How does the body warns of heart attack

• How does the body warns of myocardial

Heart attack is a leading cause of death worldwide. Every year more than 700 000 people die just because of heart problems. Worst of all, most of these deaths could have been prevented timely medical intervention. Even more - the usual prevention. Our body warns of impending problems of its main body with special signals. Unfortunately, hardly anyone notices them. We'll tell you about the most important symptoms of a heart attack soon, which will begin in about a month. Take care of yourself.

How does the body warns of heart attack

Stomach pain

Abdominal pain, regardless of whether you eat or not, may signal serious problems. Nausea and bloating sensation also are among the most common symptoms close infarction. Before the heart attack, stomach pain will be short-term and repetitive nature. You feel something like that - call an ambulance immediately.

How does the body warns of heart attack


Shortness of breath and inconsistent start in about 6 months to a heart attack. Many people simply do not notice this warning sign, writing off breathlessness on lack of exercise, or on the contrary, to overwork. Pay attention to your breathing. If for a long time you experience shortness of breath, then at least to the doctor should go.

How does the body warns of heart attack

Hair Loss

Strange but true: the sudden and dramatic hair loss really is an external indication of the high risk of heart disease. Most often this trait occurs in people older than 35 years. Baldness is also associated with increased levels of the hormone cortisol, caused by constant stress. As you know, nothing good can not be expected from the eroded nervous system.

How does the body warns of heart attack

arrhythmia and tachycardia

Perhaps the most obvious sign of fast trouble with the heart. Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or a tachycardia (increased heart rate) is usually accompanied by a sudden panic attack. If the attack is close, then the arrhythmia continues for two to three minutes. Accumulated fatigue, dizzy.

How does the body warns of heart attack

Excessive sweating

Unusual sweating is an early warning of a heart attack. This can happen at any time of the day or night. In addition, you can experience symptoms similar to those that come with the flu up to temperature fluctuations. If in the morning your sheets became moist, although you do not have a cold, it is necessary to consult a doctor.