In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

Women's beauty - the concept is very relative. For someone are ideal curvy shape and healthy glow, someone like aristocratic pallor and wasp waist. Ideas about standards of beauty vary according to time, place and culture of life. But despite the apparent popularity of slim figure, there are countries where curvy women has been and remains the standard of beauty.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

The concept of beauty in different cultures at different times

Representation of female beauty are closely related to the culture of the people, their way of life and traditions. Men of ancient Egypt was considered a benchmark slender leggy brunette with small breasts, narrow hips and muscled.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

The ancient Greeks valued trained body, the ideal - masculine athletic Amazon. The Romans worshiped give a rounded shape, light hair and skin. In the Middle Ages the pursuit of external beauty was equated with sin, in women appreciated the humility and obedience. Renaissance brought a fashion for curvy figures and rounded shapes - wide hips, large breasts, barely noticeable belly.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

Change the time of its Rococo idolized full rosy cheeks, double chin, snub-nosed noses and full lips. The twentieth century was marked by frequent changes of ideals of feminine beauty. In the beginning, the leaders were slender, angular brunettes, they were replaced by the ladies in the body, and in the 60s again reigned the fashion for skinny and tall. In today's world standards, though there are, but very vague. Most women still strive to model proportions, but there are countries where, regardless of the general trends in the peak of their popularity are very overweight ladies.

Mauritania, Nauru, Tahiti - as an indication of completeness of fertility and attractiveness

Mauritanians sincerely believe that plump woman is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In this country, there is a tradition of forced feeding. Women forcibly fed, which leads to a set of supply and often to obesity. There is a version that this attitude to food has formed due to the dry climate, which often was a threat to life and health. That is why early childhood girls give hard fat milk and high-calorie food.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

The people of the island of Nauru fullness acts as a guarantor of fertility. It was a woman with a large body mass is here most enviable bride. On hudyshek not even look, considering the excessive slimness developmental disabilities or a sign of inferiority. There is also a version that the mass obese population of the island is due to malnutrition, since the foundation of the diet make products with a long shelf life. The sad thing is that most of the residents suffer from metabolic diseases.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

In Tahiti there was a special ritual - "ha'apori". Its essence was forced fattening of girls. Specially selected power allowed for short term gain fat mass. Then young women leads to the judgment of the leader, he decided, if she is attractive and is capable to the birth of healthy and full of children. Full of women now held in high esteem in Tahiti - wide hips, prominent cheeks and round faces are attracted to men.

In South Africa, the fullness - a sign of health

In several countries of the continent formed sharply negative attitude toward thinness. This played a major role HIV epidemic has spread at the same time among the population. One of the manifestations of the terrible disease has been a sharp decrease in body weight. As a result, excessive orderliness became a symbol of an incurable disease, and men began to subconsciously choose their life partner in women with a curvy shape. Completeness is perceived as a reflection of the health and safely.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

Samoa and Jamaica - the heavier the better

The natives of Samoa, according to scientists, there are objective reasons to be "in the body." Historically, people often suffer from hunger, so their bodies began to work on it to win the systematic malnutrition - accumulate nutrients into body fat. Why plump woman - a phenomenon familiar and attractive girls is estimated based on the parameters of their figures.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

In Jamaica, there is even a reference: the ideal woman should have a weight of 2 times the rate for medical reasons. It is interesting that according to the ideas of local residents thinness may be a sign of poverty. While curvaceous talk about social well-balanced way of life and total safety. Men are seeking to get the cutest "donuts", and girls seeking to gain kilogram of the ideal, offers expert advice and a whole range of medical products.

Fiji, Kuwait, Tonga - a fat woman is a symbol of wealth in the house

The people of Fiji, the weight began to increase rapidly when the island began to receive high-calorie foods. But while people do not aspire to lose weight, because women with large waist and hips are considered a good indicator of prosperity and good health. In the tradition laid down to share food with those in need, therefore, fatness says more about the abundance.

The population of Kuwait sincerely believes that a complete woman - a sign of wealth in the house. Therefore, the quality factor of the mistress of the house, the more successful is a family and himself head of the family. The sad thing is that this approach to the ideals of beauty, more than half of women suffer from obesity and diabetes.

In some countries the standard of beauty is curvy female form

On the island of Tonga situation is very similar. Here, beauty is directly dependent on the physical parameters - height, volume, weight. The larger the woman, the more it is desirable to the opposite sex. For beauty with the most impressive forms of men are willing to even fight. A genetic predisposition to excess weight and fatty foods are the basis of the diet, only supplement existing desire to have a curvy shape.