Confronting the Vikings, the Romans: who the winner

• Confrontation Vikings, Romans: who the winner is

Any boy from childhood was interesting to organize a battle of armies, who have never had even the possibility to join the battle. Ninja vs Spartans Greek phalanx in the cavalry of the Huns - here we decided to indulge your imagination and prove convincingly defeated if fearless berserk Viking disciplined Roman legionary, or not.

Confronting the Vikings, the Romans: who the winner


The victory of the Romans

Most of the warriors of the Vikings had in its arsenal of battle-ax and spear. Dear swords could afford only the leaders and members of the nobility. As armor often used braided belt, fleeing the leg and forearm. Armament Roman legionary was standardized: a fighter equipped with the short gladius, spear and throwing darts. Each soldier had a helmet and a pretty good armor. In addition, the Romans panels covered nearly all of the body, while the Viking shields were more compact.

Confronting the Vikings, the Romans: who the winner


The victory of the Romans

The famous "turtle" Roman legionnaires was virtually invulnerable monster of steel on the battlefield. Even the superior forces of the enemy had nothing to oppose to the professional soldiers who knew how to accurately and mercilessly strike spears of shield wall. In the battle tactics of the Vikings also have a battle at close formation under the cover shields, but their method was much less effective.

Confronting the Vikings, the Romans: who the winner


Victory: Vikings

Some historians believe the first Viking pirates. In fact, in navigation they reached considerable success. Long Drakkar were perfectly adapted for deep and coastal waters. Viking Ship Maneuverability also remained at a good level, while the Court of the Roman Navy relied heavily on the ram blow his nose and could not provide decent resistance to fast, maneuverable ship.

Confronting the Vikings, the Romans: who the winner


By and large, in the battle he had to defeat a Roman legionary. He was better equipped, professionally trained, often had a long history of service - and thus participated in many battles. Nevertheless, a single battle almost certainly would have remained of the barbarian Viking: fearless pirates were known for ferocity in battle and did not know restraint. Summing up we can say that in the position of one-on-one, we prefer the Vikings, but large-scale battles set, yet, on the Roman legionaries.