10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

• 10 crazy tricks that make hormones to you

On Earth, there is no person whose behavior, and even the very existence, would not it causes the endocrine system. Hormones control our lives, starting all the important processes in the body. From hunger to love, from fear to pride, man - just a puppet in the wake of the invisible host.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

We perfectly remember all the sad or scary moments - the good is often quickly forgotten. The fact that our amygdala during stress releases adrenaline and cortisol, temporarily improving memory. The idea is that it helps a person to stay out of trouble - in practice, gives us extra sleepless nights.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

A sleep debt will have to be given - as a bank, on schedule. Sleep off will not work on the weekends: hormone system has received considerable damage, and will now be restored for several weeks. If you continue to keep the unrighteous lifestyle that ultimately earn obesity and a pair of cardiovascular disease in the bargain.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

Drug users and lovers are experiencing similar feelings: in both cases, the handsome brain releases the same hormones - dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

During World War II, Allied intelligence had planned to spend an amazing special operation against Hitler. It supposed to be added to food the Fuhrer estrogen, to make it less aggressive.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

After a heated argument woman longer retains hype than men. The endocrine system is designed for girls more serious load.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

Do you want to get a tan? Wear sunglasses. Our eyes are very sensitive to bright light - it gives a signal to the pituitary gland to release MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute in Israel found that the smell of women's tears reduces testosterone levels in men.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

In some circumstances, our body is able to convert testosterone into estrogen. In the back of the transformation, for some reason, it does not work. Discrimination!

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

Just one sleepless night can cause insulin resistance - which, for a moment, one of the main causes of diabetes of the second type.

10 crazy tricks that you are doing with hormones

supersaturated information field and the need to maintain daily a large number of contacts very often leads people to a prolonged depression. That's because the endocrine system is not designed for such loads - over time it begins to experience problems with an adequate release of dopamine, insulin and other gomronov the body.