood more rapidly. Leave extra weight. There is physical endurance.

When gastrointestinal pathologies additive consume 10-20 pills per day. On the background of the drug is recommended to follow a certain diet. This treatment restores the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, improve its activity. Reduce flatulence, improve appetite. Leave lethargy. Stabilize the chair. Will be held in the hypochondrium discomfort and epigastric part. Existing sores will gradually be tightened.

How to use the MCC in the dishes?

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

Now we will focus on how to take the ICC "Ankir-B" in the dishes. The tablets in the required amount in the softened water and added to the dough, the meat or fish forcemeat, porridge, scrambled eggs and other dishes.

Do not overdo it, because the maximum daily dosage should not be more than fifty tablets is about 25 g, per adult.

In the preparation of products of flour, as well as meat dishes or fish, to be administered in food to 10 pills (5%) in 100 g If dragees are added to the sauce, it is taken for 500 g of three tablets (0, 3%).

Allowed to combine MCC "Ankir-B" and alcohol.


Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

microcrystalline cellulose MCC "Ankir-B" is used in the presence of obesity. This additive is useful in diabetes, coronary heart disease, as well as in atherosclerosis. The indication for use is a chemical or microbial organism intoxication, especially in heavy metal poisoning. The preparation absorbs them into itself and out of the body. Recommended dietary supplements consumed for stabilization of the digestive process, when there gastroenterological diseases and for the prevention of various tumors.


The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. It should not be taken if you are hypersensitive substances in Bad.

Precautions taken microcrystalline cellulose, flatulence, colitis, constipation and addiction. In the latter case, you should monitor the amount you drink. It is not necessary for a long time and continuously take supplements as both useful elements may extend over time with harmful substances. Before using the product should consult a doctor.

Doctors say

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

Fast and harmless weight loss can not guarantee that any one drug. Despite this MCC "Ankir-B" response from physicians is mostly positive.

They point out that the drug is absorbent. It is not absorbed in the intestinal wall, and there is not digested. Its calorie - 0. Promotes removal of toxins and excess cholesterol. Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition there is no chemistry, and microcrystalline cellulose is completely natural. Once in the stomach, it absorbs fluid and swells. It gives a feeling of satiety. It fills a portion of the stomach. In this case, the usual portion of food will have to be reduced, which will eventually contribute to the process of weight loss. Some at first, it seems that they are eating too little, but eventually one becomes accustomed to use the new volumes of food.

Nutritionists recommend to take a supplement at the recommended dosage, or stretch the stomach, causing discomfort. Experts say that the result appears in 3-4 weeks. Weight goes slowly, the volume decreases. Improves the function of the intestine, and the complexion becomes healthy.

Doctors say that such an effect can be achieved by eating fresh fruits and vegetables as well as cereals. They contain a lot of fiber, but have calories that are in the process of weight loss must be considered.

This drug acts as an assistant to the weight reduction. Its maximum effect occur if the low-calorie diet and fitness classes.

MCC "Ankir-B": reviews of slimming

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

This drug has caused a lot of mixed reviews. Some completely satisfied with the result. Note that the additive comprises a natural fiber, perfectly cleans intestines from slags, undigested food and improves digestion. BAA rarely causes adverse reactions, reduces appetite for a while and has a reasonable cost. In a pack of 100 tablets, it is enough for just one course entirely. Many noted that in the process of receiving MCC have reduced the weight of up to 6 - 8 kg per month and has considerably improved the complexion, without a diet and fitness.

MCC "Ankir B" has reviews slimming and negative. These people point out that the tool does not give any result. The disadvantage of the need to consider at a time to drink a large amount of pills and consume a significant amount of fluid. In their words, during the second course of drug works less efficiently than at initial use. Some drug caused stomach discomfort, exacerbation of gastritis, constipation, kidney stones movement.


Price MCC "Ankir-B" ( "Evalar") is around 150-170 rubles. The cost of the drug may vary slightly depending on the point of the pharmacy.


If for some reason the MCC "Ankir-B" did not come, then, to lose weight, you can use other products that act similarly and help reduce weight.

First of all, it's different bran, means "Fiber Cleansing" and "Fiber vitamin Polyana", additives from the series "Siberian Fiber", drugs from the company "Evalar" - "Turboslim".

These and other dietary supplements promote weight loss, but they must be used wisely and only after consultation with your doctor.